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HHN 2015: AVP: Alien vs. Predator


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From Murdy: There will be some small tweeks, but overall the same maze as last year. 

Well, at least it's one of my favorite mazes EVER. So I can't complain too much.

I actually feel most excited for the new soundtrack in this maze. The way he describes it makes it sound absolutely perfect. Alien and The Shining are some of my favorite horror soundtracks ever because of how eerie they are.

Ooooooh, at least that's SOMETHING.

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They did not choose a good day to announce this one lol. 

You mean because of the D23 stuff? My FB post announcing Star Wars Land has dozens of likes. My AVP post currently has... 0 bahahaha

I think it's bullshit that to have a  house with cool special effects and costumes, it need to be featured twice

I think it's understandable. It just comes in a long string of repeats that makes this a bit of a hard hit. If the other 5 mazes were BRAND NEW, this would've been a welcome repeat, IMO.

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The repeat is slightly justifiable. We wouldn't have had the awesome maze we had last year if we didn't get it this year. And it's still gonna be an awesome maze but it is familiar to those who saw it last year. 

Im just looking at it with an optimistic perspective (this event is one of the few things I'm optimistic about every year)

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I will admit, I'm a bit sad about the repeat, but the AvP maze was definitely one of the top mazes for my friend and I. So I think it'll be fun to go another round with this maze. 

I feel the same way it was a really great maze if it was a let down by it last year then I would of been pist about it, but after Halloween rehash and Jabawokeez I'm more like...



At least it was a extremely well done maze...could be worse.

The repeat is slightly justifiable. We wouldn't have had the awesome maze we had last year if we didn't get it this year. And it's still gonna be an awesome maze but it is familiar to those who saw it last year. 

Im just looking at it with an optimistic perspective (this event is one of the few things I'm optimistic about every year)

I give Murdy points for being real with us and say "No reason to repeat this but it was too expensive not to do again".

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Least anticipated maze and probably going to be the worst of the event imo, last year it had a few scares but was just really cool, the cool factor would have worn off by now and won't be anything special, also someone should start the house anticipation thread or wait until everything's announced and include scarezones, can't remember how we did it last year and am too lazy too look right now 

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