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2014 handout


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Every year I hand out something. In the past I would do a special button of the ICONS. After the icons were no more I did one of Silent Hill. Last year I handed out a severed ear on a string.

However this year, I'm out of ears to hand out and am full steam ahead on my own home haunt. So I haven't had time. HOWEVER, I have made some hoodoo chicken feet for my haunt and have a surplus of about 10 feet that I could probably dress out as well. Which fits with the Bayou of blood SZ.

Would people be interested in this? Keep in mind I am not a voodoo/hoodoo practioner so if you believe in these sort of things (which I don't) they aren't actual hoodoo charms but merely a decoration. Also they are painted so it's not like plain dehydrated raw chicken (even though they often are just that).

Anyway let me know what you think, If enough people would be interested I see if I can bring a few. I will probably only be going the first two Fridays this year so I don't have as much time to hand them out.

This is an example of one painted. this is before the feathers, beads , and what not are added.


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So I had six all painted up ready to add the accouterments. walked out of the room literally to wash my brush and back in... maybe 2 min.

The dog had jumped up on the table eaten them without a trace... paint and all.

Luckily there are 12 more in the pack so gotta dehydrate them. BUT I should be able to make six by Friday.

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