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The 2014 HHNH Event Creation Competition: Round 1

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Event #1 review: behemothman08's Ripped From the Silver Screen 2014

1. Creativity: 10

As awesome as your website was, I really had a lot of mixed feelings with the overall creativity and originality of your event. While I liked the idea of pitting the two Orlando icons against each other with a kind of "Versus" theme, I don't think that the Icons in your event have that much chemistry together. Sure, both have Hollywood movie-themed motifs but Paulo Ravinski is a serial killer/snuff filmmaker while Julian Browning is a vengeful ghost... I just don't see how that goes together :/

It really didn't help that the Scarezones and some of the mazes were recycled from previous events.

2. Originality: 4

I liked the fact that the event features two Icons and the idea behind the Terror Tram, but the rest of it felt like it's something we've seen before.

3. Theme: 6

I liked how the entire theme is movie-central (with the exception of AC and the Scarezones) and as mentioned before I liked how you chose the Usher and the Director to be the Icons. I just think the story and concept needed more development.

4. Mazes: 10

I was glad that the Wolfman and Evil Dead got the treatment they deserved, so kudos for that. Plus The Fog could make an interesting maze. My main issues with the mazes is that we've already seen Alice Cooper and Walking Dead a gazillion times already. Silver Screams and All-Nite Die In are almost too similar to each other to be in the same event (aren't both like a collage of Horror Film scenes in one maze, right?).

5. Shows: 8

Although I was looking for new shows I'll give you an 8 for reviving the Insult Emporium. I docked only 2 points from you for including Slaughterworld, because that show was canceled due to noise complaints.

6. Scarezones: 2

Meh... at least there's one new scarezone.

7. Terror Tram: 10

I liked the idea of the Tram because of it involves two completely different elements: the Supernatural Horror provided by the Usher and the Slasher/Real Horror from the Director. I don't know how the Director can fight/kill the Usher considering that he's a ghost, but whatever the concept is kinda cool :)

Total points: 50/100

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Creativity 15 points
Great use of IP’s and mimicking the event as if I was reading about an upcoming event on the HHN’s website! The Terror Tram “versus” concept is intriguing and the tease was enough to wanting more detail in the attraction.

Originality 7 points
For the most part the event overview was a paint-by-the numbers type of description and centered on previous icons and attractions. Safe, but I did not mind as I wish to read something that resembles a realistic HHN event, as opposed to fan fiction. It feels like it is a true continuation of what normally occurs at HHN.

Theme 8 points
Excellent use (and not overuse!) of the Silver Screens theme and related icons. I liked that not every attraction had to be connected to the main theme. Once again, realistic theming of the event.

Mazes 18 points
High marks for completing the Alice Cooper trilogy and including John Carpenter’s “The Fog”. I would love to see Universal develop an attraction for this specific property.

Shows 6 points
Let’s thin out the crowds a bit and allow for three (or more) shows or other forms of entertainment! You were thoughtful about using Slaughterworld and it seems a shame that the show has never returned since the venue is not used during HHN. Otherwise, this is where I think some originally could have shone through for your event. It seems that with all the focus on IP’s and building a solid base for the event, the shows are a chance to use imagination.

Scarezones 12 points
A reasonable mix of familiar themes and properties. I like how the park starts right off with the theme of the event (Silver Screen) and does not appear to be your standard chainsaw frightfest. Also, I can appreciate the classic feel of Old London. Did I read that you have Freakz teaming up with Cirque Du Klownz?! If not, then it should be…ha ha!

Terror Tram 10 points
I feel that this is where Round 1 does each of your events a disservice. I love the premise of your terror tram and hunkering for more detail. Since I started attending HHN in 2009, I missed out on everything related to The Director and The Usher. After reading past reviews and descriptions of these characters, I like how your event has qualities from both Hollywood and Orlando.

Total 76

I loved the website, Behemothman. The mobile version works great!

Edited by AsylumSB
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Creativity 17 points
Bold use of a great icon and intricate connection of artifacts to HHN attractions. The narrative alone combines good fiction with the premise of what is occurring at Halloween Horror Nights.

Originality 8 points
Ridesandstuff, your event feels like something that would have taken place at HHN Orlando quite a few years ago. While I have not been to Orlando (going this year…yay!), I have been able to follow the event for many years. Based on your entry, it feels like you could have been part of the creative team for the east coast! Still, I want to feel as if I am attending an event that could be occurring this year. This teeters on fan fiction (although we know HHN could be more creative).

Theme 8 points.
Thoughtful, dreamlike (nightmare?) theme. If you move on to another round, I think visitors should receive a map/pamphlet that includes the background to the theme so that they can fully immerse themselves while enjoying the event.

Mazes 17 points
Solid IP’s but I think there should have been at least one more to counter the original mazes (that were excellent by the way). A big standout maze was the Frightvision House, interesting use of lighting.

Shows 6 points
Again, I believe Round 1 limits the ability to provide enough detail to clearly understand an attraction. Is The Oracle part scarezone, part show?

Scarezones 14 points
Wow, just awesome. Nuff said!

Terror Tram 10 points
By the time we get to Terror Tram, it seems like the motivation has been sucked out of us. (I know, when I enter this competition a few years ago, I was like…oh just get TT completed so I can submit the darn thing). Or, it could simply be the fault of Round 1 expectations. I would like to have read a little more about what I might encounter while enjoying your Terror Tram.

Total 80

Great job, Ridesandstuff!

Edited by AsylumSB
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Creativity 17 points
Creepy event, Mr. HHN! From Satan to real life serial killers to ominous IP’s, you definitely brought the horror! Hee Hee.

Originality 6 points
I don’t think that you garnered much originality with each individual attraction but the overall theme has an original feel to it.

Theme 8 points
Most of the attractions has that “end of days” feel mired with dread. Overall, I thought you did a good job with creating an epic event that had a combined apocalyptic vision.

Mazes 18 points
Good overall description for each maze. It appears that this is the strength of your entry. I can see this as a realistic attraction description on the Universal website for HHN! Smart use of the 747 Soundstage for a possibly large Resident Evil attraction. Aaannnd….I appreciate the love for House of Horrors. Great theme. I can envision a conversion of the laboratory room into some sort of bigtop environment.

Shows 7 points
The return of Slaughterworld…..we can only hope! Hee Hee. Nice description for this particular show.

Scarezones 13 points
Very strong entry (just like your mazes). I can envision the initial scarezone as an attraction that inspires the event to start off strong.

Terror Tram 12 points
Great description for your vision of Terror Tram. I received enough detail for what the attraction might include but definitely left wanting more (for the right reasons!).

Total 81

I enjoyed reading your event, Mr. HHN!

Edited by AsylumSB
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