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HHN 2013 Event Photos and Videos


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I saw a few Nightmares/Universal people taking pictures around San Francisco and Disaster this weekend. If you did, please feel free to share! A lot of us Walkers would appreciate it. We're not on the event map, so most people don't realize that we're back there (unless they've gone through Havoc).

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Time for more pictures.

PA040402 by SGTkiller!

PA040329 by SGTkiller!

P1010400 by SGTkiller!

DSCF5063 by SGTkiller!

PA040361 by SGTkiller!

PA040362 by SGTkiller!

This guy looks a hell of a lot like Ash Williams.

DSCF5069 by SGTkiller!

Just looked at this photo of my mother and had to post it. I was taking one of the lady with the rat, My mom just happen to be in the shot.

P1010429 by SGTkiller!

Edited by Doctor Cogstein
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I have posted my pix from my trip on 10.10.2013... They're all in this album:


That includes everything except the ones that were pictures of ... my thumb. A few of them are blurry but I LIKE EM SO THERE. :D

Here are my ten favorite:


Caveat: I used the camera on my phone...... I have pix from my last visit on a camera somewhere in the vortex that is my girlfriend.

EDIT: AND THE LABYRINTH REVEALS - my photos from 9/29. I guess I only took 14 of them. I'm not gonna top 10 that:P


Edited by marchofprogress
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