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HHN 2013: Terror Tram: Walking Dead


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It could still be in the same area of the backlot as the maze (NY area), but two seperate attractions and queue lines...

If terror tram is in its regular location how are they going to get people to the backlot maze?

The Kong loading area they used a few years back is now a maze.

OK...I guess I was wrong. Murdy said via Twitter today that he is also the voice of mother bates at the Psycho house for this years event. I am really bummed out we are getting the same ol, getting worse every year, terror tram. Something that started off really cool in 2006/2007 has become a boring, predictable, randomly themed, repeat every year. I was really hopeful of a truly reimagined experience. I am now starting to think that the big tent by NY street on the backlot will house two mazes and that will be the last unknown maze location. No Soundstage. I am still hopeful.

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I hate to be the pessimist here, but with the Terror Tram being in the same location as usual, I really have doubts about the Terror Tram. The last three years they've done it, it has NEVER been a high priority. I want to hope for the best and that they will add some things to make it better, but I'm going to guess that this will be just another half-heartedly done theme just to soak in people. I am at the point to where I just have no expectation for the tram anymore. Surprise me John. Please. Prove me wrong and make the Terror Tram something interesting again, PLEASE.

You know what they should've done? Drop us off at the Chicken Ranch house and use that as Hershal's farm to start off with. Take us down the loooong dirt path past the house and use the abandoned tram stop and theme it to Woodburry. I can't imagine the ranch being used for production this Fall and that's what they should've done.

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One thing that gives me some hope is mentions of using TWD scenery in the TT. If the theories about AMC bankrolling everything TWD related are true, this could mean some cool stuff to see along the way besides some generic zombie hike.

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Remember how people (not gonna name names to be fair) were complaining about the scareactors who were walker did'nt walk and were moving too fast....Im rewatching the series to refresh myself for HHN and season 4 and I just notice something in the first few epsiodes in season one the walkers were sprinting or to be exact moving kinda fast and in the second episode when Rick and Glenn are wearing the guts trying to get to a truck a Walker litteraly jumped a fence. So I guess that settles that.

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Walking Dead:

For the record, this is one of my favorite shows. I have read every chapter of the graphic novels, as well as Rise of the Governor. I know the Walking Dead. And Senator, these were not Walkers...

Orlando has done some spectacular Zombie houses in the past. Deadtropolis and Zombiegeddon. The latter was a humorous house that is still a huge fan favorite. In those houses, the zombies did no behave like Walkers. Why should they? We know zombies come in all personalities Some are slow. Others run. Some even show intelligence. Sine there were no preconceived "rules" for the zombies in Deadtropolis or Zombiegeddon, who is to say they are not "behaving properly"? I was immersed i whatever world the creators made and I loved it.

But when you rent the Walking Dead IP, by God, your zombies need to behave in a certain way. That's one thing I hate about IP. Your walkers can only do one thing, or else they are not walkers. So, imagine my utter shock when I walked through each of these houses and heard walkers growl, breathe in my ear, bark, and even cat-call. They lunged out lightning quick just like any other scarector, and then reset in a non-walker fashion. Outside in the streets, I saw a walker carrying a leg slung over his shoulder like a baseball bat. His "walker scare" was to grab the leg and half swing it at you. Can anyone point me to the episode where a walker uses a weapon? I'd really be interested in seeing that one.

I don't want to hear that I'm nitpicking. These scareactors should have immediately been removed from their post and asked to watch a WD marathon or not return. We all know that talent makes or breaks a house. These bozos broke it.

that was just one of his complaints that they growled and made noises, lunged out fast and were quick, and that they could use weapon or tools BTW all of these were proven to be the case whithin the first 2 episodes of the series. The Walkers make this weird cat-like growls and hissing, like I said they litteraly chased Rick and Glenn down a street and one even jumped a fence, and the Walkers used a rock to break a glass door.

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Yeah...Walkers growl. Walkers don't reset but they do growl...but then again I think there's literally nothing that would "reset" like a scareactor would.

EDIT: Oh yeah, it was that guy who hated IPs and was sure that they would be the downfall of HHN.

Edited by ferox
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Don't you know the story of La Llorona? She finds children, menaces for a second, and then goes back from where she came from. What do these people honestly expect?

haha I just got an image or La Llorona coming out of a kid's closet going "oooooooooooooo mi hijos" going quite just staring at the kid then going back into the closet lol

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