Monday the standby line for Bride went along the edge of the Plaza of the Stars straight into the sound stage. Zero stopping or waiting to get in. For Fairy it went from the Tribute Store, around the corner and straight in to the stage. 10 minute wait for express pass holders to filter in. As far as I can tell express is only for premiere pass holders. The HHN hype is dead for the general park guests. I saw people come to the line and turn around the second they heard it wasn't a house. I saw one group of people walk all the way to the end of the line, look in the house, and turn around to leave. Didn't even want to try it. Even the Tribute Store was dead and empty most of the day. The Skeleton Bar had ZERO people in it.
Edit: This was 2-5pm Monday on a holiday weekend.
The lighting and cast improvements for the houses are outstanding and with the pulsing these are the best HHN houses I've never experienced. I'm really afraid this is going to put the brakes on further HHN events, but I am wildly speculating here.