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happy bunny rabbit

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Everything posted by happy bunny rabbit

  1. how is this referencing it? sorry haven't read the novel or seen the miniseries
  2. Um, why? the purge was only in this house cuz we lost ouija rights, and happy death day would be a year old by then, wtf?
  3. same but it'll probably never happen unless bioshock 4 is both horror (not what Infinite was about) and reeeeaaaally popular
  4. for silence of the lambs: prison scene possibly younger hannibal murdering people scene hannibal's escape with dead police officers the ambulance with hannibal jumping out buffalo bill dark scene finally a scene at the island or an airport with hannibal jumping out buffalo bill murdering people and skinning people interlaid throughout these, I think it would be really dope
  5. lol this is an old post but these movies are like the sickest movies with iconic characters ever how could you say that
  6. Does anyone know how to get good pics of the maps per year online, I've been collecting them to study location trends of houses and SZs
  7. Silence of the Lambs anyone? seems like it could be the "white whale" they're chasing. I think it fits in with the timeless feeling of Exorcist and Shining, would bring in a ton of people
  8. WARNING: THIS REVIEW WAS WRITTEN BY A YOUNGER BUNNY AND HAS A NOTICEABLY WORSE AND MUCH MORE IMMATURE WRITING STYLE THAN CURRENT BUNNY. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Had a great time this year. House Reviews #1 American Horror Story Volume 2 This house was just a joy to go through every time. I'm a huge fan of the show and it was done so well this year, with so many creative and different scares and great set design, loved the facade as well and the creative uses of smells (although I always felt hungry at the end ) the main reason this is above scarecrow is because I felt this had more soul and spirit than scarecrow, and aren't souls and spirits what halloween's all about? #2 Scarecrow: The Reaping Definitely the scariest house this year, this is just a damn great original house. An original idea with great atmosphere and a fucking badass facade. Although it was an original house, it manages to create a memorable ass icon! pig boi scares the shit out of me with his dope ass ripping noises, although I'm not sure how original this character is, as there are at least 3 other pig men at the event. The costume design and atmosphere matched with some badass sounds really make this the spookiest, although I have two criticisms. While it scared the shit out of me, I had absolutely NO idea what was going on in the so called "crow attack" room, I just assumed it was air cannons galore and it really confused me. Also the final room sucks. #3 Saw: The Games of Jigsaw It seems like most people really didn't like this one, but I had a great time every time I went through. While it wasn't the most creative house of all time, with generic oh look its a hole wow the pig came out, some of the scares were really well crafted, like how the guy from the first movie would come out on your right, sending you across the bathroom to the left, then the pig fucker comes out with his knife from the left! really gets ya bouncin. I loved fucking with my friends with the GATs. Another thing I got from this house that I didn't really expect was a really nice atmosphere. I've never seen a Saw film all the way through, and while it doesn't have a facade, the house immediately has some kinda cool atmosphere with the puppet coming down menacingly towards you, and then the laughs getting louder and louder. While the people being tortured weren't at all scary to me, it really built a cool feeling that you were in a torture maze, and you were the audience for some really insane stuff, a la hair pulling. Another highlight for the event was my friend getting sooo spooked by the last pig, he threw me at my friend and out of the house. (edit: I watched all the saw movies and jigsaw and it made me love this house even more, like oml the pound of flesh trap was actually like physically the way it was in the movie, still don't get why people dislike this one so much.) #4 The Fallen I'll admit that on my first run I hated this house. I thought it was a waste of space. However, after further runs, I noticed some really damn creative scares that has just been mistimed before. A guy sticks his hand through a corpse, a guy coughs, then you turn the corner and he vomits on you, and people fuckin fly. OK just to make it clear tho, Busch Gardens does the bungee scares WAY better than that one. This house has a fucking dope ass hellish atmosphere, with my second favorite facade of the event. I also really appreciate the costume design, especially the blacksmith demons, that's probably the closest thing I'll ever get to DOOM. Really cool ideas in this house, just not always executed on time by the actors. #5 The Hive Didn't have the highest expectations for this house, that was confirmed mentally by the fucking trading card on the front of the tent and no scares for the opening rooms, but after I went through it, it completely surpassed my expectations of what a vampire house could be. The makeup is so dope! I can't stop admiring the prosthetic work on some of the actors, with their colored contacts. Mostly stupid scares consisting of a guy just coming around a corner, but a couple really creative ideas including the triple scare and the bad fucking ass Nosferatu sequence. The actors really made this house for me, and I had the pleasure of going through it at a slow time with just my mom and me, got to spook her on every scare. The reason it's lower than the Fallen is it doesn't have as cool of an atmosphere and has mostly dumb scares. Also, you can definitely tell it had to be changed last minute, with no facade and some rooms with no scares, a really shitty last scare and uhhh a dark room with lights for the last room? #6 Dead Waters With the best facade I've ever seen, (I didn't do exorcist last year though) and some cool opening scares, it really gets you pumped up for a good ass time. Sadly, I feel it kinda lets down on the scares while being really charming and beautiful. It has a couple empty hallways that break up the action, and -ugh- a couple of the opening costumes are so obviously reused masks from last years' Dead Man's Wharf scarezone. Another one with mostly unoriginal scares, it does have a cool forest sequence that scares the shit out of me every time I go through it. This house is my favorite house to look at, would love to do a tour of it without actors. #7 The Shining This was definitely my most anticipated house as the Kubrick film is probably my fav horror film, but damn. damn damn damn. They really kinda fucked up. Ok so the first time I went through this house and I saw the hedge maze I was like "oh fuck yes," went through the first few hallways like, ok... that was cool I guess? but as soon as I stepped in the lobby, all of my fears about this movie kicked back in, and Jack swinging his axe at me made my scream like I don't often scream in these houses. After that, everything fucking got me soooo good because it was like living a nightmare. When I saw the bear rush back into its boo-hole in front of me I screamed to my friends "OH MY GOD DID YOU GUYS SEE THAT? THE BEAR THE BEAR!!!!," and it came out and scared the living shit out of me. I came out of the house thinking this was the best house I had ever been in. Sadly, on further runs, it became apparent to me that it was not. Okay, so first, it doesn't fit the movie very well at all. I liked the Hollywood interpretation of all the pages and I don't know why we couldn't had at least SOME interpretation of Jack's madness, as it is such a huge part of the story. The scares aren't very creative, with hallways people walk out of and swing axes from, with one exception being the gold room scene, which I LOVE. I just wish they could've made a house about one of the most unique horror movies of all time more than just simple boo-holes. The atmosphere is pretty cool though, just needs less LED screens overlayed on top of paintings, two too many. #8 The Horrors of Blumhouse This was one I watched a LOT of movies for. Alas, I feel it was a waste, as this house had quite a bit of - not even scares - dummies? from the new Insidious. I actually enjoyed the Sinister sequence, although it could've been more fleshed out I thought it was well done and the first room has a cool atmosphere. the Purge section is ass, and I would have MUCH more wanted that ouija thing, then I wouldn't have watched that shitty purge movie. However, once you get to insidious, it actually gets pretty cool, with a dope bride in black jump and a really fuckin scary hallway involving a demon and a little girl. THE LIPSTICK FACE DEMON'S WORKSHOP IS SO COOL, really enjoyed that scare, followed by a lil reference to Chapter 2 with the "dont you dare." After this however, it kinda goes to shit, with a stupid curtain room, a really stupid and confusing electric chair room, and finishing off with an alright hallway clusterfuck that I mistimed on so many times despite going through this house consecutively multiple times. Very few creative scares, and rare but when present awesome atmosphere. Where's Insidious 3? Where's Creep? Where's Get Out? Where's a quick little jump into silence with the Hush dude spookin ya? wasted potential, hoping for a better volume 2. At least the cast was good in my experience. #9 Ash vs Evil Dead *sigh* my 2nd most anticipated house, this really wasn't great. The Cast had energy, they tried, and the house is decent, just it doesn't stack up the the rest of this year's lineup. Ok Ash's lines suck, making stupid jokes only middle schoolers would think are edgy. The scares are surprisingly barren, with seemingly endless empty hallways. However, when the scares actually happen, they're generic boo-holes. Also prevalent in this house is just screaming people? not scary. The Deadites are cool when they are around though. My absolute favorite thing about this house, and the reason I came to it multiple times at all is that fucking amazing feeling of going from a cool severed head scare, to a chill point where you can admire that you're going in the fucking cabin, Ash popping out and all. That makes this house amazing for me, as I'm a huge Evil Dead fan. Also love the shed scene. At the end there's a stupid hallway of endless random creatures from Evil Dead, with a henrietta I didn't realize was henrietta until talking about it with a friend. CMON HOLLYWOOD GOT A FULL ON EVIL DEAD 2 BASEMENT SCENE WITH ACTUAL HENRIETTA LOOKING HENRIETTA AND LOOOONG NECK HENRIETTA. that pisses me off and puts this house at the bottom of my list. Do an OG "The Evil Dead" house tho pleaseeee hhn I will love you forever. Scare Zone Reviews #1 The Purge WAIT I GET IT, Purge has been done so many times at this event that people are getting sick of it! I understand, I really dislike unoriginality, but I got two things out of this scarezone that I don't think I got as well at any of the other zones: atmosphere, and fun. Holy shit, like I get that it's mainly because this is in NY and has all the space, but it really legitimately feels like you're in the situation of the films, this giant ass truck driving around, cars all fucked up and lit up, really cool shit. The executions are pretty lame to watch, but walking through the zone with it just casually going on feels so macabre and awesome. The cast in this zone was super fun as well, they were runnin around, standing still bein creepy and all that, and I love the survivor people that pretty much look like real people so they can go under your radar until they're screaming in your face, I'll admit I got scared good a few times by them. Because this zone has so much space, it gives the opportunity to have better atmosphere, and they don't have to be dicks about pictures because they don't have recognizable characters at the front of the fucking park, looking at YOU Altars of Horror. And if y'all really hate the Purge so much, just look at it this way: when they have popular movies at the park, more people come because "omg I love twd" "omg that purge movie was the best" so they come and give Uni their money, which lets us get higher budget houses for the shit that we care about. Put up with a purger to get a dope ass facade for an original, that type of thing. #2 Festival of the Deadliest Meh. This was meh. The costumes were pretty cool, but eh. A couple actors were going at it, but others, meh. I felt it was just kinda piles of bones all around, so didn't really get any atmosphere, and the stripper poles, what? why? I have this above Altars because I felt the cast was better and it had more space to have cool shit like stilt walkers. I had what I think was my favorite moment of this year in this zone, alright here goes: My group had just gotten out of AvED and wanted to go on ahs one last time, but as we check our phones it was 7 minutes to closing. We decided to book it and ran as fast as we physically could through Trick 'r Treat, pretty low energy in there, meh. As soon as we get into the festival, however, my friend passed me up and ran way ahead of me. What then ensued was magical. As it was minutes to close, there was no one but us and the actors in the zone, and they saw us coming. Bones was up on stilts and the sight of just him and the other stilt walkers threateningly staring at me as I ran toward them felt like I was in a movie. Bones thrust his scythe at my friend, who dodged to the right and took off, and then swung it down at me, I don't know how he didn't hit me, I was going so fast. I was getting tired and slowed down a bit. Bad idea. A jock looking type with a skeleton face came up to me with a knife and my instincts kicked in. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, and when I looked behind me, he was matching me speed, swinging his knife at me. I don't know what I did to deserve this cinematic experience, but it was amazing. We did make it to AHS for another run btw . #3 Altars of Horror Yeeeeaaaah this was as I've heard it described, "tired actors on break from the houses," but it was still really cool to see these recognizable characters at the front of the park, welcoming you. There was no sets, but still had a cool atmosphere with the costumes alone. Got some good scares in here, and had a nice moment where I ran away from the Sinister guy and he peeked his head around a corner and did the shhhh thing, good shit. The main issue with this one for me was the location. It's so small! idk if there's ever been a really good scarezone here because its so dang small. Also if you're gonna have recognizable characters at the front of the damn park, people are gonna try to take pictures. Just don't put this zone at the front of the park, put it in hollywood where we could have actual original sets. Too late now I suppose. #4 Trick 'r Treat uhhh people are gonna be mad at me, but uhhh nope. did not like this one bit. Atmosphere was fine, but having most of it fenced off kinda defeats the purpose. Costumes were true to the movie, this whole zone was, but that doesn't mean they looked cool or were scary. Really, shakers? I'm just not scared of literal children with maracas. #5 Invasion! noooooo I was excited at this one! I like alien shit and thought it would be cool. Too little space, though. They made the UFO too big and then had it fenced off by obvious fence, lame. The costumes were alright but I wish I couldn't see the eyes of the green guys, and the other too were too immobile to get scares. They had the survivors in here, too, but because of less space and maybe other factors, I never saw them scare one person. Would like to see this tried again with a house maybe, love the concept. Show Revi-SIKE! #0 SECRET OPTION CLOWNS idk why they still call this a roaming horde, they just stay in this same place the whole night but DAMN, I love this zone. Cast was the best anywhere in the park, creative scares from bushes, Fantastic costumes, a FUCKING CIRCLE OF CHAINSAWS THAT ALL GO OFF AT ONCE. C'mon use some of that purge money and give the "roaming" horde some set pieces, it's a great space with tons of scare potential. Best zone of the year award baby! Show Reviews for real #1 Academy of Villains: Afterlife never seen it, but looks like fun and brings people away from the houses mwahaha #2 Bill and Ted's Excellent Halloween Adventure: The Farewell Tour actually saw this one, and it was unfunny, awkward, and terrible. I love the source material and the concept, but universal comedy is not my thing, good riddance. Overall a great year with great houses, and good zones, I'm glad this is the first year I've gone more than once, I barely remember 26 at all but I have so many memories of this year, here's to SIlence of the Lambs at 28!
  9. duuuuude idk why people saying IT's not gonna be here next year, the movie has so many varied scares and a iconic monster so it's great for a house, theres a damn haunted house in the movie, also it kinda made 671.7 million at the box office and is hyped to shit so Universal better suck the shit out of this movies dick it will make them SOOOO much money
  10. the way hollywood does it, one season. how you ask? clowns. CLOOOOOWNS
  11. it was originally ouija, its REALLY obvious if you know the movie well
  12. yeah really wtf i mean there were some.....white demons? good and evil my ass
  13. I've never personally gone but I've heard it's pretty good for people into choreography, personally I'm happy because it draws crowds away from the houses
  14. personally I've only experienced purge this year but I kinda like the atmosphere of the SZ and is it really that big of a deal that a couple actors are in the opening SZ? It brings in crowds cuz popular IP and higher crowds give HHN a higher budget so I can't complain kinda, I see a lot of people TRYING to get photos because its fucking recognizable characters right in one of the most crowded places of the park but the actors are kinda dicks about it, honestly I've seen every other scarezone be more lenient with stopping and taking pics
  15. what about 25 did you like so much better than this year and last year?
  16. Had a great time this year. 1. AHS - This house was just a joy to go through every time. I'm a huge fan of the show and it was done so well this year, with so many creative and different scares and great set design, loved the facade as well and the creative uses of smells (although I always felt hungry at the end ) the main reason this is above scarecrow is because I felt this had more soul and spirit than scarecrow, and aren't souls and spirits what halloween's all about? 2. Scarecrow: The Reaping - Definitely the scariest house this year, this is just a damn great original house. An original idea with great atmosphere and a fucking badass facade. Although it was an original house, it manages to create a memorable ass icon! pig boi scares the shit out of me with his dope ass ripping noises, although I'm not sure how original this character is, as there are at least 3 other pig men at the event. The costume design and atmosphere matched with some badass sounds really make this the sp00kiest, although I have two criticisms. While it scared the shit out of me, I had absolutely NO idea what the fuck was going on in the so called "crow attack" room, I just assumed it was air cannons galore and it really confused me. Also the final room sucks. 3. Saw: The Games of Jigsaw - It seems like most people really didn't like this one, but I had a great time every time I went through. While it wasn't the most creative house of all time, with generic oh look its a hole wow the pig came out, some of the scares were really well crafted, like how the guy from the first movie would come out on your right, sending you across the bathroom to the left, then the pig fucker comes out with his knife from the left! really gets ya bouncin. I loved fucking with my friends with the GATs. Another thing I got from this house that I didn't really expect was a really nice atmosphere. I've never seen a Saw film all the way through, and while it doesn't have a facade, the house immediately has some kinda cool atmosphere with the puppet coming down menacingly towards you, and then the laughs getting louder and louder. While the people being tortured weren't at all scary to me, it really built a cool feeling that you were in a torture maze, and you were the audience for some really insane stuff, a la hair pulling. Another highlight for the event was my friend getting sooo spooked by the last jigsaw, he threw me at my friend and out of the house. 4. The Fallen - I'll admit that on my first run I hated this house. I thought it was a waste of space. However, after further runs, I noticed some really damn creative scares that has just been mistimed before. A guy sticks his hand through a corpse, a guy coughs, then you turn the corner and he vomits on you, and people fuckin fly. OK just to make it clear tho, busch gardens does the bungee scares WAY better than that one. This house has a fucking dope ass hellish atmosphere, with my second favorite facade of the event. I also really appreciate the costume design, especially the blacksmith demons, that's probably the closest thing I'll ever get to DOOM. Really cool ideas in this house, just not always executed on time by the actors. 5. The Hive - Didn't have the highest expectations for this house, that was confirmed mentally by the fucking trading card on the front of the tent and no scares for the opening rooms, but after I went through it, it completely surpassed my expectations of what a vampire house could be. The makeup is so dope! I can't stop admiring the prosthetic work on some of the actors, with their colored contacts. Mostly stupid scares consisting of a guy just coming around a corner, but a couple really creative ideas including the triple scare and the bad fucking ass nosferatu sequence. The actors really made this house for me, and I had the pleasure of going through it at a slow time with just my mom and me, got to spook her on every scare. The reason it's lower than the Fallen is it doesn't have as cool of an atmosphere and has mostly dumb scares. Also, you can definitely tell it had to be changed last minute, with no facade and some rooms with no scares, a really shitty last scare and uhhh a dark room with lights for the last room? 6. The Shining - This was definitely my most anticipated house as the Kubrick film is probably my fav horror film, but damn. damn damn damn. They really kinda fucked up. Ok so the first time I went through this house and I saw the hedge maze I was like "oh fuck yes," went through the first few hallways like, ok... that was cool I guess? but as soon as I stepped in the lobby, all of my fears about this movie kicked back in, and Jack swinging his axe at me made my scream like I don't often scream in these houses. After that, everything fucking got me soooo good because it was like living a nightmare. When I saw the bear rush back into its boohole in front of me I screamed to my friends "OH MY GOD DID YOU GUYS SEE THAT? THE BEAR THE BEAR!!!!," and it came out and scared the living shit out of me. I came out of the house thinking this was the best house I had ever been in. Sadly, on further runs, it became apparent to me that it was not. Okay, so first, it doesn't fit the movie very well at all. I liked the Hollywood interpretation of all the pages and I don't know why we couldn't had at least SOME interpretation of Jack's madness, as it is such a huge part of the story. The scares aren't very creative, with hallways people walk out of and swing axes from, with one exeption being the gold room scene, which I LOVE. I just wish they could've made a house about one of the most unique horror movies of all time, not just boo-holes. The atmosphere is pretty cool though, just needs less LED screens overlayed on top of paintings, two too many. 7. Dead Waters - With the best facade I've ever seen, (I didn't do exorcist last year though) and some cool opening scares, it really gets you pumped up for a good ass time. Sadly, I feel it kinda lets down on the scares while being really charming and beautiful. It has a couple empty hallways that break up the action, and -ugh- a couple of the opening costumes are so obviously reused masks from last years' Dead Man's Wharf scarezone. Another one with mostly unoriginal scares, it does have a cool forest sequence that scares the shit out of me every time I go through it. This house is my favorite house to look at, would love to do a tour of it without actors. Mostly under Shining cuz of bias. 8. The Horrors of Blumhouse - This was one I watched a LOT of movies for. Alas, I feel it was a waste, as this house had quite a bit of - not even scares - dummys? from the new Insidious. I actually enjoyed the Sinister sequence, although it could've been more fleshed out I thought it was well done and the first room has a cool atmosphere. the Purge section is ass, and I would have MUCH more wanted that ouija thing, then I wouldn't have watched that shitty purge movie. However, once you get to insidious, it actually gets pretty cool, with a dope bride in black jump and a really fuckin scary hallway involving a demon and a little girl. THE LIPSTICK FACE DEMON'S WORKSHOP IS SO COOL, really enjoyed that scare, followed by a lil reference to Chapter 2 with the "dont you dare." After this however, it kinda goes to shit, with a stupid curtain room, a really stupid and confusing electric chair room, and finishing off with an alright hallway clusterfuck that I mistimed on so many times despite going through this house consecutively multiple times. No creative scares expect like 2, and rare but when present awesome atmosphere.Where's Insidious 3? Where's Creep? Where's Get Out? wasted potential, hoping for a better volume 2. At least the cast worked pretty hard in my experience. 9. Ash vs Evil Dead - *sigh* my 2nd most anticipated house, this really wasn't great. The Cast had energy, they tried, and the house is decent, just it doesn't stack up the the rest of this year's lineup. Ok Ash's lines suck, making stupid jokes only middle schoolers would think are edgy. The scares are surprisingly barren, with seemingly endless empty hallways. However, when the scares actually happen, they're generic boo-holes. Also prevalent in this house is just screaming people? not scary. The deadites are cool when they are around though. My absolute favorite thing about this house, and the reason I came to it multiple times at all is that fucking amazing feeling of going from a cool severed head scare, to a chill point where you can admire that you're going in the fucking cabin, Ash popping out and all. That makes this house amazing for me, as I'm a huge Evil Dead fan. Also love the shed scene. At the end there's a stupid hallway of endless random creatures from Evil Dead, with a henrietta I didn't realize was henrietta until talking about it with a friend. CMON HOLLYWOOD GOT A FULL ON EVIL DEAD 2 BASEMENT SCENE WITH ACTUAL HENRIETTA LOOKING HENRIETTA AND LOOOONG NECK HENRIETTA. that pisses me off and puts this house at the bottom of my list. Do a "The Evil Dead" house tho pleaseeee hhn I will love you forever. Scare Zones Review Coming later
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