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Everything posted by Neko

  1. I meant the crowds specifically for opening weekend. I do think Walking Dead is going to bring in people who had not gone before. But I hadn't seen it that busy in the last couple years I have gone opening weekend, nor the second weekend for that matter. As you said, It may have felt more crowded with there not being as much space for the crowds to disburse to, but I do know I was able to accomplish a lot more in the first couple weekends the past couple of years than I did this weekend. Maybe I was just lucky.
  2. I attended Friday and Saturday night. While I enjoyed seeing the scareactors in random places, (saw one get some people coming out of Despicable Me pretty good) I really missed the themed scarezones. I would have loved a hybrid of the two. I also think the lack of defined scarezones is making the house lines longer. Which leaves me with this question for other vets of opening weekend. Did it seem much more busy to you this one? I ask because the last couple of years, I have been able to run through most, if not all, the houses twice in a night, by going to the AP party, then hitting the rest of the houses as the park opened, and then going back to all the houses using express. There was no way that was happening this past weekend, even on Friday when half the night it was pouring buckets, and we waited in some express lines for almost half an hour. I am sure the missing 8th house contributed, but I have never seen it like this opening weekend before.
  3. 14 zombies in the department store?! WOW I went through this house two more times last night. I find something new that I didn't see on the previous run every time, which is fun to me. This is a great house for fans of the show, and I think the cast/walkers are doing a good job in there. And make that three wondering where bicycle girl went. I keep looking. Also, cast change...yeah...what happened with that?
  4. Neko


    This house took my top spot for the year last night. Just amazing.
  5. I'm not really sure how I feel about this house. It was very "lowtech" and not quite what I was expecting, but the last scene was pretty cool and a little disorienting. I need to go through a few more times before I decide whether I like it or not. But it didn't wow me off the bat.
  6. Neko

    Dead End

    Loved this house very much. Great sets and some cool effects. This house is in my top three, fighting it out with Gothic for #1 I think. Looking forward to going back tonight and hopefully getting some of the scares I missed last night.
  7. Neko


    Gorgeous house! I just loved the look of it and there were some good scares in here. This house is in my top three right now for sure.
  8. I'm a fan of the show and I generally enjoyed this house. I thought for the most part the zombies looked good. It was a little underpopulated the first time we went through last night, but the second time was better. I'm looking forward to going through this one again tonight.
  9. I've only seen the movie, and I was only able to go through the house one time last night. It was alright, didn't have a lot of scares for me. I thought Pyramidhead was pretty cool. I'm looking forward to going through again tonight to see if I have a better run through.
  10. Dave, we were in that same line. I thought it was nice he came by and interacted with the crowd. I love Vegas. I love Penn and Teller. I loved this house. It was fun, and one scene in the wedding chapel caused me a fit of laughter the first time through, but there were some good scares in there too. Not my favorite house so far, but I still enjoyed it.
  11. I will preface this saying while I am familiar with some of Alice Cooper's music, I would not call myself a fan. I went through twice last night and this was definitely my least favorite house of the event. Sadly it might even be my least favorite house of the last seven years of attending. It just didn't do anything for me. But, I'll go through again a couple times to see if it grows on me.
  12. I will be at the event tonight, but probably not going to get to Uni in time for this.
  13. 9/21, 9/22, 9/28, 9/29, 9/30, 10/5, 10/6
  14. I'm watching Twitter for updates. Been a few, but not much in the way of photos. Hope to see some soon.
  15. Definitely hoping someone streams tonight. Would be the first year in recent memory that someone hasn't. Outside of that, look forward to the reviews as they come in!
  16. I don't mind spoilers. I love them in fact. This kind of stuff actually makes me more excited for houses than less. Very much looking forward to this one.
  17. I watched them. Couldn't help myself. I can't wait to go into Dead End now.
  18. Love them! I can imagine the different factions will not be pleased with someone walking through their "territory" wearing a shirt that is from another group!
  19. As much as I want to see Darryl, for the reasons you've stated, I've pretty much accepted this to be the case. Still think it will be a fun house though.
  20. My most anticipated, in order, are: 1. Penn and Teller Newkd Las Vegas 2. Universal's House of Horrors 3. Walking Dead - Dead Inside 4. Gothic 5. Dead End 6. Welcome to Silent Hill 7. Alice Cooper - WTMN I think Silent Hill might have been higher on the list if I had more familiarity with it. I've seen the movie, that's about it.
  21. While I wasn't the biggest fan of the original DE house, I am excited for the possibilities in this one. Looking forward to it.
  22. This is more along the lines of what I am thinking. The fact that there is no "defined" zone just gives them a larger area to work within to me. And perhaps the different factions will "war" where the end of their zones meet or something.
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