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HHN 2011: Alice Cooper's Welcome to My Nightmare


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This is not going to be hokey. Take my word for it.

I will and I am stoked. Even if it was a little "hokey" or silly I am not totally opposed to that as I feel that humor in mazes can actually work and am a big fan of comedy/horror. I expect that there will be a decent dose of black humor on the TT this year as Scream is most definitely a horror/comedy franchise.

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I guess that does count in the loosest definition of the term. Haha! I seriously doubt that we'll ever have to worry about anything PG rated at HHN, but if that was truly the case I would be severely disappointed. I trust that Murdy and co. knows their audience and the monsters and conceptual art (even with their Cooper-centric angle) are suficiently twisted and gory. I will say that this is a highly anticipated maze just for the fact that none of us really know what to expect!

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It's just you. :P

It looks about the same size as the WWW arena since it's in a black tent.

hmmm idk you may be right and hopefully you are. just looking at it from certain angles makes it seems some what smaller in portion

I agree. I always thought the spot was too small to a house a maze. But we'll compare times on how it matches up come Sept 23rd...

a little over one week left !

Even after seeing concept art, I have no idea what to expect from this maze.

i think thats a good thing walking in a maze. kind of why i like original content over movie based. Movie based mazes you kinda know what scenes you'll go through, the characters etc. Whats fascinating about this maze is the elements of surprise. The scares and theme can be almost limitless. At first i was bumped about this maze but now im actually very excited for it.

It's why I'm a bit concerned :-/ It all seems so hokey to me. Hopefully it proves to be more dark and rated R horror-movie like instead of PG-horror.

(I LOVE the Billion Dollar Baby though, that thing is freaky)

PG-horror ? <_< lol it doesnt even sound right when talking about HHN ! even if the maze bumped im sure it will be R rated horror regardless. Murdy and his team making a PG horror maze seems ridiculous ahahaha. i personally have faith this maze wont disappoint any of us. idk i just have a good feeling about this and the way trevlers posted im sure we can count on him that we have nothing to worry about

Edited by HorrorNights93
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So, I know there is a "music" section in HNN, but this would seem out of place, considering Orlando isn't getting an Alice maze.

I got Alice's new CD a couple of days ago, and although the first listen was a little rough, I now find every song creeping into my head during the day.

Has anyone else out there given it a listen? If so, are there any tracks you think would be suited for the Escelator? We already heard that Murdy is basing all of the Escelator music on W2MN.

Personally, my favorite track of the new CD is the first: "I Am Made of You". Despite the venture into AutoTune (yikes!), the song sets up the CD about as perfectly as it could have been done: Steven, Alice's evil alternate personality, was banished in the original album, but was always in the dark recesses of Alice's mind, waiting to be unleashed again. My favorite line of the whole CD is "...and forever, you're the singer, I'm the song". Just pure awesomeness.

No doubt "I'll Bite Your Face Off" will be heard. Honestly, almost everything except "Something to Remember me By" would be great for the escelator. But what about "Disco Bloodbath Boogie Fever"? That one is really an acquired taste, and I wonder if non Alice-fans would even get it. Strangest first two minutes but a great last minute....

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I'm excited just cause one of the characters of this maze has a chainsaw... VERY cool since there weren't any indoor chainsaws last year... they're relatively scary in scare zones... scary as shit when you don't see it coming. Now that I think about it this may be VERY high on the anticipation list... there's just so many unique characters! VERY COOL!

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I'm excited just cause one of the characters of this maze has a chainsaw... VERY cool since there weren't any indoor chainsaws last year... they're relatively scary in scare zones... scary as shit when you don't see it coming. Now that I think about it this may be VERY high on the anticipation list... there's just so many unique characters! VERY COOL!

yea chainsaws in a maze our good scares. we first experienced that in the TCM maze which was VERY GOOD!

On another note thats a good twist this year to switch up the soundtrack on the elevator. Were use to hearing rob zombie so i hope they incorporate his music elsewhere throughout the park. It just wouldn't feel like HHN without it :P maybe they'll play it as you stand in line to get to the HOTC entrance who knows. I'm not a fan or familiar with alice's work so im excited to hear his music and all throughout my trip down to the lower lot and throughout the maze

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Personally, my favorite track of the new CD is the first: "I Am Made of You". Despite the venture into AutoTune (yikes!), the song sets up the CD about as perfectly as it could have been done: Steven, Alice's evil alternate personality, was banished in the original album, but was always in the dark recesses of Alice's mind, waiting to be unleashed again. My favorite line of the whole CD is "...and forever, you're the singer, I'm the song". Just pure awesomeness.

Alice+Autotune=WTF 0_O

so the villian of this maze will be Steven?

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So... I just listened to the Welcome to My Nightmare album (the original)... and let's just say all my worries have been amplified. It's as, if not even more, hokey than I remember. The only songs that I could see lending itself well, and I mean that VERY loosely, to a maze are "Years Ago" and "Steven." Other than that, everything else was so tame in the horror sense and the songs themselves just weren't anything great (well, aside from "Escape," I liked that one too). Ugh... I'm just so worried... hopefully it comes out good. Anywho, I'm gonna listen to part 2 now. Hopefully it's more horror elemented.

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So... I just listened to the Welcome to My Nightmare album (the original)... and let's just say all my worries have been amplified. It's as, if not even more, hokey than I remember. The only songs that I could see lending itself well, and I mean that VERY loosely, to a maze are "Years Ago" and "Steven." Other than that, everything else was so tame in the horror sense and the songs themselves just weren't anything great (well, aside from "Escape," I liked that one too). Ugh... I'm just so worried... hopefully it comes out good. Anywho, I'm gonna listen to part 2 now. Hopefully it's more horror elemented.

Speaking solely about the album, "Cold Ethyl" didn't do anything for you? Seriously?

I recall a recent tweet from Murdy that said the house music wouldn't be just lifted from the album. Even as much an Alice fan as I am, I think this is smart. To me, the piano melody from "Steven" is every bit as catchy and horror-driven as the theme from Halloween - I'm not saying the lyrics or guitar would work in a house, though. If Murdy uses the underlying melodies so as to make the songs still recognizable, then I don't think you have much to fear.

By the way, I have yet to listen to ANY album that just works the first listen. My two all time favorite bands are Alice and Aerosmith. And every time I hear a new CD, I cringe and think "that's not right". Same thing happened with W2MN, but later that day, I found several of the songs playing in my head on their own. I was originally all ready to get on Amazon and write a review basically saying "Alice has lost it". I originally thought the same thing about Eyes of Alice Cooper, Dirty Diamonds, and Along Came a Spider. Today, I'd say W2MN is the best thing he's done in 10 years, and is a worthy followup to what is accepted as a classic. I'm just one of those people who requires music to "grow on them".

I don't know if you got the version from iTunes, but if you did there's a bonus track that's about 25 minutes of Alice talking about how the songs came about. Not that any piece of music should require operating instructions, I still found it to be really interesting. After all, once you hear the logic behind "Disco Bloodbath", even that song makes sense.

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Alice+Autotune=WTF 0_O

Yeah, he only does it for several words in ONE song, and many reviews are erroneously saying it's an "Autotune album". And you think that's not bad enough? He RAPS on one track - albeit intentionally terribly.

As I was listening to the first track, I was driving home, and thought I heard the tell-tale un-natural warble of Autotune in one word, so I immediately rewound, and cringed when I heard it again. I let it bother me way too much, and it poisoned the rest of the song (and CD). But on the second listen through the CD, I focused on the 99.9% that was not Autotuned, and "got it". Even though Steven only reappears briefly in this album, it's just long enough to seal Alice's fate.

And its either steven or alice cooper himself as the main villian

Seeing what a diehard Alice fan Murdy is, I'd expect him to stick to the "spirit" of the original album, so you have to look at what the album was selling: In the original, Alice was a boy, afraid of things that kids are afraid of: the dark, things under the bed, what their toys do at night. Back then, Steven was ultimately banished to the recesses of Alice's mind. In the sequel, it's now 30 years later, and Alice is still afraid, but of things that a 40 year old would be afraid of: lawyers, being forced to work for the machine, memories of his abusive father, and of course - disco. Steven awakens in the first song, and this time he's not going away.

So I'd expect to see things that Alice would be afraid of. I think that as much as Steven provided him comfort, he was still afraid of the things Steven showed him. We already know to expect Cold Ethyl. We also know we will be hearing melodies from non-Nightmare songs. Ballad of Dwight Frye will be a great section that should mesh well with Steven, as should Halo of Flies and I Love the Dead. Perhaps we will see executioner Alice around the time we hear "Killer".

So, all this conceptual artwork where all of the monsters have "Alice Eyes" to me means they are characters from his nightmare.

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