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Everything posted by Hush

  1. If memory serves me correctly, mind you this was 1991 so that was almost 22 years ago, the large pack contained probably only 8 to 10 scareactors. There wasn't two or three times the amount you would find in a scarezone today...but it was still an effective tactic simply because you had no clue where or when they would show up. I was working in guest services at the time and I even remember people coming in and saying they didn't like be followed by the scareactors or they wanted their money back because it was too intense. This was back when scareactors could follow you to the entrance of the bathrooms, restaurants, etc. From what I can remember, that only lasted the first year of Fright Nights, maybe into the second, because guests didn't like the intensity. A horde doesn't necessarily have to be massive to be effective. It's the element of surprise more than anything. At least in my book. If you've got this swarm of people heading towards you, well you know whats coming...but if the group is smaller, they are more mobile and can move in and out of areas easier. Bigger streets and bigger hordes, to me, that's obvious...it's the small groups that aren't as noticeable that can really lend themselves to the good scares. With Path of the Wicked, the costumes were what made the scarezone. With zombies, obviously they don't require amazing costumes, it's a different frame of mind. Again, it's just merely my opinion, but if done in the right area with the right atmosphere (i.e. fog, music) zombies can prove to be fairly memorable as well.
  2. I couldn't agree more Casey! I think we will see a very unique event this year. And like every other year, everyone gets their panties in a twist beforehand and then after attending a few times gushes about how much they love it. Roaming hordes could very well work at Universal, just like real estate it's all about location, location, location. (And shhhh, it's been done in the past...at this little thing called Fright Nights.) Part of A&D's job is to mix things up every year. And every year in some way, shape or form, they surprise us...I don't see this year being any different at all. I don't think Casey was comparing Busch Gardens and Uni park wise, he was merely "speculating" that hordes could be pulled of at the studios. If my memory serves me correctly, during Fright Nights when there weren't any set true set scarezone areas....scareactors roamed in large packs and scared guests. I would define that as a horde...but hey, that's just me. And whose to say they aren't throwing us a curveball? None of us, outside of those who work for Universal and are directly related to the event, know exactly what to expect. Uni could very well be throwing us a curveball, a spitball, a spitter and a two-seam fastball for all we know. This IS the speculation thread isn't it? Why can't people speculate without others saying they are incorrect in their train of thought? That's like saying "Sure, this thread is talk about what you all think the event may entail...but whatever you think, it's wrong". I need a drink when I attempt to read this thread.... And whose saying zombies can't provide a great atmosphere? For me personally, you put enough of them in the right location and it's more realistic than flying monkeys....
  3. That is an idea I can easily get on board with right there Definitely reminds me of "Silent Hill" and would be a great way to integrate scareactors into the areas that are under construction right now.
  4. One of my favorite websites of years past was for the Carnival of Carnage...very well done. Not my favorite event year, but the website definitely will go down in history as one. We still have plenty of time to see a revamped site for this year, or perhaps they are so focused on making the event as amazing as possible that the site just isn't as vital as it once was. (I'm going with that theory...)
  5. If we don't see anything by next Friday, I'm going to send Carl to just come and sit with you until you make something. Wait, never mind. That wouldn't work...he'll just wander off anyways. Very cool! Looking forward to seeing what your artistic creativity comes up with!
  6. I know right?! It would actually be pretty darned funny to see people walking around HHN with this shirt on. I'm thinking we'll probably see a good amount of TWD and zombie t-shirts in general there this year. Of course, none would be close to as cool as our Carl one, but that's just a given. LOL
  7. I have to say sweetie, sounds like you've got some great guesstimations going on there in my book! I like the way your thinking on each of the clues so far...especially the "Lampy swore he saw one"...THAT could be interesting! I say as a forum we shoot for no one being hostile to anyone else, regardless of whether your are in the know information wise or just a fan who is speculating and offering up your own opinion. And trust me, the insufferable posts, there have been many...enough to make you want to drink if you weren't already...frankly, I never need an excuse, but I'm just saying... :-)
  8. It appears that our hatred for Carl has blossomed into a potential fashion statement of sorts...
  9. You bring up an exceptional point! Back when this event first started and well into the first several years after it became an "annual" event, there were no sets on the streets, no projections on the buildings, none of that fancy stuff. Just scareactors, maybe a random prop used to startle guests (think pennies in a tin can) and that was it...and it worked then, so much that this event is now going on it's 22nd year. What's sad is the above statement shouldn't even have to be made. I don't care who supposidly knows what. There is NO reason for anyone to be an ass to anyone else. If someone knows something, goodie for them...but don't "hint" that you have information, then treat others like shit because they aren't in the know and are merely stating their opinions on what we may see this year. So if some of you out there have information...that's fantastic. You can't share it? No problem. But remember this when you decide to go off on someone for having an opinion that doesn't match the information you know. Think before you post. Be nice to others. Cause if not, I'll be the first one there to call your ass on the carpet about it...
  10. You make it, I can guarantee that all of us would buy it. I would, just so when I do go to beat the shit out of him he already knows my reasoning.
  11. That could possibly wind up being the most frightening them of the past 22 years....LOL
  12. Me too I really liked Dale, but I had a strange feeling he was going to be offed before the end of season 2. Another reason Carl pisses me off...LOL
  13. To say that Bob Marley's is just "awesome"...that doesn't even begin to describe it...it's THAT good That's been our pre-event drink/food stop since it opened. It wouldn't be HHN without a trip to Bob's.
  14. Precisely! I don't think anyone can truly say that ANY house at the event is a complete negative, be it an IP or an original. (It's only a negative if it ends up being completely sucktacular on every level possible and I don't think that's happened quite yet...) There are many haunted venues across the country during haunt season that use characters "like" Freddy, Jason, etc. but only at Universal are you getting the actual character, not a cheap replica or knock off. Like you said, Uni is one of the very few companies that does a Halloween event that can truly bring the movies and their characters to life in a very real way.
  15. Well zombie = dang there goes our uncontaminated water supply. I think that thing ripping in half grossed me out more than the rest of the gore in the entire 2 seasons combined. I'm probably the only sap out there who actually cried when Rick went back and shot the torso zombie It was just one of those pivotal moments on the show where you the humanity of the situation really stood out. I remember him saying "I'm sorry this happened to you"...then shooting. Likewise, I balled my eyes out when Morgan was sitting on the second floor of the house with his wife in his scope and couldn't pull the trigger. Whoever would've thought a show about zombies would be so touching.
  16. And the fact that there are plenty of fans who absolutely love the show and having a house based on it is kick ass idea :-) SH may not be a blantant advertisement, but with a new game coming out...come on, there's a tie in right there. Alice Cooper, no tie in needed, it just Alice Cooper, people will want to see that house because of who he is. P&T, again, not a blantant advertisement...but the house is based in Vegas and they just happen to playing the Rio.
  17. Sure did, and still wasn't a fan of it. Not saying that can't pull of an exceptionally well done house, even with 3D...again, I'm just not a huge fan of it. I say put him on the CSDT for one night and see how many people he can cower to the ground.
  18. We usually eat at Louie's during HHN...for theme park pizza, it doesn't get much better. The IFF...I can remember eating there perhaps maybe once in all the years I've attended HHN. Dr. Jimmy is right, hit Mel's, Finnegan's or my suggestion Louie's. If you want some good food prior to hitting the event, I couldn't recommend Bob Marley's at Citywalk anymore if I tried :-)
  19. We have a meeting with some pints of Guinness at Finnegan's during your trip :-)
  20. Note to self Lori, if you can't find Carl he's over hanging out with Penn and Teller. That would be hysterical actually, walking through the P&T house and Carl being there...we could be "THAT explains where he was all season 2 and why he's so good at just disappearing into thing air! It all makes sense now!"
  21. I'm a King fan myself, along with Koontz But for some reason, this story, I remembered reading something that seemed very familiar to the Nightingales concept, but couldn't place it for the life of me! (I'm ashamed to say but I haven't read 11/22/63 yet....) I have a noggin full of useless factoids about the most random shit...you and I would be great on Jeopardy! I'm looking forward to re-reading that short story now and making the comparisons.
  22. If this house is indeed 3D as is expected, then it needs to be done very well. Because nothing is quite as bad as touting a house as 3D and the effect itself being incredibly sucktastic. And nothing gives me a headache quicker than shitty 3D. Holidays of Horror was hysterical, I think we will be treated to equally dark humor with this one.
  23. HP was another favorite of mine, it was great to walk through a house and get swept back in the nostalgia from previous years. That for me was another standout house that year. Personally, I would love to see another DE style house, strobe lights and blackout rooms are cheap but provide for an amazing scare oriented environment...and on the cheap too. I like that idea! And like I said above, strobe lights = cheap = good scares!
  24. You know, I couldn't place where I had read something that was very similiar to the Nightingales concept...and THAT is it, "Little Sisters of Eluria"...thank you for jolting my brain into remembering that. I'm going to go pull my copy of "Everything's Eventual" this weekend and re-read that one.
  25. LOL...THAT is a brilliant idea right there. And when people say "But Carl isn't a zombie on the show..." You can reply "If he keeps wandering off like he does, he eventually will be". Your killing me...LOL Zombie Carl would be the only walker who wouldn't follow a herd, he'd wander off on his own.
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