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Everything posted by Hush

  1. I couldn't agree more...DE was a fantastic house! I have to honestly say out of all the years of attending this event (going on 22 this year) this was one of the few houses that I actually found myself getting multiple scares in each trip through. There was just now way to really adjust your eyes to see where anyone was coming from. It takes a shitload to scare me and let me tell you THAT house did every single trip through.
  2. I think this house could wind up being the sleeper hit of this year. P&T have such a dry wit about them, mix that with horror and the macabre and Lord knows what we'll find. Initially I wasn't sure about this one, but now I can see this one has incredible potential, especially since they are directly involved with the creation of it.
  3. We aren't counting anything, we are just speaking in generalized terms regarding the remaining houses. Obviously all of these houses are lending themselves to unknown storylines, the parade building moreso than the other two.
  4. You are killing me with these comments...LOL However, I think you are spot on. Carl would make a great magician..."Now you see me, now you don't!"
  5. I would like to see a handful of original concepts thrown in this year myself. I'm all for the four houses announced, but seeing something completely out of the box that we have no current knowledge of would just be a bonus in my book. That's part of the fun of the event, houses that are totally original that we have no preconceived notion of what we are walking in to.
  6. Two words....Glock G19. If that dude is going to fall, trust me, I'd be far away from his ass before it happened. See above response...something tells me my bullets would be a tad faster than his sword. People, it's a game...I'm being sarcastic...in case that wasn't already implied
  7. They are type out auditions and movement/dance combos callbacks are done for certain characters. You also have to meet certain height requirements depending on what role you are interested in. Head to UniversalOrlandoJobs.com and find the "Audition" section, it will provide you with the most recent up to date info
  8. If that house includes the option for me to smack Lori, shoot Shane and lock Carl in a room where he can't wander away...I'm completely down with it ;-) LOL
  9. I like the way you think my friend. Now THAT'S an express pass that I would fork the cash over for. Why yes, feel free to bitch and whine about the Hollywood event, different coast entirely...bitching and whining completely acceptable in this case
  10. Is it wrong that I find the siren more annoying than scary? And Pyramid Head, the guy has a pyramid...for a head...one good push and he's down for the count. If they could pull of the pre and post Silent Hill change, that would be impressive...falling ash, another bonus.
  11. Last year had it's moments, I'll give it that much. But the last year where I laughed from start to finish was 2006...there was just something about that year that made it an altogether different experience than the past several.
  12. My wish for this year is that everyone who is bitching, whining, moaning and complaining about the event so far, comes back here after their first visit or two and is all "OMG, it was so absofreakinglutely amazing!!!" Every year people start complaining before we even get an active website or know all the pertinent details. If that wish can't come true, then I hope this same group of people stay the hell home. That just means fewer people in the park for the rest of us to deal with...and shorter lines at the bars :-)
  13. For me, B&T has kind of lost its luster...the last great year IMHO was 2006. Ever since then it's as if the dry comedic genius that was once the heart of this show has completely vanished. Sure the past 5 years have had a few good moments, but the entire show just seems out of whack and not what it once was. This year there is a cornicopia of music, movies, entertainment and policitcal spoofs they could capitalize on, but it will all be a matter of context. The past years they had some great material, but it lacked in execution. Let the bashing begin, because I know this is completely sacreligious talk to some folks out there as B&T is the kool aid of their own personal Peoples Temple
  14. For me, with something like The Walking Dead, living part of an episode out is going to be an amazing experience, simply because I absolutely love the show. Putting me in the characters shoes makes me empathize with their situation even moreso. For that particular show, that's just my perspective. Then again, I'd probably be happy with about anything TWD oriented for this year...I'm not hard to please at all. However, when it comes to other IP's I completely agree with you and then some. For example, Silent Hill...the first movie bored me to tears, this second one looks like it has potential. This would be the perfect opportunity to create a house around the established characters and elements that make up the concept, but take us out of the original environment into something new. Like you stated the IP is still used as an inspiration, but the conceptual aspect can be open to interpretation.
  15. You want to kill me, you're going to have to do better than that wrench.

  16. For me, Jason, Freddy, Saw, etc, are overused in general when it comes to Halloween/horror related events. I think because each of them have such huge franchises in general, for me at least, seeing that an event like HHN is just oversaturation. Again, that's just me. I can very easily understand how you can enjoy the IP houses so very much, it's great to be put into the middle of a scene that replicates one of your favorite movies. Which is probably why I'm looking forward to The Walking Dead so much this year. It's my favorite show and I'm really looking forward to seeing how it feels to be engulfed into that environment!
  17. The trailer for the new flick looks a bit more intriguing than the original. After watching the original, I felt like I had wasted two hours of my life. Here's hoping the house proves to be equally as intriguing.
  18. LOL...hard to tell which I'm leaning with old Mcdouchebag Shane huh? That somewhat redeems Carl for me then, he shot Shane in the comic book and on the show...that makes up for him being an annoying little kid otherwise...LOL Then have other characters telling Lori "See, this is what happens when you don't keep an eye on your kid during the zombie apocolypse".
  19. I don't know if it's so much that people truly hate IP houses, it's just that the concept and/or characters get overutilized in a major way. You can always take an IP, flip it on it's side and turn it into a completely different idea. Let's face it almost every concept we see has origins someplace else and is not original at all. Zombies, ghosts, vampires, psychotic clowns, crazy ass murderers, etc, all of those ideas have been used for decades and decades to scare us in movies, haunted houses, etc. It just all depends HOW you use them. Personally, if we don't see Jack for several more years, that's fine by me. He was a great icon/character...but he's had his time. Likewise with Chuckie, Freddy and Jason. That being said, it doesn't mean I would enjoy seeing them taken out of their usual element and put in a different one! I've seen some IP houses that were out of this world, and some not so much. Same goes for original concepts. It all boils down to having an open mind when you walk into a house/scarezone and take it for what it is, creativity meant to transport you to a different environment.
  20. If anything I would think everyone would really be excited to see how Universal can pull off all these houses based on different types of media. This is their opportunity to reach a much larger audience for the event. You've got your gamers who will want to see what the SH house is all about, the television viewers who want to check out TWD house and then your rockers who want to see what Alice Cooper can pull off. And that's just three houses, whose to say what Uni has up their sleeves for the remaining ones, not to mention the scarezones? Let's face it, we are moving into our 22nd year of this event, it's time to start thinking out of the box and going with some well known properties (SH and TWD) to keep long time fans intrigued and gain the interest of newer ones. In the 22 years I've attended this event, I can say that I've only been disappointed a handful of times...and something tells me this year, I won't be disappointed at all.
  21. Very excited to hear about this! Love Alice Cooper and his demented, creative ways...hope the house is a reflection of him and these characteristics all the way through. And of course, his tunes playing inside the house would be a bonus in itself.
  22. A to the men. If we don't see Freddy, Jason, Michael or Chuckie for some time to come, it won't hurt my feelings one single bit. Those IP's have definitely be used to their fullest. I could definitely see this concept being utilized in the future at HHN. And I'm with you girl, THAT is some scary shit right there...LOL (How about a Tupac and Biggie house with holograms of them both? Has the potential to be the scariest house. Ever. LOL)
  23. I don't think your narrow minded at all, your just stating what is your opinion...and isn't that what these discoussions are all about? That being said, a P&T house...eh, not sure how I feel about it. Their act does have a very dark side to it, which leads me to believe that they could turn that dark side into a creative force and help create a house based on their own original concepts. As with many of the houses in the past, can't say either way what it will be like till I've been through it.
  24. It boils down to this, Universal could provide brand new houses every single year, with brand new scarezones, new shows, discount the tickets so they are dirt cheap, add nights, give away free booze and money and people would STILL find something to complain about. I have a very simple solution for the whiners, if you don't think your going to enjoy yourself, then save your money and stay home. That's just fewer people in line for the rest of us to have to contend with.
  25. Or we all walk out and Carl is just standing there and he says "Congratulations, you found me...unlike my worthless Mother."
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