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Everything posted by Grimp0nd

  1. OMG you are so right! You realise what this means right? He's going to wander right out of The Walking Dead house and find himself in the Penn and Teller house performing his dissapearing act lol.
  2. Parade? Meh. Zzzzzz wake me up when it's over lol. I can never understand the fascination with parades over there. I think they are dull as hell with the exception of Spectromagic and thats gone now. I mean I don't mind Universal having one as I can just do something else while they are on but I do mind when it screws with HHN scarezones. I would seriously like to get all the department heads at Universal, bang their heads together and say "What the hell guys? Can't you all communicate with each other so that these issues don't happen? It's not rocket science!". It has amazed me this year how unorganized the company seems (remember SS44?), all they needed to do was coordinate their plans with each other (maybe make the floats less wide) and they could have had the parade and proper scarezones.
  3. Same here. I didn't pull any punches and I said I'm hoping they plan to update the site with games and interactive areas otherwise they should consider the website a total failure lol
  4. Well if you want to make the Zombie Carl doll realistic don't forget to give it the ability to wander off
  5. Just zombies I believe. We are taking the place of the characters as we're walking in their shoes.
  6. Yeah that's something from Alice's Along Came A Spider album. They got plenty of inspiration to draw from with all the songs Alice has done down the years. "I see them! Don't you see them? Hmmm, that's odd isn't it? So tired, winding down. You'll have to go now it's bedtime. Stevennnnnnnn."
  7. Carl has magical wandering powers. No room can hold him lol.
  8. Ok a house just full of Shane, Lori and Carl it is then lol. Are you sure you don't want to revise that statement lmao?
  9. Yay my very own stalker. My last one was kicked from the site lol

    1. tweedle9200


      LMAO!! So bad!!!

    2. tweedle9200


      LMAO!! So bad!!!

  10. Oh come on lol. You're seriously saying that because Universal have used the same actor in the past for characters that the rule is set in stone? Really? If the same actor is available it makes sense to use him but I think you are maybe underestimating the abilities of the casting department to overcome that problem. I will again remind you of the very successful James Bond character, the actor not always as important as the character they portray. As for not being as evil as past icons or characters I disagree. Although humorous he was quite obviously insane, you only had to watch him torture the station manager in the queue video to see that. That's more than I ever saw the usher do but that didn't mean I didn't enjoy that character too. What HR did have in abundance was charisma and I kinda liken him to the Hannible Lector character. In certain situations he can be quite normal but set him off....well he's not quite so civil. I think there is something quite scary in not knowing when he could turn on you but that's my personal opinion. Concerning originality vs former characters my view is that there is room for both. Does it have to be one thing or the other? No. Next year we could have a totally new theme (or no theme at all) but that wouldn't stop HR presenting another house. I'm just saying that we should keep an open mind because I don't care how much insider info people think they have nobody knows what is going to happen two or three years down the line. Not even A&D. I think this years changes have proved that.
  11. Hell I hope so because I love 3D houses. It might be the one thing that creates some enthusiasm for the P&T house for me
  12. That may all be true but that doesn't mean he won't ever return. I seriously don't see the actor as an issue. Also you are right about other characters being popular but most are not as usable in a general event. Many have very specific back stories and origins and you can't just shove them in anywhere. HR however is a horror host and therefore useable to present any type of horror house. Like I say I'm not expecting him this year but I wouldn't be too quick to write him off in the future lol.
  13. I wouldn't be too sure about that Wesker. He was an immensely popular character and I'm pretty sure Universal know it. Even if that particular actor no longer works for Universal it doesn't mean the character won't be used, there was more than one guy playing him in the house last year. Besides if it were true that only one actor can play a role then James Bond would have been out of action years ago lol. He's still got his licence to kill and so has HR Bloodengutz I just wanted to add that I don't expect HR back this year but I wouldn't rule out future years. That is all lol
  14. Well that new photo of the Vegas sign outside sprung tent is much better. All I could see on the last one was foliage it was like looking at one of those magic 3D pictures. Hmmmm maybe that's where the 3D rumour came from lol. That puts any doubt at rest, the house definitely has something to do with Vegas so if it is indeed P&T I wonder what the connection is. I can't just see it being a link to them being performers at Las Vegas there has to be more to it than that.
  15. Oh god my eyes, my eyes lol! You need an overnight stay in It's A Small World for that post black mask lol.
  16. I'm envisioning the swamp room of The Walking Dead to be just like the forest room out of The Wolfman. Looking forward to that because that was awesome!
  17. Well ive watched the Silent Hill and Slient Hill 2 walk throughs and I have to say the atmosphere, setting and creatures are better than the story they tell. Seeing as its the former we'll be experiencing in a house and not the story I'm still excited for this this one. Should be full of scares and variation can't wait!
  18. Ahhh forever the voice of reason lol. Well said Teach I couldn't agree more. I think it's a fact that no matter what they had planned for this year I'd attend anyway because I believe in giving it a chance. The only true opinion I can give should be based on facts after I have experienced what they have to offer. Im even willing to give P&T a fair shake of the dice and hope my initial reaction to their house was wrong. I'll be TRYING to use the exit poles whether good or bad and ive already started practising my American accent (sorry that's a private joke for those who know me lol). So far I've been impressed with the houses revealed and I'm eager to see what the others have in store for us. If the Victorian house turns out to be what the rumours say it might be I think you may need therepy after the event Teach lol. I might need it too if the Alice Cooper house has that spider room in it! *Shudders* There has not been much talk about the Gargoyle house in awhile and I think this has great potential. An old gothic and creepy church is a fantastic setting for a house and I can't help but think of elements of last years excellent Winters Night when I imagine this house. I imagine a setting where it's difficult to determine which gargoyles are statues and which ones are scareactors. This should provide great scares. Pretty excited about that one!
  19. It is late in the day to change a house but only if it was in fact a planned house in the first place. While I am of the opinion the IP houses on the leaked house list were genuine, I'm not all that convinced the original houses on the list were ever accurate. Although they were vague names/concepts they seemed to lack the same creative flair that we've become used to on the whole. I guess time will tell but isn't speculation fun lol?
  20. Ha ha then watch The Walking Dead show lol. All will be made clear like a finger pointing to the moon lol.
  21. To be honest I don't think you are going to see any characters in the house. WE, the guests are taking the place of the characters as they do not have the rights to use them. Only the locations and setting.
  22. Ladies, ladies lets not talk ill of the dead lol. Actually thinking about it carry on he was a major ass lol.
  23. OMG that's one of the funniest things I've ever seen. She's awesome. I'd have her as a friend any day lol
  24. Nice spot wesker I'd missed that. Well that seems like confirmation that we are getting wandering zombie hordes in the streets after all. Looks like this year is going to be heavily Walking Dead influenced indeed.
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