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Mark M.

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Status Updates posted by Mark M.

  1. Hellraiser Funko POP! Giveaway -  bit.ly/1Nu8ATX

  2. Forum awards are back! Go get them! - http://bit.ly/1PRJ5XP

  3. HHN 24 Yearbook is now available for download! - http://bit.ly/1O27Q1f

  4. As requested, you can add your PSN ID to your profile now!

  5. Sub-forums (just a trial). Like it, or the old way?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Troiandan


      Works well either way for me.

    3. King_K.


      Organized. I like it.

    4. King_K.


      Organized. I like it.

  6. If anyone is having posting or quoting issues please report them to me via our facbook page if you can't PM me here. Thanks!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ridesandstuff


      Im trying to send you the edits for the competition, but the PM is not working

    3. Ridesandstuff


      Im trying to send you the edits for the competition, but the PM is not working

    4. Ridesandstuff


      Im trying to send you the edits for the competition, but the PM is not working

  7. Everyone clear cache and to a hard refresh. Thanks. We're working with IPS to try and resolve the many bugs we are encountering.

  8. "Mama" I'm coming home! 23!

  9. New Theme Park sub-forums open!

    1. Mark M.

      Mark M.

      Technology forum open as well

  10. The calm before the storm.. the reveal of 22 tonight! Be here and Feed YOUR Fear!

  11. 2012 HNN Shirts on sale for the weekend, $3.00 off!

  12. Join us for TNT (Thursday Night Theater) tonight at 8:15PM EST!

  13. If your going to HHN tonight, make sure to be part of our HNN Group photo.

  14. Watch our Facebook page for any VUDUCON 2011 updates!

  15. Join us and BTT tomorrow night for the HHN site reveal! All the details are here: http://t.co/RGsbdJJ

  16. Blah.. back to work tomorrow! :(

  17. I happened to spot my avatar just searching around. Not sure what it's from, just thought it was cool. :)

  18. Thanks everyone who joined us on the 1st Sunday Night Frights!

    1. Horror Nights Movie

      Horror Nights Movie

      Here's Part 1 of Horror Nights: The Hallow'd Past.


  19. Friday the 13th! Woop!

  20. Order your 2010 HNN T-Shirt! LAST DAY!

  21. Keep up with Chat Information in the Site Suggestions area,

  22. Cody (Reaper) created my sig this time. You can request one from him in the Sig Request thread here:


  23. Thanks, and glad you enjoy the site! :)

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