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Midnight Detective

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Everything posted by Midnight Detective

  1. Speaking of IPs Could we have a thread where everyone posts their favorite horror movies or recommendations? I'm relatively horror movie illiterate as far as the entirety of the genre goes and end up watching a bunch of new films before HHN. Its resulting in me seeing lots of new films that blew me away (Texas Chainsaw Massacre) but I also don't see some (Poltergeist), watch them 3 years later and wish I had seen them ahead of time. Also books
  2. I always have an idea of what a house will be, and then A&D goes ahead and makes something way better - but if I was designing this house it would: Open with crossing through the center of the arena --> advance to rooms such as the armory, animal cages (perfect opportunity for a bear scare), medical area, etc --> end with a return to the arena now covered in bodies and resulting in an all out brawl with raining blood. There is SO MUCH they could do with this and I'm pretty excited
  3. I wonder how similar this will be to the Gladiator section of Run: Blood, Sweat and Tears? Calling the Facade to be the outer wall of the Coliseum and that's why it's all the way in the back of the park. I bet its massive
  4. In my opinion it'll work better in a tent. I bet this house will be good even in daylight. More importantly something like this doesn't benefit from temperature control Also I'm really hoping the house ends with the drought breaking...
  5. If there was any question that House of 1000 Corpses wasnt coming - Rob Zombie announced Three From Hell will have an early fall release date
  6. I always thought it was inspired by this painting. I never got to experience it but even from video the video you can see how daunting it was
  7. I think atmospheric is why the forest area works so well. I'd really like to see something oppressive ala Canyon of Dark Souls again and of course New York works best when it's high energy
  8. I'm kind of mixed on comedy houses. To me they just seem more lighthearted if that makes sense. I've never laughed or anything. Not to sound like the densest person in the world but maybe I'm missing the joke? Although I actually can't think of what I'd refer to as a comedy house except maybe HoH and obviously Slaughter Sinema (which I liked but didn't understand the hype for) Way out of nowhere but can someone explain to me what was supposed to be going on in the Invasion scarezone (because some people were saying they'd like to see it as a house). It was one of the weirdest zones imo. The aliens almost seemed friendly (?) although I think that may have been the costumes being limitating. Also there was a soldier or 2 with some sort of head device I wish right before the event HHN would release the full extent of the stories they developed. Maybe they save it for people who do behind the screams but when I heard the insanely developed lore behind Carnival Graveyard it made it a lot more significant. It changed the entire experience from what seemed to be a bunch of grumpy junkyard boys to a house with a whole world built around this weird clan that even had a band lol
  9. I'm not saying it will NEVER happen but I just can't envision an event that has a Nintendo House on one end of the park and Freddy Krueger on the other side. Whenever people speculate about the event getting "too kid friendly" I'm always thinking you know this is a event based on the concept of people dying right? On the other hand I could totally see Nintendoland getting some fun Halloween reskins (ala Nightmare before Christmas Haunted Mansion). At the same time I never thought we'd have a Nintendoland in Universal so who knows. Right now you've got Kong with scares in the line on one side of IOA and Suessland on the other. If those mad lads at A&D want to dream up an event that's got Luigi's Mansion bringing the spooks next to some house where people are getting their spines ripped out I (A.) completely trust them to pull it off and (B.) would probably scream an equal amount in both.
  10. Event is over so way late to the party but this house was the perfect example that a casts energy makes or breaks a house. My first time doing H4 was the best house I did all night and I told everyone about it. My second run (with a group of people I had hyped up for it) was disappointing and it dropped to the bottom tier of the event.
  11. The WD isn't returning and I wouldn't it want it to. However, honestly though imo The Walking Dead was one of the best houses at HHN26
  12. A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET! The movie was released in 1984 but I'd bet dollars to donuts that the interior used 70's carpet and wallpaper (I'm reminded of Back to the Future, where they carefully used cars up to a decade or so prior because they knew all the cars on the road would be ones just recently released if they wanted to be accurate) just because of the houses they used. I highly doubt any if all the houses had 1984 fresh carpet and wallpapers. Edit: After doing some googling I can confirm the wallpaper used in the upside down room (floral) and the stripped wallpaper were 1970's wallpaper design staples More importantly Did You Ever See a Dream Walking? was used in A Nightmare on Elm Street 2. Also in a fan film ‘The Confession of Fred Krueger’ I doubt it's relevant but other Al Bowlly songs include: "Sleepy Head," "Two Sleepy People," "A Dream of You," "Wrap Your Trouble in Dreams," "Sweetheart in My Dreams Tonight," and countless other songs. Seriously, this guy has A LOT of songs about dreams. Like 1/5 of his songs are about dreams
  13. Came here for the banger that plays outside DE: Patient Zero, stayed because it never fails to amaze me how dedicated you all are. Great work and thanks!
  14. I saw the cast of Scary Tales doing a cast change last night when I was walking into Poltergeist funny enough. They we're all really friendly and waving to people in the line! All the work is worth it, this scare made half my group freak out Wow thats a real bummer, I heard it was rough there. He scared the pants off of one of my friends Thanks for all the information! This is all so interesting to me
  15. Does anyone have a rundown of this houses story? Lots of detail that went into it and characters that are named but I don't know the background. I really think Universal should sell a second, more detailed map just full of event details
  16. So this is kind of a weird question but the thought crossed my mind waiting in line tonight - has there ever been another house like this one where it makes no sense for you to be there? In the story, everyone and everything but plants are dead, so logically there's no real shoes to fill. This isn't a complaint, I'm just curious if there's ever been an instance like this before.
  17. Does anyone know the plot of Pumpkin Guts? Spooky room but I have no idea why the guy is saying "daddy" over and over again
  18. With a swap of Scary Tales and Trick r Treat I'd say your review is spot on. I skipped Blumhouse entirely by accident over my visits it was so far off my radar
  19. That finally makes the dead girl in the pumpkin make sense! Thank you, I was really interested but confused by this zone. Do you have any other insight on zone/house lore for this event? I feel like a lot of thought was put into things that were shown but not told and I missed a bit of it
  20. So last night was pretty good for crowds. Finally did Stranger Things - after having just rewatched the show this week they did an amazing job recreating the sets and characters. In my opinion it's the best straight adaptation of a property they've done. Felt a bit more like a ride than a normal HHN house but honestly I think it was a wonderful addition to the event. BTW everyone in Orlando should watch a walk-through video of Hollywood's ST Maze. Our costumes, sets and scenes destroy theirs. I was especially impressed by the demagorgons and the children who all looked spot on. The last house we did was Poltergeist. 90 minute posted wait: On the assumption this was a ruse to deter people (and it was, the wait time was actually 30 minutes) we walked in at 12:45. Remember when I said ST was the best straight adaptation? Well this was THE BEST adaption of a property to a Haunted House I think they've ever done for HHN. The fact that they took the property and spun it into their own nightmare was next level design by A&D. Many of my friends thought it was the scariest house they've ever done. I think it finally beat out the original Halloween in terms of IP to house translation. 10/10 with fantastic sets, incredible design and phenomenal scares. Trick r Treat went from being my least favorite house to my 3rd favorite once they got everything down in it as the event went on. SoX really grew on me over the event. Halloween 4 was my favorite house when I did my first run. My second time through the cast was basically asleep and it moved to the bottom of my ranking. Overall this was my favorite year since I started going regularly from 23. I think if the scarezones had been a little better this year would have been untoppable in quality (and it still was).
  21. So last night I finally got the answer to my question from a video I stumbled upon - the church contained the spirits/ancient beings/evil of the zone. The victim characters accidentally unleashed it upon the park area. The victims are running scared and the pumpkins are coming to life.
  22. No kidding! I did it last night and it was my favorite house of the evening.
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