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Everything posted by StupidStupidDan

  1. Wait wait wait....you crap all over them doing TWD too many years in a row, and then you claim that (arguably) the WORST Walking Dead house wasn't a weak link? This year also had the Run sequel, and the original Purge house. Both of which are generally agreed upon to be pretty bad. I'd argue that any house this year is better than any of those three houses.
  2. Also, Mike has been in Hollywood the last few weeks working on the Potter Holiday effects. Could he be there for other reasons as well?
  3. I'll also say this... The week we went, the weather was predicting A LOT of rain each night we went. It turned out that it only rained for about 15mins one of the nights. Precipitation in Florida is so sporadic and difficult to predict, that it might be pouring down rain 10 miles from where you're at, and you might not be seeing much of anything. Grab some cheap ponchos at Walgreens just in case, and hope for the best.
  4. The shining layout is just insane. I didn't see that queue stretch into the courtyard even once when I was there; yet, you have to zig-zag the entire thing every time? They could have adjusted those switchbacks once the realized the demand wasn't going to be as big as they thought.
  5. I think my main ones that people crap on, but I really liked are Asylum in Wonderland, Lunatic's Asylum, and Ash Vs Evil Dead. Granted, I'm a big Ash fan, so that house really caters to me, and I have a thing for 3D houses and that crazy vortex tunnel.
  6. I think you're talking about two different options. The full day tour (6 houses), and the afternoon or morning version (3 houses). What was laid out above is the full day tour. Sometimes that gets split up differently than 3morning/3afternoon depending on how quickly they get through a house or two. If you sign up for just the morning, or just the afternoon, you're still guaranteed 3 houses. Sure the picture limitations are kind of a bummer, but at least they loosed up the policy a bit this year, and it's a pretty decent compromise. We decided to skip the tour this year, but we had gone two years in a row previously. If you've never gone, it's totally worth it. It's the only time you'll ever get to feel like a true insider walking through these sets with the lights on.
  7. Hmmm...Those two rooms are what really got that house to the top of my list this year. If they ruin that room, I'd say drop it down. The rest of the house is really good, but nothing too groundbreaking.
  8. But the Trick R Treat zone is gorgeous as hell, and really true to the nature of the film (which isn't super scary either). Agreed. Altars of Horror is kind of garbage, but the actors are doing their best with it. Agreed that Bone IS the icon, despite what they say. IDK why they're so against saying it. He even narrates the opening scare-a-monies. But, hold your opinion on this zone until you see it in person. It's a lot better live, especially after dark. Again, wait to you see this one in person. Sure, there are some elements carried over from HHN24, but this zone is GREAT! They really took the extra budget they had from used elements, and introduced a ton of new stuff. Plus, the actors here are doing a stellar job, and having a ton of fun.
  9. I saw this posted other places last night as well. It certainly seems small, but hopefully it's a new version that at least allows them to put on more of the "Afterlife" show that they originally intended. It does seem a little more "custom made" for a certain show.
  10. There's a big set piece (the one shown in the concept art) backstage. Hopefully it will be out this weekend, but no guarantees.
  11. Agreed. I believe that stage normally comes down and goes back up during Rock the Universe. So, it should be able to go right back up unless something got broken. Maybe they didn't have enough practice on the stage with full effects to finalize the whole new show? Hence why there are pieces of last year's show and this years? Just spit-balling. Hopefully that's the case, and we'll see them this weekend or next.
  12. What are hearing on the timing? I'm hoping the big show will at least be running by 10/5 since that's my last night there.
  13. That's amazing. Hopefully the crowds trend a bit lower this year. Last year it got to be a little unbearable at times, and we didn't even go on peak nights.
  14. Good to see that they're at least loosening up a bit on the IP picture restrictions. Last year it was NO pics in the IPs. I'd like to see people continue to log what houses they did here as well. That way we can get a good idea of what houses you're likely to see during each tour.
  15. I saw a picture that AHS was down to 15mins at one point of the night. I don't think the wait was ever that low last year, even at opening.
  16. Yup. It's bit of a hike, but it should help spread the crowds a little better with three entrances being near B&T now. At least that's what I believe the idea behind the move was.
  17. Keep in mind that the one tent entrance that used to be right next to parade exit has been moved back next to the other tent entrance. Still a decent plan, but not as easy as the last few years.
  18. You'll get through within minutes. They're very good about it. No complaints at all. (Note: As long as you don't get stuck behind some a-hole trying to bring in something they're not supposed to.)
  19. Last year they used the new metal detectors before City Walk to eliminate the ones in front of the park. This also means that they don't have you line up by the arches any more. If it's like last year, you should be able to go right to the front gates.
  20. Is this the same effect they used for the forest scenes in TWD last year and at HHN24?
  21. The pin does look really sweet. Odd that it looks better in pin form than it does on the shirt/hoodie. BTW...I'm assuming it's silver, correct? In the one pic it looks silver, but it looks gold in the other.
  22. That may have been me on the other forum this morning. Here's an actual tweet with pictures now.
  23. This. I see the only zones with major decor already being mostly completed (Invasion, Purge, TrT). Hollywood will probably have quite a bit as well, but those will probably be float style ones that they roll out during change-over a la Vamp last year.
  24. Nothing official, but strong sources are indicating employee preview is on.
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