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Everything posted by Hush

  1. You know how that goes, if this is an inside source, they can only say so much. And I think when it comes down to it, anyone who has any remote knowledge of the event and these sites understands that until you see it with your own eyes, don't completely count on it or believe it. I take everything I read, regardless of the source, with a grain of salt until I step foot into Uni on employee preview night...and heck, as we all know, things change throughout the event. So what we might not see at EP or opening weekend could pop up at a later date. I think regardless the payoff will be another amazing event
  2. Exactly! I like the way you think. That's been pretty much my theory for the past 21 years... Sure there is always something that I'm like "Eh, didn't love it", but overall I've yet to be completely and utterly disappointed to the point that it turned me ever going again.
  3. Well, now that you know differently, that's what matters. While I absolutely love TWD, having the event focused around just that concept would even be more than I could stomach. Variety is the spice of life, as is the spice of HHN.
  4. But isn't that the entire point of this thread? To let people overthink, overanalyze and speculate about every possible clue provided to them, regardless if it's from Universal or not? And if everyone being guillable is an issue with these hints, then who is to say everyone isn't guilty of the same for every single supposidly "legit" clue that has been posted here previously. Seriously sweetie, you need to lighten up some...it's a Halloween event, enjoy it for what it is.
  5. TWD is one house, I would hope that you wouldn't base your desire to come to the event on the theme of just one house...or whether or not LT returns. As I'm sure you are well aware this event is so much more than the house themes, it would be a shame for you to miss it because of one house... Glad to see that you have changed your mind.
  6. Perfect example of what I said in a previous post! Glad to hear that you and your wife will be attending this year Mike! (And I highly recommend catching up on TWD in whatever way you can...it's an amazing show!)
  7. I agree completely with this statement. I've had many friends decide to be first timers this year as well simply because of TWD and Silent Hill. If nothing else, these two properties are bound to bring out the HHN virgins and perhaps turn some first time attendees into long time fans. On another note, I've seen various discussions about an icon and I don't see the necessity in having one. If the success of this event was solely based on having an icon to wrap a theme around, it never would've made it this far.
  8. That's like saying there really wouldn't be anything special by having Santa Claus personally show up at a Christmas event. I've been reading King for as long as I can remember and few authors have as loyal of a fan base as he does. Stamp King's name on a freaking coffee cup at HHN and you would automatically increase attendance ten fold. Never say never, what might have not sounded like a good idea to him in the past very well could in the future. Precisely! If he does decide to enter the Halloween event realm, he'll do it on his own accord. We may not see it in the near future, but whose to say it eventually won't happen? King is not only a brilliant author but a shrewd business man. Maybe one day he'll decide that a house will be an out of the box way to promote one of his upcoming works or showcase previous ones in a new light. And yes, regarding past movies he has definitely been burnt. "The Stand" was the only book of his which I thought was adapted even remotely well into a mini-series...movie wise, I can't think of any of them that I have been able to sit through. I have never really grasped that flip flopping of "I want original houses" verses "No, I want IPs" either. I'm pretty happy with whatever we get on a yearly basis. To me, regardless as to whether the house is original or an IP, your either going to personally wind up loving it or not loving it. I've come to the conclusion that people just have to have something to complain about when it comes to this event. I have to say that TCM was a really well done house. After going to this event for 22 years, I will honestly say that was the first and only house that I had reservations about going in because I knew it would freak me out. Wound up being a very well done house and one of my favorites of that particular year.
  9. So much for keeping this thread on topic about speculation and not dubstep... That being said, everyone who is so freaked about dubstep, look at it this way...between the screaming and the general background noise in most of the houses, the music will be the last thing you notice. Hell, they could be playing the polka in these houses and most people aren't going to realize it. The music is such a small part of the overall environment of the house, regardless of what genre is used it will still blend in with the background. I'm not a huge fan of the style, but if used properly it could easily enhance the house. There are a few houses over the past years where I specifically remember the music, Run had Linkin Park...and well, that's the only one where I can put my finger exactly on what was playing. The walk through each house goes by so quickly half the time you don't even recognize what is going on from an audio standpoint unless it is in direct correlation with a scene.
  10. My source has walked through this house and I'm happy to report that we will be getting some of the elements we had hoped for, the die hard fans will be especially pleased... Of course, I know this isn't really news to anyone, but I was very happy to hear that some of the main locations I was hoping to see are in fact going to be part of the house.
  11. I completely agree, a vast improvement over the previous years. That being said, I didn't buy a single thing last year. I had every intention on getting a hoodie, but never got around to it. My "Horror Comes Home" shirt has to be laundered with care, if not, it looks like a crime scene inside my washer thanks to that red gel lettering they used. I will definitely be curious to see what we get merchandise wise this year, especially since we don't have any sort of true theme as of yet.
  12. What scared me the most last year was there was this big group of people who sat dead center at the few shows we attended and they knew every single freaking line of every character verbatim. I'm not sure if that makes them stupid and wanting to be entertained, idiot savants because they retained the entire script of the show or just scary in general...or perhaps a combination of all three. I do wish they would return to comedy that has a more dry edge to it, these past few years have seemed forced and way too much slapstick for my taste. I agree however we will never see a return to the stunt show style, it's a dance off from this point onward.
  13. Zombies roaming throughout NYC and Sting Alley...perhaps even in small hordes?
  14. Almost too orange-y if you ask me...reminds me of medicine for kids, like they are trying to mask some icky aftertaste.
  15. LMAO...I like that or "...and Lori, your next" (with a little picture of a shovel next to the saying...just because she needs to be smacked upside the head with something)
  16. Well of course, it would be a fashion crime for us not to have picture taken together wearing these! KYLE!!!! <3
  17. Hush


    If you knew him, you would completely understand our hatred for the little shit.
  18. Perhaps it is because we all are such lushes during the event that they've had no real reason to up the prices much over the years considering that regardless they make a profit off of us. (And I'm merely speaking for myself...because this event is my drinking time of year.) Three words for the Caretaker having more hair these days = Bosley Hair Restoration.
  19. Holy hell Legacy, I think you've created the fashion statement of HHN 22.... I am going to purchase one ASAP, simply because they are that awesome. I think I've found my uniform for attending this year. Thanks for creating such an amazing shirt for all of us Walking Dead fanatics. The shirt statement has become my motto in life, whenever something goes wrong, it's obviously Carl's fault. The little shit. THANKS AGAIN!!!
  20. There really isn't much of a difference to me between this thread and the wishful thinking thread, in essence they are both speculating...with the only difference being wishful thinking is obvious concepts we know without a doubt won't happen, like "NIghtmare Before Christmas". What i'm getting at is that unless people are completely over the top heading in the wrong direction like "They are going to give jet ski rides in the lagoon during HHN" kind of statements, the general speculating we see here isn't necessarily wrong at all. I realize that speculation is a sleuthing game, I've been going to this event since it's inception...and that's part of the fun, guessing what we might see. I'm just not down with the blantant "you are wrong in your train of thought and/or opinion" mindset that seems to be running through this thread. Perhaps we could see this occur with hordes too. Starting off the night in one stage of evolution and finishing the night in the final. It would be interesting to see another scarezone concept like 7 with the same type of evolution as well...that was taking the zones into a different direction and required guests to walk through it multiple times if they really wanted to see the change happening.
  21. That's pretty damn cool! Took some serious cake artistry to pull that off. Although from an actual eating it standpoint...makes me wanna throw up in my mouth a little.
  22. Isn't pointing out that these speculated opinions are "wrong" taking away from the whole purpose of speculation? And how is an opinion wrong to begin with? Why not just let people run with their false/limited ideas? If we take the speculation out of speculation, what's the point in even discussing the event until we know every detail. Precisely! That's kind of the point of a horde...they show up unannounced and all. If the maps were to say "Horde in this location at 9pm"...that kind of loses the entire purpose of there even being one. That's what many of us have been trying to say, only if they evolve the event will it continue to remain relevant and fresh. Using the horde concept could be the catalyst to changing up what we've gotten used to for so many years now. Few people remember the early days when the scarezone concepts weren't as distinct as they are now in their placement...it would be nice to see it go back to that more loosely designated type of local. Yes, if memory serves me correctly you are right about the hoarde being close to the Hanna/Neutron area in the 90's, I just can't pinpoint what year it was either! It has been done in the past and it could very easily be done once again. And everyone needs to remember that a horde doesn't necessarily have to be massive to be effective. As I've said before, the smaller roaming groups work better because they can move easily in and out of tighter areas. And if you see a huge group of scareactors heading your way, it's a bit obvious as to what is going on.
  23. I realize that, I'm just using zombies as an example that a scarezone can be very well done from an atmosphere standpoint without the use of extravagant costumes.
  24. I know this, I worked the event. That being said, if hordes could be done back then, doing them now wouldn't be any more difficult...especially considering there isn't as much in the streets as there was in the early days. The crowds may have increased, but the what is functionally out in the streets is zilch compared to then.
  25. Don't get me wrong sweetie, I'm hoping for the same thing! Nothing gets everyone even more excited for opening weekend than an amazing website that showcases what we have to look forward to.
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