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Everything posted by Pandry

  1. Yes amigo. Me want Chance! But though I hate this saying...it is what it is. I wouldn't have any issue checking them out for curiousities sake, but I'm more concerned with the show impacting the Banshee zone. Want my ambiance and ambient music uninterrupted.
  2. Come one now, ThN. You've been attending for a while, my Mass friend. You've seen the product.
  3. I liked your response because I see inner turmoil. You don't want to see spoilers but you are still quite curious. The beauty of HHN and this board.
  4. I knew this zone was going to get some serious love...
  5. You know what I've always thought would be the greatest, even though it will never happen? Given the relationship with this IP and now 5 damn years in a row, it would be insane if just on, say, one or two random nights, they had Greg Nicotero and team come over and apply actual show level walker make-up and prosthetics. Heck, even use some of the actual TV show walker actors. Take the full day to put them together and let them go nuts one or two nights in the house. If they ever did something like that, I could give them a pass. Each year I just find the scareactor make-up so half assed. Seeing an airbrushed zombie face just doesn't do it. And then seeing it year in and year out only compounds that. Imagine seeing the show level walkers in person?? Now THAT would be terrifying.
  6. Exactly, wtf!! And I concur, last season did start going any and every direction near the end.
  7. To be honest, I didn't watch the video (eek). But just from watching last season, I remember the appearance in the first episode and then maybe only once more? Which I thought strange as seeing that thing come out of a mattress like that was disturbing to say the least. After years of rumors, I'm stoked this IP is finally coming.
  8. Think they'll have "Mattress Man" from Hotel? Not sure if he/she has an official name and the character didn't appear much, but was freaky nonetheless.
  9. I've always been more partial to originals over IP's but I must say, this is a tight line-up this year! Looking forward to everything save TWD. I'd put Exorcist at the top, TWD in the trash, and everything else I'm equally excited for. Though I need to watch Krampus. I've heard good things about the movie and HHNH's Dark Christmas zones (some similarities, no?) so I have high hopes.
  10. 1. Wharf (Sounds bad ass along with feeling like a lot of love and attention will be given to it) 2. Survive or Die (Saws N Steam immediately comes to mind except instead of harvesting water it's now air. Too bad no Sting Alley) 3. Banshee (Always like the Central Park zone's atmosphere. Though not too thrilled with the stage show being so close 2 years in a row) 4. Chance (Though my infatuation with Chance runs deep, not sure what to make of this one yet) 5. Vamp '55 (Not into the campy stuff. Not sure why, but I just get a similar image of All Nite Die-In when thinking of this zone. But with vampires from Grease)
  11. I'm on the opposite side of the spectrum there. Call my crazy, but Chance is hot! And the fact that there'll be a house likely full of Chance clones...daddy likes!
  12. I do get where everyone is coming from on HHN costs and all that. It's true that those of us that live here and have attended for many years will take things more for granted than those of you who may attend once a year, travel from out of state, etc. HHN puts on an amazing event, no doubt. But...they are not hurting for money. They can afford everything and much more. JDW is right, NBC/Comcast/Universal is no doubt a higher economy than several countries. I've said it many times before on here: HHN bent me over years ago and I'm fine with that. They give residents a great deal on HHN. Way better than Disney does. Just IMO, I'll always push for them to take it next level because they can and have the resources to do so. I just feel each year is a little more corporate, but that's life. I think WWHP changed the paradigm as HHN was the money maker prior to, maybe so far as to call it their Black Friday, but now they're cleaning up year round. That, too, is my rant and the last of it.
  13. I've heard the best of TWD and it's even lamer. That's saying last season had nothing house worthy so we'll do a best of because we sold our soul to the devil and they keep making us do this house, I know Halloween is Aiello's passion so I'm counting on that to live up to 24 which was amazing. I don't mind reusing houses, it's been done time and time again - but I personally prefer having many years in between. I loved AWIL in 23 but not last year. No idea what even remotely Requel is. First time clocking in on HNN since HHN 25 ended. Here's hoping it's not AVP Requiem.
  14. Tripods are allowed. Unless they change rules this year.
  15. Greetings all. This will be my only off topic post as I'm in the process of catching up. I really do miss all of you. I've literally stayed in the dark, all year, only hearing house announcements when official from UNI. My goal was to wait until August but here I am. So different from the past, for me. I'd be die hard following this site from the end of each HHN year. I had fun at the 25th anniversary, but something changed - the paradigm. Where I could not wait for the event and lived to hear leaked houses and zones...this year I've totally stayed away. Hadn't really cared about the lineup. Why, you might ask? I just don't know. The 25th was fun but left a bad taste in my mouth. I just can't place it or verbalize it. Some cool IPs thus far for 26. But TWD back again...enough! Then starting a trend of recycling houses every other year a la AWIL and now Halloween, I just don't know. Combine that with the huge increase in ticket cost and I think I've finally reached the boiling point. I think this will be my last year and I've been going yearly since 2004. The price to value ratio has reached the tipping point. I truly hope this year proves me wrong. However, as I'm so smitten with Chance and she's our Icon, well....that sort of sold me for at least one more year.
  16. Can you elaborate on this one? I'm not getting any type of visual reference in my head except for Aladdin slicing up Snow White.
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