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Everything posted by kelise

  1. Or have a big meal before you go in and a light snack on the way home? Or vice versa?
  2. I can do without repeating RHPS over and over, but I love B&T. I would also love a more sophisticated burlesque/cirque style show in another theater, but I can foresee the drunken hordes not sitting through it if it doesn't have few fart jokes. And something like that is going to require a big budget that uni likely will not spend if the theater can't stay full.
  3. In 2012 I did the finnigans stay and scream and got both Silent Hill and Gothic done before they opened the gates at 6, Dead End's line hadn't opened yet, so we bolted over to TWD and walked on it, then doubled back to Dead End and it was about a 5 min wait. So at that point we had 4 out of 8 houses done and it was only 6:20. We ran over to HOH and got through it with about a 10 min wait, then Alice Cooper and P&T and were done in time for the second B&T show, spent the rest of the night casually following streets around and repeating the houses we liked.
  4. The thing I miss about the icon years is how they set the stage for the event. I remember my first years in Florida, driving to work and hearing the Caretaker and Director's radio commercials come on. Sometimes I'd have to turn the volume down because the sound effects they used were just so...visceral. I was too much of a wuss back then to go, but the way those commercial painted a picture of what was to be experienced at the event did begin my fascination. It wasn't until 2007 when I finally went and fell in love with the immersive environments and attention to detail, and now I kick myself for missing all those previous years.
  5. Could someone refresh my memory on the speculated streets besides Face Off, Purge, and (maybe) Geisha?
  6. It'd be great if this is the house that uses the Twister queue entrance. Lol
  7. This song is also heard in the queue for Jungle Cruise.
  8. I've got one from 2007 that still works. And you can change the battery if you want to
  9. The room you mention in La Llorona is the transition room. Everything before that you are above water, Then you transition into La Llorona's underwater realm and the rest of the house you are underwater.
  10. The street performers are allowed to stop for one brief photo, about 3-4 seconds, that's it. If all you want falls into that context, it may be doable. If you want something more substantial, I would email media relations.
  11. I wonder if the new "Universal Screenplay" App game will have a role in next years in-park games?
  12. Using the white letters k m j z s u i, word descramler came up with muzjiks : A Russian peasant
  13. Wow, so I can just post a request here and someone might just magically make something happen? Awesome! I'd love something representing my chainsaw prisoner girls! -dark -twisted -bloody -greasy -but still some sexy bitches!
  14. What does the route of the queue have to do with the wait? The only queues that were any different from say last year were HoH, which was because they used the back of the parade building instead of the front, and Gothic/Dead End because they were in SS20 instead of 23.
  15. How cool would it be if this game just keeps expanding and evolving. Not only keeping us occupied over the whole next year, but eventually leading up to the 2013 reveal!
  16. That ones extra rotten. You know it's true.
  17. We're known for eating babies....little kids are just food that's past it's expiration date.
  18. Merry Christmas woman? Any idea which cast she was on?
  19. Congratulations to the beasts on getting Street of the Year!
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