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About Scaresen

  • Birthday March 10

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    Orlando, FL

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  1. This isn't an Iniquitis. That's all I can say.
  2. Most likely salvaged doors from last year's houses and they're picking and choosing what will fit, or what they can work with. From what I understand this is the last house still being built.
  3. More news from my parade building source! Large props were sited outside of the back door of the parade building earlier this morning. From what I was told the props include: Large (assumed to wooden) boat, explained as a large native american canoe Multiple (2-4) "black, rod-iron Gothic chandeliers" A stack of "random wooden doors". Top door was described as "dark wood with a lighter frame, and a small window at the top, like it came off of a ship."
  4. Yeah, sorry. The back half of B79 (leaving room for the superstar parade floats and such on the other half) was completely emptied out, from what I understood it was just holiday parade floats that had no other spot to sit, or just misc. items left by production or just dry storage for anything they didn't want left out in the rain.
  5. Didn't take time to look and see if this had been shared or not but.... I made a visit to the park today and: Upon closer inspection the sign on sprung tent one says "Welcome to New Vegas" not "Presents New Vegas", and the barrels claimed to be "poker chips" are neon orange/green splashed barrels have large stickers/labels on them, some are big yellow smiley faces, others are biohazard warning labels. and according to a friend who works with the parade, all of the Mardi Gras floats have been shrink wrapped and moved out of the back of B79 and A&D was in and out of the building for the last few days. Just thought I'd share.
  6. Whoops. Guess I was too excited and misinterpreted.
  7. "We have the world of Silent Hill to bring to life." Would that mean a theme, house, house/sz?
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