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Everything posted by Giorules

  1. As of now we know that it's every 45 minutes
  2. I for one lean toward makeup, but only because it makes such a big difference. I mean look at the difference here: The ones from the show look so much more realistic. Yes I understand the cost, was just showing how much of an impact makeup has compared to masks.
  3. I'm so hyped about the hordes outside the house every 45 minutes!
  4. 1. House of Horrors 2. Silent Hill 3. Walking Dead 4. Dead End 5. Gothic 6. Alice Cooper 7. Penn & Teller
  5. 1. Dark Legions: Traditionals 2. Dark Legions: Beasts 3. Dark Legions: Prisoners 4. The Iniquitus 5. Dark Legions: Warriors 6. Dark Legions: Vampires
  6. Im loving all the silent hill pictures now, just finished watching the first movie and it really does capture the movie well.
  7. Oh ok then, I was planning on going with a big group, but alot of them I can't rely on when it comes to getting there "on time". So I think me and 2 other people are just gonna use our annual passes to get in early and do houses, then just meet up with everyone else later, thanks.
  8. I was planning on going either opening day or that following Saturday as my first of many days. But I was wondering if you guys think i'd be able to see everything on just one of those nights,or if i'll have to finish up when I go again?
  9. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.416361591744929.94181.140604079320683&type=1 Pictures of street construction and the media event
  10. A scare zone with no defined boundaries or shape
  11. I wanna know the story behind this house..
  12. This is so confusing, didn't they transfer actors originally in the walker horde to other positions?
  13. Wow... This is absolutely insane, I wish they could bring this back and implement it this year
  14. I wonder if they're gonna incorporate anything from the 1st movie into the house aswell.
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