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Everything posted by Grimp0nd

  1. Damn Perse keep dreaming I like the sound of that. Maybe they should hire you on A&D lol. To be honest ive also wondered whether the projection system could be used in an enclosed space because to see the world changing around us would just be awesome. I'm really looking forward to this house and the possibilities....
  2. Alternate ending? That's an interesting line isn't it? Wonder what that means?
  3. I got a feeling the answer to that question will come down to one word. Money. I'm guessing they want to be paid extra for the use of individual characters from the show rather than just the setting. To be honest the setting is no good without the characters though because without them it's just another generic zombie house. If this is the case AMC are making a mistake because this house will bring them more viewers. We haven't seen the house yet and I've already seen quite a few forum members say they've just started watching it for the first time in preparation for the house. It's a shame a damn Shane lol
  4. I have a feeling the first website update was supposed to be to confirm a house about The Walking Dead but due to there being problems over using the characters from it not yet being resolved they have been unable to do so. I think they planned to have done the update by now and this is probably the reason you didn't see an announcement about that house from the Walking Dead panel at Comic Con.
  5. Oh it was Carnage! (do you see what I did there lol?). Nice to see you no longer lurking, you can post now, it's safe, well kinda lol. I was initially disappointed with dropping a house but with the increase in scarezones I don't think I'll notice it so much. Now I'm interested to see what the houses and scarezones actually are because after the surprise Universal have just pulled on us I've got little faith in the supposed leaked house list we've been discussing.
  6. All I can say is that if this new info is correct I've never been so happy to be wrong
  7. Wow for someone who has a grand total of 16 active posts on this forum you sure seem to think you know better than everyone else. Seeing as you are so good at reading others posts you may want to reread the ones by owner Mz and other experienced posters telling people to respect others on here even if you don't agree with them. Everyone has an opinion which they are allowed to express because last time I checked we still had something called free speech. We're all here because we love the same event so if you see a post you don't like just ignore it, much more productive than trying to put people down don't you think?
  8. I saw the same thing and was mega excited about this year. Then all the rumours started and it went to hell. Seeing as I can't believe the A&D guy was referring to what were getting now I can only presume plans have changed drastically since the tweet up last September. My friends and I were convinced that last year was a test for some of the new technology used and that this year we would see those things incorporated in a bigger and better way. Now, I just don't know.
  9. Don't you get it? We want to be proved wrong that's what everyone is saying lol. This is not really about who's right and wrong it's about a community concerned about the unprecedented amount of negative rumours circulating this year. That's probably why there is so much negatively around. I just hope the saying "There's no smoke without fire" is wrong this time. As for all our comments not having any effect on HHN I don't believe that at all. Sorry Legacy we'll have to agree to disagree on that point. I've heard a member of A&D say in the past that certain details were changed before the event started and during because of negative feedback from people. I've always believed a few can make a difference and I'm not giving up on that principle now.
  10. There is a big difference between growing each year and taking things away. One is a positive move the other is a negative. You can't miss what you never had but you can miss what you've become used to. The reduced house count and lack of an original icon will be big losses for me BUT I will reserve judgement until the event starts. This will be my 5th year in a row by the way and I travel all the way from England to experience it.
  11. Both to be honest. Comcast will have their own business practices which will not be the same as the previous owners. They will have their own way of doing things which might not be to everyones liking. Budgets, priorities and opinions will all change. Their vision of what horror night should be can change. From all the rumours I'm hearing I think we are seeing the evidence of just that.
  12. This is not the Universal that you know and loved in the past. This is the new Universal owned by Comcast, which is what's worrying people. The rules have changed. Just bare that in mind. When they said a new era of darkness I bet nobody thought they meant this.
  13. Would you be more concerned if Dr Jimmy didn't mean a Lengendary Truth website but Facebook updates only? If not I envy you because I've never been so concerned about all the signs leading up to HHN in my life.
  14. I could not have put it better myself. I agree with every word you said and that is the point I was trying to make a few posts back. Half the time when someone says that house was based of this movie because of one room or scene it just makes smile. Most of the time for every similarity that is mentioned I could point out two or more differences. That hardly makes it a movie house. Now before I get accused of hating movie houses let me state clearly once and for all, that is not true. In fact my favourite house of all time, The Wolfman was a movie house. It's just that I and quite a few others like a mix of original and movie houses not all one or the other and that doesn't make us IP haters. I think my favourite ratio is 3 movie houses and 5 original but everyone's view on that will be different which is fine.
  15. I agree with you to a degree but I understand the point Pirka is making. The thing is there are very few things these days that are truly original. If you are determined enough to find a link to something chances are you will find one. That doesn't mean that because somebody finds a tenuous link between a house and a movie/TV show that it had any real influence on it. I only have to mention all the posts last year with the Saws N Steam house and the game Bioshock to make this point clear. Let's just say some things have a direct correlation and others are a stretch at most lol.
  16. Whatever happens people just remember we're in this together. We're all fans and we all want a great event. We might not always agree on what we like or dislike but that's ok as long as we all stick together in the aim of supporting the event and doing our best to tell Universal what we like and dislike. Whether or not they listen is up to them but at least we'll have done our bit and at the end of the day that's all we can do.
  17. Now explained like that it makes perfect sense. Doesn't make me feel any better about the chaos surrounding this years build up but that's the best explanation I've heard so far.
  18. Some friendly advice. Get off your high horse and read more carefully what Aaron, Legacy and myself are saying to you. They've been on this forum a long time. Aaron worked for Comcast, Legacy has worked for Universal at HHN. Their views as well as everyone else's on this forum are equally valid. Please remember you're not on your blog page now.
  19. Don't worry Mr Grim nobody is pissed off with you and nobody is flaming you. Your opinion is as welcome as everyone else's but people love this event so discussions can get ....enthusiastic lol. It is too early to say this year is gonna suck for certain but this is a speculating forum so both sides of the coin must be listened to. The entire point of people expressing concerns on here is so that we avoid having three sucky years in a row and we know Universal keeps an eye on these forums so don't ever say there is nothing we can do about it. You can.
  20. The important thing isn't what they spend it's how they spend it. Universal is not your average theme park it has a different feel and identity. We all know a park needs to change and grow to stay relevant but there is a good way to do this and a bad way. Too early to tell which way they are going to go but throwing money at things isn't always a solution if the decisions made are bad ones. In reference to HHN if they make Orlando ( which is regarded by most to be the superior event) more like Hollywood there are going to be a lot of angry and disappointed people out there, me amongst them. If it ain't broke don't fix it people.
  21. Sadly everything you say makes perfect sense but that doesn't mean I'm happy about it. I'm not liking the decisions Comcast have been making for Universal Orlando for HHN or the park itself lately. I'm just hoping they don't end up ruining a park and event I love so much in order to make way for their new vision. I, like you managed to to talk to a long time employee of Universal out of the park in a more relaxed atmosphere (I was seated next to them at a dinner show actually). We got chatting and they told me a lot of things that they wouldn't have done if he'd been at his work environment. I guess a social environment loosens lips lol. Anyway they were saying that they didn't like the way Comcast were running the park. People were making decisions upstairs without even doing proper research in to whether it was the right thing to do. One such example they gave was the closing down of several rides and attractions they were considering and they didn't make any effort to ask any of the people running or working those attractions for feedback at all. I see he was correct in what they told me with the closing of Jaws and that won't be the only attraction to say bye bye in the near future I'm afraid to say. This was bound to have a knock on effect for HHN and the rumour going around about Hollywood having more impact on the Orlando event now appears to be true. I'm keeping an open mind but this isn't looking good. I'm actually starting to wonder if Comcast know exactly what they bought and if they are aware of the standards they have to keep up. Especially after the SS44 planning disaster.
  22. I'd dump Penn and Teller as they are not scary at all, Victorian house because it's a totally unoriginal idea and the Dead Exposure house because I didn't enjoy the original. What houses would you drop Legacy?
  23. Well if all that is true it doesn't bode well for this years event. The majority of the houses thrown together at the last minute. Speculation that due to the parade scarezones will be simplified or worse roaming. Great where do I sign up lol? Somebody post some good news for pity sake
  24. Dear god I hope not because that would be the final insult.
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