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Everything posted by Grimp0nd

  1. Ok here's my thoughts on the Murdy tweets. He said he "grew up" with the property which makes me think two things. One, that it's either a TV series or a horror franchise of movies as growing up with something doesn't to me suggest a singular movie. Two, considering his age I'm thinking the property has to be from the 70's or before (taking into account TV reruns). He also said although he's never heard anyone mention this as an idea for a house he also said we'd all know it. That means to me a very famous property so I think some of the lesser known ideas that have been mentioned on here and the Hollywood thread are unlikely. If Murdy's tweets are accurate he's given us quite a lot to go off but despite that I can only come up with few ideas so far. The Twilight Zone or Addams Family (possible comedy house)?
  2. That's funny because I've heard a very faint rumor about Dr Who too. I was waiting to see if anyone else mentioned it before I did lol. It's a massive show here in the U.K. I just wasn't sure how big it was over there. Interesting
  3. I'm not sure they will use the 13 aspect but if they do I seem to remember a few incidents happening on a certain Friday of some months that they could use. I'd love that seeing as I missed it last time round. In other unrelated news I just booked up to stay at this new wilderness site called Camp Crystal Lake. Really looking forward to but I just can't work out why it's so cheap...
  4. I think it's inevitable that we will share some of the IP's with Hollywood but I doubt we'll actually share the whole event. IP's bring in the general public so marketing love them and it makes sense from a costing point if view to share the big name IP's over both parks. Original houses usually win house of the year in Orlando and they are aware of that. A&D also prefer original houses and although they don't make all the decisions they will fight tooth and nail for non IP houses. I personally think you might see a very similar set up to last year after its success for them. Kinda hoping we do less IP's and more original but guess we'll have to wait and see. One good indication is that they appear to be using The Legendary Truth this year and I'm not aware of Hollywood having much to do with that previously. I'm almost certain that we'll be getting the Horror Unearthed card swiping back this year too but in an expanded version. I can't state strongly enough how bad it would be if they just copied Hollywoods event and I just can't believe they would do that.
  5. Silence will fall.....nah only kidding I can never shut up lol

  6. Floating on a sea of discontent.....

    1. Troiandan


      Tis better than drowning within.

    2. Grimp0nd


      Tis true that lol

  7. I like this idea. They've done fake forests before (the Wolfman) so a corn field is feasible. Redneck lunatics might but good but you'd be missing a trick if you left out scarecrows. They are creepy as hell. The barn would break it up and give it some variance and you could put chainsaws in there but not in the field. It would ruin the surprise of just where the scareactors were coming from.
  8. Well Fear kinda came with the premise that he comes out to play every 20 years so I guess they already kinda touched on that idea. Somehow I doubt we'll see him at HHN 40 though lol.
  9. It's not Universal but we also have Paranormal Activity 5 set for a Halloween release too. It's a big franchise but not sure how effective it would be as a house seeing as you hardly ever see the demon/entity.
  10. Finally rising from my slumber....

  11. When it comes to shows besides B&T at HHN I think the key word is original. People are tired of seeing the same things, they need to come up with something horror or weird themed that's not just another magic show. No disrespect to 20 Penny Circus but there wasn't one thing I hadn't seen done before or similar previously by other people. I don't mind that type of show if it's new tricks and clever. I'm open to most types of things unless it's a musical thing like Death Drums lol. I still think a mini theatric style horror based story acted out would be such a cool idea. A mini Psycho sequel done as a stage show or other horror property like the classic Uni monsters maybe (not done as a comedic musical either). Or an original story attached to an icon is another option. I think Uni are missing a trick here personally
  12. After a few of my friends spoke to TJ and Rick at HHN 22 last year it's clear how passionate they are about wanting to offer a great website and build up so maybe you are right. Let's just hope marketing keeps its nose out and leaves them to it lol
  13. No subject is out of bounds Kat. We're all equal on here in my eyes so talk about whatever you like. I personally don't want it to be a family friendly event. It annoys me (and a lot of scareactors too) when I see parents taking small children through houses. As has been mentioned before that is what the Disney Halloween event is for so I'm all for keeping HHN as intense as possible.
  14. I would love a year round update from Uni slowly building up the information and excitement. I also like the thought that it would lessen the role of those who like to tantalise and tease us with the information they know and lessen elitism and god complexes lol. Would level the playing field I suspect lol. I really hope they choose to continue developing the LT site throughout the year and not just leave it that way until August.
  15. Mr Black. How dare though disagree with Chris's opinion on something. Don't you know the new name of this forum is Wesker.com and that only his thoughts matter now lol
  16. I've taken time to read through the thread after my post HHN hibernation and it seems a lot of you mirror my thoughts on what they want for next year. Although I'm repeating most of what's been said here are my wishes. 1. A return to 8 houses and not 7. This may not happen seeing as the success of last year will make them think they got away with it. 2. A split of houses in favor of original houses. I'm thinking 6 original and 2 IP if it's an 8 house year or 5 original and 2 IP if it's a 7 house year. 3. The return of a proper fleshed out icon or host and better advertised backstories to the houses. I'd like to see H.R. Bloodengutz take the role this year as he presents each house as a movie. 4. No more lame acts like 20 Penny Circus. There was nothing original in that show I'd seen it all before. I don't mind a magic show but please something of a better quality. Or a stage show featuring the icon of the year resembling what they did with Jack a few years back. That's a good way to explain the icon to the GP. 5. A return of the no safe zones from last year. That worked so well. I'm quite honestly torn between the roaming hordes and set scarezones and can't decide which I like better. I originally thought go for a mix of both but I don't think that would work on further reflection. 6. No more music based houses. As much as I am a big fan of Alice Cooper that house wasn't a big hit with me and I knew the material it was based off. I can see why some people didn't get it. I don't think music translates very well to houses. 7. A better website with interactive fun areas from the start. I do actually think they realised they screwed up last year and I do expect better in 2013. 8. Merchandise for sale on a par with last year which I thought was of the best choices in years. 9. The return of the card swipe idea and expanding upon it. Maybe places within the houses to find or timed out areas in the streets. 10. Bill and Ted. On first viewing of last years show I was dissapointed. However I watched it every night I visited (6) and by Halloween night I was singing along, laughing at what was about to come, reciting lines and having a blast. There is just something about that show and it has to return. Both my wife and I thought the guy who played magic mike was hillarious. Well played my friend! All that being said Uni will see last year as a massive success due to the amount of people in the park. As much as I like original houses the IP's definitely dragged the public in. I'm have no doubt you'll see another big name this year. I'm surprised nobody has yet mentioned Resident Evil
  17. Gotta say this update has peaked my interest this early in the year and has me hopeful for a more story and background driven even than in the past few years. Maybe even an icon? The fact that they've done this so early might be an indication that all our negative feedback about the website last year has been listened to and by doing this it's a hint that they will take the web content seriously this year. WTG us lol! Hope so anyway.
  18. Once again if you dont live in America i have to miss out. Cannot register without an American phone number and carrier meaning I can't join in the fun. Once they realise I'm British they don't let me participate in exit polls either. I'm really getting fed up of Universals policy towards foreigners. I spend more money each and every year than most Americans to attend their event yet I'm treated like a second class guest
  19. I am expecting a room full of scareactor nurses and dummies all still and not moving until you approach. The the scareactors will move but until you do you won't know real from fake. Now that would be a good scare.
  20. I don't see what Penn & Teller have to do with scary but they are here this year lol. I understand you dont think the costume is scary but don't forget we haven't seen what face makeup or masks they will be wearing yet. That may be the horror element, who knows?
  21. I personally think Behind The Thrills are exaggerating the crawling through caves part. Crawling implies going through it on hands and knees and I don't see that happening. I'm guessing we'll have to duck or crouch at most but I hope they made the roof above our head padded lol. Involuntary jumps are going to mean a lot of heads hitting it
  22. Personally I kinda of like their costume at least it's original. The reason for the gloves and neck band of course is to hide where the tattoo top ends and help sell the illusion that they are real tattoos. Saying that I don't really mind if Mr Black or anyone else posts an opposing opinion as long as its CONSTRUCTIVE. We all have different views and that's what makes the world an interesting place. If we all agreed then there would be no point in posting and there would be nothing to discuss lol. Let's just keep it reasonable and friendly
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