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Shadybrook Oddfellow

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Everything posted by Shadybrook Oddfellow

  1. Make more of these reviews. This was actually funny. DO MORE. OR DIE!
  2. Oh my God. I think I'm in love with you no homo. Actually some homo. I also like how you took the time to make your own logos for everything! =D
  3. I'd like to revisit a house from the past DURING the apocalypse if there is an apocalypse theme.
  4. You've made me angry that I decided to go to HHNH this year. !@#$!
  5. That would be kind of... eh never mind. Plus, when Jimmy said some of the zone will be indoors, I think we might have a hidden icon house at Nazarman's!
  6. I disagree with you. ZombieGeddon's "balance" was just too straight forward. I mean, the first half of the house was all funny, no scares. The last half, I didn't get ANY laughs. Just scares. Cleaver balanced this genre of house perfectly, using the laughs mostly as distractions, so the scares would become more unexpected. Same goes for Creatures and Home For the Holidays.
  7. The one house that delivered this perfect scare was Catacombs. One scare, that I never saw coming. This made it the only house I've ever been to that has made me cover my eyes the whole way through. Thank you Universal. I love you for making me !@#$ myself like that.
  8. CLEAVER. 'Nuff said. (I've only been attending since 2006. Someone told me ALL if the 2005 houses had queue videos. What was the one for The Skool?)
  9. Hhnrumors public reveal post confirms that there WILL be acid rain. However, I'm scared that it'll just be warm water... (This worry is scarier than the scarezone itself)
  10. Could you make me a "The Thing: Assimilation" themed sig? If possible, using the 2007 entrance banner? Thanks a lot! (With my name too please!)
  11. The 2 best houses of the night were Psycho and RUN. I never realized what house the electric chair was from until my 3rd or 4th RUN.
  12. A Fort Frolic maze in itself would be pretty nice too!
  13. I'm looking at my new wallpaper! Amazing, Reaper! Simple, but effective. it just speaks, "STAY AWAY FROM MAH DESKTOP!"
  14. 1, or 2 returning houses each year would be good. No more than that, unless it's one of those years where they're celebrating the past. Also, I'd say that these houses need a sequel: ZombieGeddon, Legendary Truth, Leave it to Cleaver, Frankenstein, Reflections of Fear, Interstellar Terror, Vampyr, Terror Mines, Where Evil Hides, and Ghost Town. Yup, that's alot.
  15. Hey, I don't know why, but I love queue videos. What's your favorite?
  16. With Legendary Truth, I think that it will return, but to promote the houses. Like, LT investigating an abandoned asylum, a monster infested motel, etc.
  17. I gotta say reality. In fantasy it scares you, yet in reality you know it can happen.
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