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Everything posted by Creeper06

  1. So I know that this house got a lot of fans this year so I thoguht I would share... have you seen the trailer for the new Nic Cage movie Season of the Witch? There are plague doctors in it!!! Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLoKm_vUsFY The doctors show up at 1:04. Just thought you all might enjoy
  2. I LOVE this idea! I'm all for bringing the event back to the theme of HALLOWEEN. I like that they still include it here and there (the pumpkins in Central Park, this year's Coven) but it would be great to see the entire event themed to the holiday itself.
  3. This is awesome, man. Thanks again for taking the time to share it!
  4. Agreed. They're already there so it would be very easy and inexpensive to just project a montage of scary movie scenes (or the icons, or this year's retrospective queue video) all night. It would add a lot more atmosphere to the park for the night (like when they would project the icon on MIB). And I liked the idea that was floated last year about RRR. Put in some spooky lighting and allow for scary music selections (a techno version of the Halloween theme). Would be a pretty simple way to incorporate it.
  5. Great poll!!! But so tough to make a decision. I went with FEAR. Universal may have wasted the character itself but he still looked freaking awesome in person. Medusa and The Minotaur come in second for me. Truly impressive. I will also add that, although they've done zombies before, the zombies in Zombiegeddon were the best and most effective version that's been done. Ahhhhh.... I miss Halloween.
  6. Excellent review. Thanks for writing it up! Yes, 20 years of Fear definitely earned SZ of the Year! It was awesome.
  7. Ahhhhhh.... Didn't even think about that. Interesting. I just thought he was being one of those "I'm here to SCARE, not take pictures" SA's. But you very well could be right. Hmmmm.
  8. Good review. Thanks for sharing. And, about Jack in Fear Revealed? Yeah, he was kind of a dick about taking pictures. It was very annoying especially because ALL the other icons were so cool about it. Even Eddie! Glad you had fun though
  9. Well, the cast of Havoc definitely deserved the honor. The house itself didn't do it for me, but the cast was outstanding. Kudos! And 20 Years of Fear was amazing. Very much deserved! I always loved going to HHN on closing night because there are always crazy shennanigans. I'll never forget going through Castle Vampyr on the final night and the very first vampire had a box of Count Chocula that she offered to everyone. Hilarious.
  10. While I understand your point, that's not what's going on here. I loved those houses the first time I went through them and I love them now, along with many other favorites through the years (Universal Classic Monster Mania, Castle Vampyr, Body Collectors, Scary Tales, The Wolfman). However, no amount of time passing will change how I feel about others. Creatures was crap in 2008 and it's still crap now. No amount of nostalgia will ever make me pine for the The Disorientorium or The Spawning either I already know I'll look back on this year and fondly remember Hallow'd Past, Legendary Truth, and Hades.
  11. Screamhouse was one of the best houses HHN has ever done, and I don't say that lightly. It was truly awesome (which is why they revisited two more times). All-NIte Die-In for The Director was also amazing!!! Ahhhh.... memories.
  12. Agreed. I really like him. I just think Universal dropped the ball when it came to using him (which I went into great detail in my review). But he has a lot of potential and maybe they'll learn from this year's mistakes.
  13. I haven't seen anyone post this, but it's interesting. Two important things to notice: 1) He says the icons are going back into the lantern "for a while" so they are probably not gone for good. 2) He strongly implies that Fear will be back next year, when he talks about "Next year, you might see a 21 or he might end up completely covered". Sounds like we haven't seen the last of Fear. Thoughts?
  14. You're probably right. Hope for the best but expect to be underwhelmed. But, whatever happens, I hope some of you locals will video it for those of us who live elsewhere. I'm gonna miss those guys!!! Well, maybe not Jack so much. Because as the old saying goes "How can I miss you if you won't GO AWAY?!?!?!"
  15. Totally. Once the first Bill & Ted dumps, you're looking at 75-90 minutes for Orfanage all night long!
  16. LOL. I'm surprised he got that much. I was with my family and said 'It's Fear!'! They said "who?" so I had to explain that he was this year's icon. How depressing.
  17. Ahhhhhh.... so it was you! Wolfman is my favorite and I tried to get pictures with you both nights I went but you (and your "counterpart") kept running from cameras like they would seriously injure you. I eventually got a picture of just The Wolfman. It had to do. Sigh.
  18. Awesome awesome review! Very well written and you make some amazing points. We disagree a little on different houses but there are certain things where you hit the nail right on the head: -The Merchandise! Do you know how much $$$ they could rake in by offering us some unique items. Especially a retrospective DVD! -Finales! They were weak this year. -The cohesion of the event as a whole! It just felt so random and slapdash. And most importantly... the mishandling of FEAR. I said almost exactly the same thing on my review (http://www.horrornightnightmares.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1414). It was like I was reading my own thoughts all over again. Well done! Bravo!
  19. Tough call! But I've got to go with Horror Nights: The Hallow'd Past. It's just a blast and warehouse sections are amazing! Hades and Legendary Truth are both a close second.
  20. Hey all! So I've been back in CA for over a week now. I guess it's about time that I buckle down and write out my review of Universal Studio's Halloween Horror Nights XX: Twenty Years of Fear! I'm going to go over the houses and scarezones individually and make some other comments about the event. What I will spare you is are the mudane details like what I ate and when I went to the restroom We'll start with the shows: Brian Brushwood- I didn't see it. I go to HHN to experience the houses and scraezones and I will always choose hitting a house a second (or third) time over seenig a show. Grade: N/A Bill & Ted's Excellent Halloween Adventure 2010- Ummmm.... wow. Now every year, it seems like there's a vocal group of people crying "BIll and Ted sucked this year! It was nowhere as good as last year!" until the next year. Then they just start up again "last year was so much better". So it's hard to take certain reviews seriously when it seems hindsight can make a show better than it was. This year, everyone said how bad it was and I rolled my eyes because I've heard that song and dance before. Then I saw it. Everyone was right. In 11 years of attending the event, this was without a doubt the WORST Bill & Ted show I've ever seen. I've heard some people say that it was because there weren't a lot of "good pop culture characters" to use this year. I call BS on that. Hollywood's version is lightyears better than this and they use virtually the same characters. Except the villain out here was Sue Sylvester from Glee (which makes perfect sense) instead of Dr. Evil... again! Really?!?!? Dr. Evil again?!?!?! Someone is OUT of ideas. The show had no good jokes, no spark, no energy. After seeing it, I wished I had skipped it all together. Don't bother. You're not missing anything. Seriously. Grade: D Now for the Scarezones, in order of my least favorite to most favorite: Escueleto Muerte- a visually impressive and totally original scarezone. Not at all what I expected when I originally heard about it. I thought it was going to be more a party zone and it had a much more subdued and eerie tone than that, which was good. The blacklights were nice and the costumes were very cool and unique. It just wasn't scary. At all. Plus- how does this fit into the overall theme of the event? Oh yeah. It doesn't. Grade: C Zombie Gras- It's a fun scarezone and slightly scarier than Escueleto Muerte. I love the contrast of the upbeat party music with the grisly zombies wandering around. Some good lighting here too and I enjoy that they linked the storyline to a house. But it was a very, very small SZ. And still, you can't ignore that Universal just found a way to reuse old props and costumes from Mardi Gras in the Spring. That's just cheap. Grade: C Saws 'N Steam- everyone rated this higher and I totally understand why. Sting Alley is a great location for a SZ and it almost feels like a mini-house. It's cramped, foggy, and hard to find your way around. All very good things. The stages with the "mini shows" were also a nice touch to bring the zone to life. I have no real complaints about this SZ at all. I just didn't rate it higher because I liked some of the others slightly more. Grade: B The Coven- This SZ seemed to be underappreciated, which is too bad. Last year we got to see HHN show us a fresh take on vampires (Dracula), Frankenstein (Creation of the Damned), and werewolves (Wolfman). This year, it was nice to see them do the same with witches, an old Halloween standby. I thought there was a good variety of theming, a nice contrast to the witches (beautiful vs. hags), and some really effective atmosphere. I rated it pretty high because it also boasts some classic Halloween imagery which, for me anyway, is ALWAYS welcome. Grade: B Fear Revealed- Ok, I'm starting with a tangent, at the risk of pissing some people off: Yes, this SZ is a photo op. But, guess what? I like photo ops!!! So do thousands and thousands of other guests who pay a lot of $$$ to come to HHN. I know there are HHN purists and plenty of scareactors who hate them because it "ruins the illusion" of the SZ and keeps the SA's from scaring guests. But I have a harsh truth for y'all: 90% of the time, SZ's aren't scary. They're great for mood and atmosphere but, they're out in the open. You can see the monsters. There they are. I've been to HHN four times this year (twice on each coast) and guess how many scares I've had in a SZ? Exactly one. And that was because I was changing the batteries in my camera. The people who get scared In SZ's? Teenage girls and wimps. The rest of us? It's a great place to soak in the atmosphere of HHN and take some cool pictures. So accept it, enjoy it, and take full advantage of it! Where else can you get pictures with ALL these awesome icons, each with a heavily themed backdrop? It's freaking awesome! And finally we get to enjoy Fear himself in all his glory (in fact, it's the only place... but that's another tangent I'll get into later). Plus, I love the XX gateway with the flames. Totally badass. A great zone. Grade: A HHN: Twenty Years of Fear- Another SZ that is mostly a photo op, which is cool. But here, we have a greater variety of characters (Wolfman, Frankenstein's monster, Crypt Keeper, Alice, Mary Shaw!!!!) and some amazing props and nods to HHN's past. I could have spent hours in here alone. So many great characters. So much to look at. Awesome theming. It perfectly blends in with Fear Revealed. And there are some great opportunities for very cool pictures (yeah, I said it). Grade: A+ Now for the houses! Also from my least favorite to my most favorite! Catacombs: Black Death Rising- Wow. So many of you all called this the "house of the year" and I don't get it. As I was walking in with a friend who had already been through, he turns to me and says "You really sure you want to see the Spy vs. Spy house?" I said "huh?" and he goes "oh, you'll see!" and he was right. I loved the sets and thought they were really well done (except the random rooms where it became a museum and had information plaques... that was weird). But the costumes? I dug the skeletons but about 80% of the SA's were plague doctors. So #1- there was not enough variety in the monsters. #2- the plague doctors are laughable. I know they're "historically accurate" but that doesn't mean they're not silly looking. It's hard to get scared when I'm just having flashbacks if reading MAD magazine as a 12 year old. So disappointing. Grade: C- (MAD magazine = not scary) Havoc: Dogs of War- I kept comparing this house to Intersteller Terror from 2008: great sets, great theming, good performances... just not "Halloween-y" (is that a word? I'm making it one) at all. The theme is totally random and out of nowhere. I just couldn't get into it. The scareactors were awesome. Probably the most committed in any house this year so I give them total props! And it was a decent enough house, I guess. Really loud (tto loud?) and some good scares in here. It's just, when I think of Halloween, I don't think of crazy bald soldiers. Meh. Grade: C (intense but what the hell does this have to do with Halloween?) ZombieGeddon- I was totally prepared to hate this house from the concept alone. I don't like "humor" houses. I don't get them. If I wanted monsters cracking jokes at me, I'd go to Halloween Comedy Nights. I hated Leave it to Cleaver last year and expected this to be right in line with that. In fact, I almost skipped it completely. I am happy to admit I was wrong because it was a really enjoyable house. Yes, the queue and first two or three rooms had that very tongue-in-cheek feel of Cleaver, but it doesn't last long. As soon as things get serious, there are some great scares in there. Especially, the "plastic room" or was it a freezer? Anyway- that room was amazing with a zombie in each corner. And I loved the look of the zombies too. I remember Deadtropolis where the zombies just had painted faces and they just looked human. Here they used more detailed make-up and some prosthetics to make the zombies look more real and, more importantly, scary. One thing- I read on these boards that the reason the zombies are loose is because the Zombie Gras float crashed into the house? I love this idea! Only problem was that someone had to tell me that that's what supposedly happened. It wasn't at all clear from walking through. Too bad. Not my favorite house, but well done nonetheless. Grade: B- (first half, eh... second half, cool) PsychoScareapy: Echoes of Shadybrook- Another house I wasn't particularly psyched for because it felt like a retread. I mean, come on! This is the 4th PsychoScareapy house we've had in 7 years! I just feel like A&D have gone to this well one too many times. But the house itself was still very good. I liked the approach of coming back to Shadybrook after it had been abandoned. Excellent sets and facade (as we've come to expect in a SS house) and I love the RED BUTTON! Very cool little secret for us fans. I also loved the projected cameo by the bald lunatic from the marketing campaign from 04. Another awesome easter egg. The hands on the bars hallway was easily the highlight for me. Overall, a very good house. Just loses a little excitement since it's been done before (3 times before). Grade: B (good but they should have this one down by now) The Orfanage: Ashes to Ashes- Hooray... Cindy gets a house! Boo... It's in the Jaws queue!!! I don't think the Jaws location is as bad as others make it seem. I really liked Saw there last year. And this year, they also did a very good job of maximizing the use for the space here. Really great theming, really great sets, and really great effects. I loved the floating child outside the window. I think Cindy was used just right at the beginning and the end. And I always got special attention from her when I called her by name It was true that, during the day, the light came through the house and ruined some of the experience. The only downside? Wasn't scary. Little kids in masks yelling 'trick or treat!' just don't scare me. I think it's cute more than anything. But everything else about the house still puts it higher on my list. Lots of fun. Grade: B (Cindy gets a great house but her friends ain't scary) Legendary Truth: The Wyandot Estate- easily the most ambitious and unique maze of the year (if not ever). A&D set out to create a "truly haunted" experience, using every trick at their disposal, and you have to admire that. So many neat effects and scares here: the floor, the poltergeist, the chair, the bronze statues, the scrims. The facade and rooms were all extremely impressive too. As others have mentioned, you really have to do this house mutiple times because there's so much in here that you could miss. Timing is crucial, but it's worth it to see everything they threw into this experience. I also loved the cameo by The Storyteller. My only gripe? Those masks. They were a little cheesy. I wish they had just used glow-in-the-dark paint on the SA's actual faces. It would have been far creepier. But aside from that, this is one of THE houses of the year and you have to go a couple times if at all possible. Grade: A- (would have been a solid A without those masks) Hades: The Gates of Ruin- Another very ambitious house. This one has a completely new theme, very unique, fresh approaches to classic monsters, and probably the most scares of any houses this year. I've never heard of or seen a haunted house based in Greek mythology before and that's what makes this such a cool concept. The execution almost completely pays off this concept. The facade is fantastic and the theming is very well done. There's a huge variety of creatures inside (minotaur, medusa, cyclops, soldiers, witches, etc.) so it's never boring. There are some good effects used effectively (the minotaur mirror effect springs to mind) and scares come rapidly and consistently. It's like A&D took the best elements of a lot of houses and combined them all into one super house. But, not to beat a dead horse, where the heck was Hades in the finale? No one has apparently seen him. Just an empty throne. It seems like a glaring oversight in an otherwise spectacular house. Grade: A- (come on... Hades couldn't show up to his own party?) Horror Nights: The Hallow'd Past- I know the SS houses are always considered the premiere ones every year and then the Parade Building house comes in fourth. Not this year! Hallow'd Past may not have been the scariest house (Hades), the most innovative (Legendary Truth), or the loudest (Havoc) but, for this longtime fan, it gets the prize for being the most purely enjoyable haunted house at Halloween Horror Nights XX. The warehouse intro and finale were PERFECT and so filled with amazing props, posters, and costumes that I wish they'd leave it open as a museum during the day. Then you get the treat of going back in time and visiting some scenes from many houses of HHN past (Scary Tales 3, Body Collectors, Dead Exposure, Frightanic). There were some who wished that this house would have gone back further to include older houses, and I can see that. I would have liked to have seen a nod to The Dungeon of Terror (the very first maze at HHN) but, if you look at the houses selected, each one has a very unique tone that keeps them completely separate from the others, which is really why I think they were selected. Then the finale in the warehouse with all of our favorite icons (excpet Bloody Mary... we miss you!) scaring us out? Perfect. This house was PURE fun and my favorite of the year! Grade: A Now to address our icon: FEAR- I've discussed this a little on another thread so I apologize to anyone who's rereading it, but I really ending up liking Fear as a character. When I first saw him, I was a little disappointed but I grew to like his look a lot. He's very big and imposing and a suitable icon for the event. I just feel like Universal missed the boat on using him. I totally understand what they were going for: let's keep him hidden and just hint at him so people will have to come to the event to finally see him! I get that. The only problem is that it backfired. They kept him so much in the shadows that your casual attendees didn't know who he was, nor did they care. For example, I went with my family from Chicago. I follow the event online (obviously) and they do not. As we were walking through Fear Revealed I said "It's Fear!!!!" and they looked at me and said "who?" I had to explain that he was this year's icon. They looked at their guidemap and saw a lantern and just kind of shrugged. It was in no way clear that this was Fear's year! Even the archway video at the entrance focused on the 5 icons. Fear barely gets a cameo. So, unless you're one of us hardcore fans, Fear just did not connect with the general public. They needed to not be afraid to use him in the commercials, the advertising, the videos, the guidemap, etc. In 2002, there was NO doubt that that year was all about the Caretaker. He was everywhere! The slogan was "Are you ready to meet The Caretaker". This year, as it was, Fear had no exposure and therefore, no impact. Then, at the event itself, he had no presence either. The only place you could see him was in Fear Revealed. In theory, you could actually do the whole event and never walk past that SZ. What about projecting him around the park? Or having him show up in each house (like Bloody Mary in 2008)? Just anything to increase his exposure. It's really a shame because I liked the character. I just think they dropped the ball when it came to using him. OVERALL- Overall, I think that HHN XX was a solid but not a spectacular year. It was interesting because there were no houses that I thought were really awful (ala Leave it to Cleaver and The Spawning last year) but there were also none that totally rocked my world (like the EPIC triad of Wolfman, Dracula, and Frankenstein- also last year). As always, it was a great event and a lot of fun but it definitely felt more like 'business as usual' than something truly mind-blowing or new for the 20th anniversary. I had a great time but I would put this year somewhere in the lower middle compared to all the years I've been going. Final grade for everything? B So, sorry this has gotten so long! I just love me some HHN and am happy to share my thoughts. Thanks to anyone who hung in there this long to read all this I welcome your comments and discussion!
  21. Well, I think if the icons were to ever return, it would be years and years down the road. Just never say never is my point. If the guests request it, I'm sure A&D would appease. I'm all for them continuing to create new icons though. I don't want them to keep reusing old ones a crutch. Interesting theory about the sacrifice at the end of the event. It's entirely possible but I know there was speculation that that was going to happen in the Fear Revealed sz and it didn't. I guess we'll see. And, yeah, I think Fear was overshadowed by ALL the past icons. I understand Universal's intentions to keep him hidden until he was revealed at the event itself but, for the casual attendee, that meant nothing. For them, they just walked by him and thought "That's a cool big monster" instead of "WOW! So that's FEAR!!!". It never felt like it was his year (to anyone but us huge fans at least). It's too bad.
  22. Right! I would never say never. I could easily see a "triumphant return" year at some point where the icons come back to take the park or something. It wouldn't surprise me at all. But I think putting them away for a few years is a good thing. Someone on these boards mentioned putting cameos of the icons in the houses in the future and I love that idea. I'm all for something new and creating new and exciting icons, but little nods to the past for us fans would be very cool. Like how Storyteller made an appearance in Legendary truth or Jack in Zombiegeddon. I think that would be nice. BTW- despite all the flack that Fear has gotten from the fans, I've actually warmed up to him a lot as an icon. I think he's very cool. I just think Universal missed the boat on making him front and center for the event so he never really felt like THE icon for this year. He needed more presence in the marketing, website, archway video, and throughout the park. Because they wanted to keep him "in the shadows" it really undercut his influence. It's a shame, really.
  23. Me too! I choose to celebrate HHN all year long! However- I do always go through a week or two of depression after the 31st knowing that it's over for another year. However- those of you in FL are lucky. You can still go for a few days still. My trip to Orlando is over so HHN XX really is over for me
  24. I never buy Express for Orlando and always get all 8 mazes, all scarezones, AND Bill & Ted done. But I always go on a Thursday or Sunday and I'm there right when it opens. You can do it but you have to keeping moving and know where you're going! This year I did it all with 90 minutes left to spare. BTW- you're totally fine to have missed Bill & Ted in Orlando this year. It was BAD. Our version here in Holywood is so much better! However- I still think the houses and scarezones in Orlando have it all over Hollywood.
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