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Everything posted by Creeper06

  1. *stands and applauds* Bravo!!! Couldn't have said it better myself. Every year is different and it's interesting to hear which years the fans seem to love (y'all seemed to love 15 and I was very lukewarm on it) and what falls flat for them (so much hate for poor Fear). But there's a lot to love every year! It's always a great time
  2. I love this concept. It sounds awesome and I really hope they pull it off. But it's really hard to pull off "total darkness" in a SZ. There's always lighting in the streets as well as bleed over light from nearby parts of the park (not to mention safety concerns). I have a hard time imagining them getting it dark enough for it to work as advertised. I hope they do because it sounds great. I just think it might lose something in the execution. What say you? But they get total points for trying something new and unique.
  3. Well since everyone is doing it... and I concur that it is really hard to rank these this year. Almost everything sounds amazing! 1. Winter's Night: The Haunting of Hawthorn Cemetery- love the concept, love the artwork so far, and I love the idea of wandering a desolate, lonely cemetery. It seems ripe for amazing mood, atmosphere, and environments. I can't wait to see what the ghosts look like (please look better than LT last year)! 2. The Forsaken- Unique concept, great environment, awesome pics so far. Looks very awesome indeed. 3. H.R. Bloodengutz Presents: Holidays of Horror- I am not a fan of the humor houses. They're never scary (which is, you know, the point of HHN). However, I love holidays so much and I think that this is such a fun premise, that I'm stoked. 4. Nevermore: The Madness of Poe- I wish I was better versed in Poe, but this is looking goooooooood. 5. Nightingales: Blood Prey- I was not a fan of War of the Dead so this initially did nothing for me. But the look of the banshees has gotten excited for something original and terrifying. 6. The Thing- Sadly, I missed Assimilation in 07 :-( And I love the Carpenter film, so I'm excited to see it come to life (even though it is based on the prequel). Hoping they've improved it even more since the last time. 7. The In Between- I have never liked 3D houses so I'm very skeptical. I'm hoping this isn't going to be another Disorientorium... with glasses. But it sounds like they're pursuing a more demonic feel which is promising. 8. Saws N Steam: Into the Machine- I love the idea of turning a SZ into a house... but Saw N Steam? It was fine, I guess, but I never felt the need to see it return in any capacity. This should be fun enough but it doesn't really excite me. Oh, and I'm not disappointed at all by the lack of casino
  4. Agreed. Not to mention (I may get some flack for this staement), not EVERY SZ has to be totally gory and terrifying. Wonderland wasn't exactly "scary" but it was visually awesome and had great atmosphere. Variety makes the event better and this sounds very unique. I look forward to it.
  5. Wow. Wow. Wow. This sounded promising but it looks like Uni is pulling out all the stops! Everything looks and sounds amazing for this house (and it's not even a SS). Roofs? Awesome! Amazing theming! Effects! Unique creatures/ghosts! Just looks so great! So, last year, I enjoyed myself but was pretty underwhelmed by the sets/facades in the houses (excpet maybe Hallowed Past) especially after coming off of Dracula/Frankenstein/Wolfman in 09 (some of the most impressive sets ever, IMO). But this year, it looks like the quality of the sets is a huge leap forward. Cannot wait!!! I just hope the drunks don't wreck it all before I get there on the 27th
  6. I think Fallow is right. It all has to do with rights. Universal Studios parks are completely separate from the film studio portion of the company (very much like WDW vs. Walt Disney Pictures). They even have to license Universal properties, it's just much easier to do that. But licensing films from other studios gets very expensive fast, and isn't always worth it (Did anyone really mind that we got 'Run: Hostile Territory' instead of "Hostel"?). Also, as Fallow states, it makes things looser for intepretation and gives them more freedom to play with themes. BTW- I always heard that Castle Vampyr was originally meant to be a Van Helsing house but, after the movie underperformed, they tweaked it and made it more generic. Can anyone confirm? Regardless, I'm glad it happened since that remains one of my favorite houses to this day.
  7. You know, that's exactly what I picture as well. So... kinda fun, but nothing special. Of course, we could be blown away. Stranger things have happened
  8. To be totally honest, when I originally heard about this house, I was not excited. Sounded like a rehash of War of the Living Dead to me. Then I saw the pics of the creatures and imagined walking through trenches and such. Now, color me hopefully intrigued
  9. Have to say that this is my most anticipated house of the year! The environment of an isolated, cold, haunted cemetery in the middle of the night? Sounds amazing, unique, moody, atmospheric, and awesome. Plus a cameo (or more) by the weeping angels?!?! Amazing! I cannot wait!!!
  10. Anyone find this to be an odd location for the icon scarezone? I mean, if the entire event revolvesa round Lady Luck, why would they stick her in one the smaller, more out of the way locations? It just seems like a lot of guests could miss her tucked away in Sting Alley.
  11. Gotcha. That was kind of what I gathered, but I wanted to be sure. And y'all are quicker to respond than Guest Services
  12. Word. I'm only going to be in town for a long weekend (god, I miss living in Orlando in Oct) but I just bought my FFP today. Still saves $$$, surprisingly enough. Question for you all, do APs get a discount on Express? If not, does a passholder just buy the discounted admission ticket and Express separately? Sorry if this is a silly question but the site is a bit confusing on this.
  13. I'd been wondering the same thing. Do we know that what was in Catacombs was the official hint? Or was that just speculation on the boards?
  14. Someone on these boards gave me this tip last year (maybe it was you). and the dark shades really do help, especially in the soundstages which are usually the first ones they open for Stay & Scream. So now I always do this! I'll never forget stumbling through Body Collectors in 2008 and being so frustrated that I couldn't see anything.
  15. Is that the long weekend because of Columbus Day? If so, that would explain why when I've gone on Columbus Day weekend, it's always busier than expected.
  16. Hey all!!! Finally caught up on this thread! Sheesh, I leave town for a week and y'all get crazy A couple things: -I LOVE the originality being showcased this year. I'm not psyched about every single house or SZ (The In Between sounds particularly lame to me... almost like Disorientorium, but with 3D glasses) but a lot of creative risks which is awesome! -Forgive my naivete, but what is "Hell Week"? -And, yes, we get pretty screwed out here at the event in California. It's better than Knott's but can't hold a candle to HHN Orlando. That's why I book a trip down there every year, no matter what! But there are dedicated fans out here who want Hollywood to do better. Problem is that we're the vocal minority and people line up for the event whether it's full of repeats or not. It's a shame. -Yes, the commercial is totally cheesy. But I still like Lady Luck as the face of the event. I seem to be in the minority in that I have no issue with a less involved backstory. It's a nice to have but not a need to have, IMO. CANNOT WAIT!
  17. EXCELLENT Analysis of the past few icons. You hit the nail on the head, my friend!!! Bravo! I am with the rest of you (except Legacy it seems) in hoping that Lady Luck is established as a true icon and face of the event. Is an icon necessary? No, as proven by 2004. Does it enhance the overall event though? Absolutely! It's something I look forward to every year (as I know many of us do). A new character with a new story always plusses the experience and I'm always excited to see what A&D will come up with next. I'm hoping when the full site launches, we'll get a reveal of Lady Luck and she becomes the true face of HHN 21. If they keep her in the shadows until the event ala FEAR, then yes, it will be another missed opportunity. 32 days
  18. Hey everyone! Wow... this thread hos totally left me behind. I couldn't keep up with it so I stopped reading it for a while (so HUGE thanks for the recap). But you guys are awesome at deciphering this stuff. Again, wow!!! Well the variety of houses has me extremnely more excited than I was initially when the "Gambling theme" was announced. It sounds like they're taking a much broader approach and that makes for a better experience, if you ask me. No icon house is a bit disappointing but... we had an icon house for 2008 and that was the weakest of the night so, I trust that it'll work out. Plus, I would love for "Lady Luck" to make cameos in each house like BM did in 08. There are ways of weaving her throughout the event without giving her a house. Anyway, are we expecting a site update on 9/1?
  19. You give Murdy way too much credit, my friend. If he hates repeating himself, then why does he do it so often? 2007 and 2008 were essentially the same exact event. I think the subtitles are there to fool the public into thinking it's something new when it's mostly the same (i.e. the Saw mazes). However, since I will be attending the event on both coasts, it will be fascinating to see how each Thing house differs.
  20. I've already chimed in on this on the The Thing thread that lasted a few hours So I'll just give a short recap here. I am looking forward to The Thing, mostly because of my love for Carpenter's film and because I missed the house in 07. Plus, if there were these issues in 07, here's hoping thay A&D learn from them and improve those aspects this time around. Plus- I like having one or two movie-based houses mixed in with the oiginal content. Variety is great and makes for a stronger overall event. Different people like different things in their haunted houses. I am not a fan of "humor houses" but I know some of y'all love them. Cool. Every year, we seem to get one. You guys can enjoy it and I can do it once (I still have to see it) and do the ones I like better a few extra times. Everyone's happy
  21. I'm afraid I'm gonna be a little unpopular with my opinion, but hear me out. #1- I am very excited about a house based on The Thing. First because Carpenter's film is a classic (and I'm hoping the new movie will be decent too) and, more importantly, I missed the first version of the house in 07. I have always regretted that I never got to see it and this gives me the opportunity to do so (even if it's going to be different in some ways). So my opinion is a bit skewed because of that circumstance Now if we could get them to revisit Dead Silence (the other house I missed and it totally breaks my heart). #2- I've always appreciated a VARIETY of houses each year. Most original, but one or two film-based is nice to mix it up as I always enjoy the feeling of walking through scenes from my favorite horror films. Although, the event here in Hollywood has taken it too far and refuses to give us anything original But the luxury of 8 houses allows A&D to offer a little something for everyone. I am never a fan of the "humor houses". It's not my thing. But that's ok. Because there are seven more that I will probably love. #3- I'm glad that not every house in 2011 is going to be tied into the gambling theme. Its fine for an overall theme (it doesn't thrill me but that's just me) but if everything was casino or gambling based, well, that would severely limit the themes and houses. It would feel like too much of the same. Options are good Ok. That's all. Cannot wait for HHN 2011!!!
  22. Honestly, it's the only way to get all houses done on a normal night without Express. We do it every year!
  23. LOL! Too true brother! But I don't need to see it return at all.
  24. Honestly, I wouldn't mind a return of Catacombs either. Not because I want repeats, mind you, but I want to give it another shot since I cannot figure out what all the fuss was about.
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