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Bill & Ted's Excellent Halloween Adventure (Show Reviews) [Hollywood]


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They replaced her with Sofia Vergarrrrrrrrrra!

Sometimes I still find it funny, and every once in a while they'll change a joke or 2 or there will be technical difficulties and its funny to see how they handle it. buh the dancing and seeing my friends onstage always gets me excited and happy. I'm always dancing and singing along with the show. :)

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I loved the Sofia part! One unintentional laugh occurred towards the end of the show. The reaper completed one of his last lines stage left and as he backed up during a scene change, he tripped over one of the character risers and fell flat on his back! Ouch!

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lol. one unintentional laugh that got me laughing my ass off was one showing where Bill's banana accidentally broke in half. He's like, "whoops" and just starts smacking Ted's face with both pieces. haha. and one time, the reaper's sythe broke after Bill stabbed Ted so like, it wouldn't stay up when Ted was on the ground.

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i believe the broken banana was on opening night at the last show haha

that was the one!

ok my friend went last night and she showed me pics and apperantly Katy Perry, LMFAO, and Kelly Clarkson were added to the "Dance for no reason segment.

Katy Perry WAS in the show, buh they removed that part. LMFAO is a part of Madonna's song and Kelly Clarkson was the finisher for the pop finale.

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yeah cuz I seen a video of the show (I guess it was a edited version of several shows) and Katy Perry kept appearing and disappering from the background, which was a WTF moment, and my friends pics showed LMFAO and Kelly Clarkson. Was Katy Perry's song part of Me?

yeah, it was really short. it was a gag where she came out with cupcakes singing Part of Me and Katniss and Merida shot both her breasts. Ted or Bill. I forget, said something about how those were the best parts of her.

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Sooooo yea... Just have to let you all know that Hollywood's B&T show wiped the floor with Orlando's show this year. If any of you were wondering, the two shows this year are 100% completely different. While that isn't necessarily a bad thing, it just sucks that Orlando's show isn't on top of its game. (I blame the writer/director).

I've watched this year's show for Hollywood 4 times already (yay video) and my god the show is awesome. I can see different things being tweaked/tightened here & there. For the most part, its a solid show.

Thought you all should know how much better your show is compared to ours :lol:

(and i totally want that sexed-up Classic Monster opening next year for Orlando)

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What did they do with Daeny from Game of Thrones? Sad I missed that as I'm a HUGE Song of Ice and Fire fan.

they replaced her with Sofia Vegara. barely anyone ever got the reference. lol

Sooooo yea... Just have to let you all know that Hollywood's B&T show wiped the floor with Orlando's show this year. If any of you were wondering, the two shows this year are 100% completely different. While that isn't necessarily a bad thing, it just sucks that Orlando's show isn't on top of its game. (I blame the writer/director).

I've watched this year's show for Hollywood 4 times already (yay video) and my god the show is awesome. I can see different things being tweaked/tightened here & there. For the most part, its a solid show.

Thought you all should know how much better your show is compared to ours :lol:

(and i totally want that sexed-up Classic Monster opening next year for Orlando)

lol I've been hearing that for the past 3 years. I just wish Orlando wasn't so uptight on filming cause I wanna be able to see and compare too!

Edited by LucasKLeeEsq
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Usually its been certain parts of the show were better than the Orlando counterpart... but with this year, its a completely different show. While our show does have its great moments (mainly due to the cast), Hollywood leaves me more pumped from start to finish. (and yes.. that totally just came out more sexual than i expected) -air guitars-

I actually just watched Hollywood's show again... now i've seen it as many times as Orlando's lol.

Hopefully your guys' show keeps its energy going & i'd kill to see a video of the final night this year because i bet your last show will be epic.

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I know she was replaced, but what did they do with her before she was replaced? What did she ask Obama and Romney, is what I'm asking.

She just asked the same thing as Sophia Vegara, just less. from what I remember she just came in and said

DS: "I am Deanerys Stormborn, and Mitt Romney, you are a chauvinist pig! I want to know your thoughts on women's rights."

Romney: "well Dolores, thank you for that question. I believe that you have the right... to make me a sandwich."

and she leaves and that was the end. There wasn't really any reference to her character besides the name and the stuffed dragons.

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Saw this on Yelp:

"The Bill and Ted Show is the only show. My wife and I walked in, saw that it was a musical, and walked out. We don't care about musicals. If you like song and dance, then maybe go for it. I was thinking that this was, well, a comedy about Bill and Ted (since that is the name). "


"SKIP: bill and Ted. It is soooo long and so freaking stupid. Musical numbers that go on forever and make no sense. Douche bag humor... One hour I'll never get back of my life. It was AWFUL. Trust me."

"The mazes were sub par and we didn't even bother with the Bill & Ted show after watching previous shows on the TV in the waiting area- it looked terrible."

Fun Fact: Yelp hates Bill & Ted. lmao

Edited by DTH316
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Saw this on Yelp:

"The Bill and Ted Show is the only show. My wife and I walked in, saw that it was a musical, and walked out. We don't care about musicals. If you like song and dance, then maybe go for it. I was thinking that this was, well, a comedy about Bill and Ted (since that is the name). "


"SKIP: bill and Ted. It is soooo long and so freaking stupid. Musical numbers that go on forever and make no sense. Douche bag humor... One hour I'll never get back of my life. It was AWFUL. Trust me."

"The mazes were sub par and we didn't even bother with the Bill & Ted show after watching previous shows on the TV in the waiting area- it looked terrible."

Fun Fact: Yelp hates Bill & Ted. lmao

wow. "saw that it was a musical and walked out." Uhhh, wait a bit and give it a chance??? "I was thinking that this was, well, a comedy about Bill and Ted" maybe if you stayed 10 more minutes you'd realize that IT IS!!!!!!!!!! man, I hate the general public.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jesus! Did you guys here about Orlando's Bill & Ted? They're getting like, people boycotting and hate cause of their Romney/Obama part. Scary! All this bad publicity is probably why ours got rid of the Mormon/moron part. lol.



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