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HHN Hollywood 2012 Construction

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^ I agree but I still think the chainsaw scares in close proximity will be very jolting and provide some of the biggest scares of the night.

But as for construction is concerned, the facade is a bit of a let down. I wish it would've been more creative with either the graveyard, gas station or even the woods.

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idk W2MN had chainsaw scares, but the chainsaws were clearing not real chainsaws and the sound effect came from the speakersin the room it realy did throw me back into reality. I just have low anticpation for TCM maybe thats a good thing and Ill be surprised but now its just an ugly taste in my mouth.

back on construction its labor day so starting tomorrow (or most likely tuesday?) we will start to see SZ's coming togather

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Isn't it a bit impractical to have areal chainsaw inside a maze? It's an inclosed area and without the right ventilation, it could be bad. Those things give off fumes. So while it would be awesome if they were real, Safety of both guests and performers has to come first

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Isn't it a bit impractical to have areal chainsaw inside a maze? It's an inclosed area and without the right ventilation, it could be bad. Those things give off fumes. So while it would be awesome if they were real, Safety of both guests and performers has to come first

exactly my point! which is why I dont think it was a smart move to put TCM in the JP queue. Im pretty sure the mummy maze was had a room with no roof when HHNH did TCM a few years ago, and if not its very easy to create a big enough room with enough air. Im not saying shove chainsaws in there or I hope they will have real chainsaws Im just saying knowing that chainsaws cant be used in the JP maze I dont have high hopes for TCM.

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^ I'm actually pretty excited about that Silent Hill sign. There's no way I'm leaving without getting a picture under it.

As for the whole TCM/Sawyer House facade...I dig the idea. I was at that restaurant in Texas last year and trust me, the house makes you feel more of that original TCM feeling then I'd imagine the graveyard or gas station would. The graveyard and gas station we're brief scenes in the movie which makes me wonder why everyone would rather have them as a facade.

...and there's no way the remake is better then the original film. It was good though, don't get me wrong.

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Here is the new video enjoy!! and a look at the silent hill sighn

thanks again for another great update!

The WD facade and SH sign made my day cant wait!!!!!

and IDK to be honest I just find the orignal TCM boring, Its vise versa on how I feel on the other big 3 were I think the originals are the best I just realy dont like the original TCM's.

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I agree with Grind; don't wanna get in a full blown discussion about it though. Remake was easily better. The original film is still great, I wouldn't necessarily call it boring by any means, however. And the original's legacy as a series is absolutely horrid. Part 2 feels nothing like a sequel but I can see why it has its fans, part 3 just flat out sucks and part 4........... that's all I'll say about that. Let's hope the new one is a better follow up. And I think the graveyard is a very iconic scene from the first film, also the first thing you see, with one of the most recognizable horror film sounds accompanied to it. I think seeing that while the beginning prologue plays and lights flashing would give me goosebumps. It'd be something different than just a normal boring house facade, and set the maze's story in a different way than the remake maze did. (Enter house, meet the family, short outside scene, back in, escape).

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Wow, now that SZ are coming together, its really starting to hit me that HHN is upon us! Yikes, I'm starting to get giddy like a school girl. lol. For a second I was going to be really upset if the big steel drums and fire weren't returning to Klownz, but then I saw them on the backlot and realized they just hadn't been wheeled out yet.

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I just posted my final construction update for 2012. This is all you guys are getting until the event starts the Friday after. I wasn't able to get La Llorona and Alice Cooper since 1) I was a bit pressed for time and 2) There's enough media that's been posted here now to show you the semi-finshed product already for both of them. Enough talk. Here you all go.




Ice Cream truck


Klownz Kar.


Walking Dead: Dead Inside!


A peek into the exit. Hehehe. Looks like the barn will be the final scene.


The park has been shifting to lower gear to get ready for HHN 2012!


Prep work for Bill & Ted?


Work going on by Welcome to Silent Hill.


Can you just barely make out the facade/sign?


In hopes to get you a somewhat closer look at the facade (and the car that should be next to it).....

I will be posting part two shortly. Bare with me for a few minutes.

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Okay, here's what you all have been waiting for; scarezones!!!


Props all set up for Freakz, I mean, witches.


Haven't I sen all of these props before?


I'm hoping that there will be some sort of fog effect coming from the wooden tub.


Wild West was in Paris? I never knew that...


Moving on to Toyz. Certainly doesn't look like it would be a zone fit for that, huh?

2012-09-10122119.jpgThere's a toy shop and we see a medieval cage with cooked chickens in front of it? I was hoping for some more thematic-appropriate props, but oh well. They couldn't even reuse those blocks from the 2007 Terror Tram? *End rant*


Anyway, let's check on Texas....where the Saw is the Law.




We can have a little peak into the house through the openings between the tops of the walls and the black tent.


Lookie here, a hallway!


Facade is rapidly moving along....


...and is lookin' good. Hurry up guys! Everything needs to be done one week from now in time for EP night!

Stay tuned for part three. :)

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One last look at TCM before we head for the Terror Tram sets....


Universal's response to the Who's complaining about all of the noise at HHN...


Vehicle set up for the Terror Tram.


To your left is the biggest sound wall in LA....


Seriously, this is a bit ridiculous. Uni needs to tell these neighbors to suck it up and bare with the noise for only a few select nights. They chose to live there, they live with it.


Rob Zombie and Alice Cooper need to have a really awesome concert here by the Psycho house. I'm sure the neighbors would be thrilled!


It better be good this year.


Klownz boxes.


WotW path set up.


More wood about to be blown on more flippin' sound walls.

Stay tuned for the final part of my update!

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