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Everything posted by Tman875

  1. That is exactly the building you will be going to.
  2. We found that out the hard way last year when there were literally no spots so they had to have people park the the gated parking close to Gate 2. That, and people had to park in the outlying parking lots. With the way they are doing auditions this year, you will be more likely to park in the Applicant Parking. I did when I went last night and there were a few to spare. With that being said, still make sure you give yourself ample time to get there and park.
  3. Once you turn at the light you will drive to the stop sign after the cross walk and the turn left into the parking lot. There is a row of Applicant Parking that you can park in. If those are all full you will have to drive around until you find an empty spot. If you are driving South on Kirkman, you will go across Conroy and over the bridge and the next light is Vineland. You will make a Right onto Vineland Road (there is a Walgreens on 1 corner, a Chevron on 1 and a Mobil on the other). You will go through 3 lights and then approximately 1/4 mile you will get into the left turn lane (the only one after you go through the 3rd light unless the new apt complex has added more lights or turning lanes) and ahead is the employee parking lot.
  4. I guess a few people were called back in the room and asked if they would mind shaving their facial hair for a role. It wasn't anyone in my group, but a few groups before.
  5. But not everyone was getting cast. They also asked our group if anyone spoke semi-fluent Spanish (not just a few words here or there) and, unlike another group, we weren't asked anything else. They wanted only our role last year and didn't ask for name and another group was told to answer in 1 word with their previous role. I, too, like the smoothness of the way it is done now. I also think that new people miss out on the "right of passage" you go through of waiting in line for hours in the heat and/or rain to get your number and then going inside to the large room with everyone else to fill out your paperwork and wait.
  6. I guess they needed a reason for the barker to be there giving his speech to the people passing by. I don't know any other reason for him to be there.
  7. I think you are correct in your assumption of what he meant by Unified Aggressor. Last year we were told there would be no victims (scareactors who were the victims of torture/a killing placed in the scene) and that everyone would be after the guests.
  8. I also know because the "Doctor" that's up to the right in the middle of the last room was the guy on the other cast. I also did a much different scare than my tag-out did.
  9. I would have been at about 2:24, but that wasn't my cast. We were the ones coming at the end of the video.
  10. I have seen multiple posts of people wanting IT to return, but I am not sure what more they could do with this house. We've already established that the "artifact' on the ship turned the inhabitants into crazies. You, the guest, were there on a recon mission to see if there was anything that was salvageable and what happened to the crew. I guess unless you used the same set but added different characters, but you would most likely still have the same layout because it is still the same ship. That is, unless this happened on a different ship with another type of alien/inhabitant. I enjoyed being in the cast, but can't imagine it ever returning.....
  11. I know we are entitled to our opinions.... However, why would you want a sequel to Cold Blind Terror??!!??!! That house was poorly thought out and poorly executed. It would have to be a completely new idea with a different name if it was ever redone successfully. I'm just sayin'!
  12. It isn't too difficult to stay out of a smoke-cloud in Cigarz. It is a pretty cool place with a nice atmosphere.
  13. We got the email for the Reunion Audition on the Thursday after the Tuesday sign-up. Luckily I knew about it before so I got a good time, but if you didn't then you got a much later appointment time. Hopefully they will send them out sooner for the open auditions.
  14. Sorry! That's what I get for not going to the event before Tales of Terror.......
  15. If that's the case Cody, then why did all of the years before Tales of Terror just go by their roman numeral? I know they all had taglines, but they still were referenced by their roman numeral.
  16. I don't remember being told why she was included in the house. I just know she was.....and people liked to stop and look at her or in the door and stop the flow of traffic. I was right after her and couldn't really do anything to make them move, so I had to wait for them to move along before I could go after them.
  17. The storyteller was in LT at the end of the hallway after you left the conservatory with the living statues. She was actually projected onto mirrors and there were two projectors to get the effect. The chair was really there but she was projected.
  18. The generic site was always between the previous year's website and the new/teaser website for the current year.
  19. That is also why the floor in that hallway sloped down so drastically. This would have been a killer scare if it had, in fact, worked out.
  20. They could probably do that like they did the Pied Piper in Fractured Tales. It would be cool and creepy all at the same time.
  21. You do realize that the audition today was for returning/current UO employees...right? You have to be a current cast member who works in the park regularly or a scareactor who worked the event last year. To answer your question, it will most likely be done the same as it has in previous years: 1. Go to Human Resources building and they will give you a number, take a head-shot, and varify that you are a current team member. 2. Get the paperwork and go to the large room to fill it out and to socialize. 3. Take the completed paperwork and your head-shot to the table where they'll make sure it is fully filled out. 4. Wait for them to call your number/name. 5. You will get in line in numeric order and they will take you to the audition room. 6. You will be asked your name, and then some type of horror related question. 7. Once everyone is looked at/asked, you will go outside to wait for the results.
  22. You will have to audition during the open auditions as the Reunion ones are only for SA's who worked the event last year. Even if you were a SA two years ago and didn't work last year you will still have to go to the open audition and not the Reunion one. As was already mentioned, the "audition" (that is a very loose term for it) is mostly just a type-out audition. They bring in about 30 people and they ask you your name and then have you answer a question and possible do some type of scary/horror movement. You will find out that night if you have a spot or not. I always just write Scareactor under desired position. The coordinator at HHN is the person who you clock in and out with. They are also the person who may or may not take you to your house. They are also responsible for giving the cast members their 5 minute warning before lining up to go to the house/street. It is long hours and a lot of responsibility.
  23. You can wear any type of footwear that is all black & close-toed. You can always get footwear in the wardrobe department that fits their requirements and they will take them out of your 1st paycheck. The footwear is very reasonably priced and quite comfortable.
  24. Firecrew is someone who is cast and will be guaranteed a role every night of the run. They generally do a different role each night and are someone who they feel is able to easily adapt to new roles. ABU is someone who is cast and then is type-cast every night to see if they will fit a role that there is a vacancy in. You may show up every night as ABU and never get cast because you don't fit what they need in an empty spot. If you aren't able to work every night of the run, then you will be Active Back-up (ABU). I hope that clears it up a little for you. When you go to the auditions, on one of the sheet you fill out you will indicate the days/times you aren't able to work. Depending on which you check, that is how they determine which cast or location you will be hired for. I wouldn't indicate you can be there for a 4:30 call time if you, in fact, can't. That will not earn you favor points and may actually get you fired. What I am trying to say is, be honest with your availability.
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