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Everything posted by Tman875

  1. In some of the Sound Stages (SS), they typically put two houses. Not all can handle two (depending on the size and detail of the one), but the ones that can we have seen several in over the duration of HHN. The only logistical conundrum about multiple houses in one SS is how to get the queue into and out of the two houses.
  2. There is no where to put a tent in or around this area. The backstage area is small and full of stuff necessary to service the buildings/shows/rides around it.
  3. I like the idea of this house, but it seems like it may the lower budget house this year.....but I could be proven very wrong. Not saying it will be a bad house or lacking in detail. I just think they have a lot of the stuff that is going into this house, so won't have to purchase much to give it the feel they are going for.
  4. Universal Orlando makes a great deal of their HHN budget back on alcohol sales alone. As was stated, they only sell signature drinks and liquor at the tented bars and Finnigan's. They tried, very unsuccessfully, one year to only serve liquor at the bar tents and Finnigan's and got rid of the Shot Girls and most of the beer carts. They learned that Orlando wants their alcohol at the event and it will be very hard for them to move away from having it.
  5. Also, during HHN they tend to serve the same several items at all of the windows in the Simpson's food court. I typically look at who is serving what prior to getting in line so I know if they all are serving the same items. Then I go to the shortest window line.
  6. This seems like the kind of thing they do in Central Park quite often. It could be Grown Evil 2 or Evil's Root 2....I hope it is better than I am expecting.
  7. The Barrel of Monkey costumes from the Friends Til The End house were super hot and tight . I can't imagine them using them in a street where the SA's are expected to move around much. I also think they will limit the number of Chuckys in this street as they did when he appeared in the All-Nite Die In a few years ago. I think this zone will have more toys than Chuckys.
  8. This might be a lovely review....but I can't get past the way it's written. Try again and maybe I'll attempt to read it.
  9. You can also get them at some Dollar Trees They aren't great, but they are better than nothing....and they are a dollar!
  10. If it is raining lightly or spitting, the zones will be open and the SA's will be out. In Festival, the stages aren't used if it is too rainy as they will be too wet and unsafe. The streets won't have SA's if it starts raining too heavily. The houses aren't usually affected as much by the rain....unless water actually runs into the house or opening of the house.
  11. I never understand vloggers (or repeat guests) who go to HHN, never look at a map, make up scarezones, and try to be clever with the scareactors. How big and bad does that really make you look?
  12. *I know there are people who are HUGE fans of this show and will cry when the last show has been performed.....this is the opinion of one who is not* As usual, the show was meh. I liked one of the video montages that was on the screen. I don't keep up with pop culture so I generally only get a few jokes. This show, for me, will not be missed.
  13. Or, they could have just not set up any type of temporary stage for AoV.... They were never not going to put them on the main stage, but with the damage the stage incurred due to the winds (the gate by Horror Makeup is down) they did the best to get them a stage to perform on. As Oysterhead so eloquently put, this isn't something that they can just throw back up or go to Home Depot to get the parts to make the repairs.
  14. It will be very impressive once it is cleared to be used to it's fullest potential!
  15. In their defense, they didn't have a full dress rehearsal before the Employee Preview (EP) and are trying to figure out what works for them in the zone. There were no set pieces during EP either so they didn't get a chance to interact with them prior to opening night. Let's hope, for their sake, that the big sets that are expected are there sooner than later on in the run.
  16. I don't know specifically, but I don't know that they will be off the smaller stage by then. Sorry!
  17. This current show is a mixture of the previous show as well as some of the new show that will be on the big stage. I wouldn't bank on them being on the big stage for a few more weeks. Thank Irma for them being on the smaller, temporary stage.
  18. The tall scientists in the white dresses have limited mobility and movement range do to their footwear/costumes.
  19. Yesterday I walked through this house around 6:00 PM since it was a walk-on. I literally had to be lead through the first 3 rooms by an OPS person and then several times in the house I had to stop and wait for one to find me so I could figure out where to go/which way to turn to continue on in this house. I finally caught up with people so I could at least figure out where to go... I know that this isn't the only house that this happens in and it's the nature of going into a dark house from the outside, but it is very disorienting and doesn't make for a great house experience. If I was to only walk through this one at opening, I would certainly not enjoy it and would rank it very low on my list. The house is better than that, so I try to tell people who ask to do this one more than once or at least when it's dark outside.
  20. Coven and Asylum will be in the next version of this house. I don't think this IP will ever be able to become a SZ because there is too much stipulation on what the actors look like. In a SZ you are really able to see their look and so the SA portraying each role would have to be even more similar to the character from the show.
  21. The reason that all of the amazing things that were done in years past (Bloody Mary website, Both Park HHN, Horror-centric Soundtrack, etc) are not as prevalent is because those of us on this forum and who are very involved and in love with HHN are the small minority. Why would you spend a huge amount of time and money on a website (which I think will be my all time favorite website. period.) that slowly and amazingly unrolls the decent into madness of Bloody Mary for a handful of guests? The Joe Schmoe will go to the HHN website to see when the event is and how to/buy tickets. They don't want to spend hours and hundreds of visits to find out the backstory of the icon. Most of today's youth (and society, for that matter) is all about the now and how fast can I get the thing I want. Most don't want to wait two extra seconds to say "Thank You" to my barista who correctly took my 5-pump, extra-hot, no water, grande chi tea latte. That is the society and kind of person that the HHN website is for, not the connoisseur of amazing coffee in a tranquil setting who is there for the ambiance and not the wifi......
  22. That was also the time before/during which HHN Hollywood was in hiatus. It was also two separate entities and had nothing to do with each other. We did our thing and they did theirs...or not. I know this falls under your "Stay out of our business" complaint....but that is one of the reasons they were able to do mostly or all originals/non-IP's without having to answer to anyone.
  23. I very much enjoyed HHN when there were few/no IP houses. I thought it upped the creativity and uniqueness that houses had when not having to be confined to an IP. That being said, I think that time is going away and the time of most of them being IP and a few original houses is the "wave of the future". I don't necessarily agree or like this thought process, I know that it is just kinda how it is. This event is about giving what the most people want and not what a small group of super-fans want. Universal loves and appreciates the super-fan, but can't make a ton of money off of that small group. That is why they will continue to cater to John Q. Public by bringing back the popular IP's (We're on year 43 of Walking Dead, right??), while creating elaborate and beautiful original concept houses that will more appeal to the super-fan.
  24. What would you have changed and how would you have better utilized the space within the story line of Survive or Die: Apocalypse.
  25. The techno/dance music that was in the zone opening weekend is gone.
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