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Everything posted by USHER6998

  1. So after carefully thinking about this for a few weeks the line up I would love to see is 1. Jordan peele’s candyman 2. The conjuring universe 3. Nightmare on elm street 4. 30 anniversary house 5. scarecrow Sequel 6. Slaughter sinema sequel 7. Leave it to cleaver sequel 8. Body collectors sequel 9. OG house 10. OG house scarezones 1. The final purge 2. Saw 3. Icons 4. OG 5. OG shows: 1. Lagoon show 2. Bill and Ted : Reunion Tour feat. AOV
  2. My line up I would love to see next year would be 1. Nightmare on elm street:cause you can never have to much Freddy. 2. The Witcher: if a Netflix property is to be featured I think a bad ass monster hunter house would be cooler then haunting of hill house. I just personally feel like hill house wouldn’t translate that well into a show. 3. Candyman: Jordan Peele got a US house this year and is apparently happy with the final results so I can absolutely see his sequel coming to the event next year. 4. Halloween 2018: having the first before Halloween kills comes out a month later just makes sense to me 5. 13 Ghosts: it’s probably the least likely of the 5 IPs but would love to see this house eventually!!! 6. Dungeon of Terra Cruentes: it’s been said why this house needs to be done above and I just absolutely think this is a bad ass name and could be a seriously twisted house! 7. Slaughter sinema 2: the first house was such a huge success and the ideas for this house are endless and I could see it becoming the new scary tales. 8. Nightingales vs Body Collectors 9. Scarecrow sequel 10. A brand new original house because I don’t want to see just old properties the entire event
  3. Overall did you enjoy this year more then previous years?
  4. DRAGULA and living dead girl for sure. My personal favorite is demonoid phenomenon! Honestly I would just give the album hellbilly delux a listen takes like 40 min start to finish!
  5. Is there any way possible to get the mobile vhs wallpaper to have US and graveyard games added?
  6. This might sound really stupid but is the MIB tent capable of having a facade? I know for hhn 26,27,28 it just had a poster practically. I would love to see the murderride for house of 1000 corpses but scared to get my hopes up honestly.
  7. Klowns is already in construction at Hollywood so I would say it’s unlikely
  8. 10. Graveyard 9. Yeti 8. Nightingales 7. Stranger things 6. Depths of fear 5. Killer klowns 4. Ghostbusters 3. Us 2. Universal monsters 1. House of 1000
  9. I’m so excited to move to Florida this weekend and be able to see scarezone construction as it gets closer to the event!!
  10. I think we are probably good for a announcement next week more then likely scarezones if it goes by last years schedule. I think potter won’t bother anything till the week it opens but I have a feeling that July will be hard for announcements with all the galaxy edge publicity happening. Also academy of villains will prob be announced.
  11. So i really hate that marketing wont use any icon other then jack because honestly this year would be such a perfect year for the ushers return!
  12. To keep discussion going what is everybody’s most anticipated house this year based off the current speculation? I think mine is House of 1000 because of how great the sets should be!
  13. I heard a rumor of a silent hill scare zone. Probably not accurate but I want it LOL
  14. That’s what I thought it was and I could very much see this house being that way
  15. Bill and Ted approves of the page number. I really hope toothfairy isn’t part of scary tales. We just had it last year and it wasn’t that great last year.
  16. If it gets replaced I hope they bring back the idea of hide and shriek!
  17. If I’m not wrong didn’t Hollywood do house of 1000 in 3D?
  18. I think the one I’m least excited for this year is depths of fear because I have no idea how they will do it or anything. Can’t wait to hear info on this one later! Also I kind of hope killer klowns will be in 3D!
  19. I would assume a mixture of the three. Kind of gives me twisted traditions vibes with the kids opening the church.
  20. As a kid me and my friends use to dare each other to play in the cemetery at night but we always chickened out so it could possibly be like that lol. Dare gone wrong.
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