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Everything posted by boogeyman13

  1. From a marketing perspective, and as part of the larger celebration, this could very easily be fudged. It's 100 years of Universal Studios, of which horror is a part. If they wait til next year, they're shooting themselves in the foot within their general marketing campaign. Of course, that being said, there has been no mention of it yet in any of their marketing mix for HHN. And I could see them not really making a big deal about it at all either this year or next, so we shall see...
  2. It could be a dual meaning. It might not be coincidence that Rho could also be the clue, as it is Uni's 100th anniversary, and they have a lagoon show to promote that. This could be in reference to a horror-themed 100 year lagoon show. If that's correct, and those letters were chosen for both RHO and HORror, then my hat's off to the Ifrit, because that is clever.
  3. EDIT: I have a suspicion of who our Ifrit friend is, but it's nothing more than circumstantial evidence at this point...
  4. LOL You guys beat me to the third missing letter. Hopefully there's more to this, because I think we all already know that horror is going to be part of the event.
  5. H is 4 points, I think. At least, it is according to Wiki. However, the Afrikaans version does list H as being 2 points. Again, according to Wikipedia. EDIT: C is in that picture. It's not C. Here's a darkened version of the pic. The only one I can't identify is the letter between the D,N, and U on the left. EDIT 2: Actually, looking at a blown up version, I think that letter is a J.
  6. Scrabble tokens, eh? Given the clue, could it be that there's a 1 point, 2 point, and 3 point letter missing that would spell something?
  7. A week before the hopeful reveal is really starting to feel like the calm before the storm. This Halloween season is going to be great, methinks...

  8. No I don't...oh, you mean the OTHER boogeyman. Carry on! I REALLY hope so. Even as I watched that movie for the first time in theaters, I could see the potential. Such a treasure trove there for them to mine...
  9. Wasn't a franchise house enough for the Buffyverse?
  10. I'm guessing it's going beyond that. The clues have been popping up in other places on the forums as well. Dr. Jimmy's been busy.
  11. I believe there's been some speculation about it, particularly with the release of the poster and the heavy focus on IP's this year. But it hasn't been a major thread. Either that, or it's just been the voices in my head again...
  12. Or it means we're not getting an icon in our advertisements but will for the event, which is why those images were on a tv, and ties in to the commercial. We'll know next week either way, if past years are any indication.
  13. From my heart and from my hands, why don't people understand...

    1. Dr. Jimmy

      Dr. Jimmy

      there's life underground

  14. Assuming that we're interpreting things correctly, none of this is stuff that we didn't really already know or suspect. I don't think I've seen anything new yet. Of course, if all of this is just supposed to kill time until the full reveal, I think the Ifrit has done a pretty good job!
  15. I think you're right. Given the last pic, this is sounding just like The Usher in 2009.
  16. It would be awesome if they've snuck that past everyone without our knowing.
  17. I did a Google search for the text string in the photo, and it did find a YouTube link, which is the below video. My guess is that this is confirmation on no icon, as there wasn't one in 2004? The only other thing I can think of is that the commercial mentions the event being in two parks, which we know isn't going to happen this year, right?
  18. This feels very suspect to me. They go through all this secrecy this year, and then a week before the big reveal, someone suddenly has loose lips? I don't know. Maybe I'm just being paranoid, or looking for things that aren't there, but between the timing and what they're saying, this just feels a bit off to me.
  19. This seems to conflict with a lot of what we've been hearing from other sources. I too would like to know where this came from. Is there conceivably room for a Dual run house in the Disaster! queue?
  20. Classic horror double feature tonight: Jaws and Psycho. Neither of which, I'm ashamed to say, I've seen much of.

    1. MahB


      Sounds like a good time to me! :) Have fun. (Don't feel too bad - I don't think I've ever seen Jaws all the way through before.)

    2. boogeyman13


      They were both pretty solid. Psycho moved pretty slow, but Anthony Perkins made that movie work.

  21. The siren and accompanying shift to the nightmare world is THE thing I'm most looking forward to in this house.
  22. No intent to offend anyone here, and I would love to believe in this, but the skeptic in me brings up some points. There are some pretty extraordinary claims about this guy. Getting up and walking around? Running between rooms and attacking people? Cursing people and families? Changing facial expressions? Is there ANY solid evidence to back any of this up? If I had this guy in my possession, you'd better believe I would have 24 hour video surveillance on him to get as much smoking gun evidence as possible and broadcasting the results, which apparently no one who could is actually interested in doing? Very suspect... There are some other, very plausible explanations for a lot of these claims (if the claims aren't outright fabricated). I'm really not hearing anything that makes me think that this is anything more than a way to generate money. It looks like I may have to take a trip out to Key West in October... Now, to bring this back to HHN, I've always been in favor of an urban legends house. Give me Mothman, Bigfoot, aliens, Jersey Devil, stories like this. I think it would make for a pretty fun house. It's unfortunate that the rumored house for our cryptid friend from South of the border was scrapped. I hope we'll get a full site reveal soon, personally. Hopefully they're gearing up for something bigger. Maybe that's why we haven't gotten any new house updates yet (besides the doll picture)? When were the full reveals for 2011 and 2010?
  23. For what it's worth, The Woman in Black, while not a great film, would make for a pretty good haunt. But not sure why they'd go for the license, since it could be a generic house and still get the same effect. I like the cut of your jib, and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
  24. The first one was actually my favorite house of 2010. To go along with your thought, what if, instead of a time machine, the Spirit Seekers have modified their previous machine and made it even more powerful (or maybe LT took it from them and made their own changes), and it ends up tearing the fabric between our world and the afterworld, causing all sorts of temporal and spatial anomalies? The vortex tunnel could be the tear itself, and we have to go through it to seal it from the other side, possibly trapping ourselves in the spirit world.
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