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Everything posted by PleaseAndThankYou

  1. Is .. there. .. any kind of story or anything in here? I don't get it. It just seemed like a bunch of disconnected scenes from the movies, which is all well and good but... Shrug. Also, me and my Posse spent a long amount of time wracking our brains trying to think of a bigger room in an HHN house than the bathroom from the first Saw movie. Is that the biggest room ever in an HHN house? The only other thing I could think of was the one Walking Dead house that ended with a huge maze room, but I don't think that counts. If that's not the biggest room, what is?
  2. This is my favorite house out of going 10+ years, mostly with FFP+Express. I am not ashamed. JACKSONVILLE!!!!!
  3. I accidentally inhaled one of the SIF from this house . . . Everything smelled like it for like a week. I took one person through and told him to make sure to constantly look up. He got poo'd on. I laughed.
  4. I can't believe there aren't more comments on this house. The facade alone . . . . I mean, it gets muddied inside, but it looks like there's a story there probably, not that it matters. The house is one of the most gorgeous I've seen, even aside from the facade. I hope to see it with the lights on.
  5. There wasn't a weak link, simply put. Even though AWiL was almost a literal repeat (I say "almost" because I know if I don't someone will point out that there were several new puppets . . .) and it had a Walking Dead house ... I thought everything else was awesome. Plus I guess I gained a whole different layer of appreciation for it by going through the lights-on tour. We've done it many times, but didn't do it last year IN PROTEST. Maybe we're just getting jaded. By the time you've been to HHN 100 times it's almost like you know where everybody is going to be, and the only difference between the houses is what kind of masks they're wearing. That could be said about any year, I suppose, and a lot of that disappears after the lights-on tour. For instance, the Scarecrow house apparently has a story? Like some kind of progression of the types and forms of the scarecrows? No idea. And, you know, the 25 house ..... That .... That was awesome, by explicit design. What more could you ask for than a house that's designed with the philosophy of "Let's just ... Do .. All the Best Things" ? And then Alice . . . And FvJ . . . And . . . And . . . And. . . Etc. This year... idk, it's growing on me I guess. I'm hoping to get a better liking of it after doing the lights on tour.
  6. Why is there always a Dancing show at HHN these days? Who is this for? I've taken A Number of people to HHN. Not a single one has seen the stupid Dancing show. Nobody cares
  7. ............ This is the worst scarezone of all time. that's not a slam against the scareactors, but the people planning this. These are just tired off-shift people from the houses, ruining stuff in the rest of the park. the Purge is the new Walking Dead. THE PURGE IS IN THREE PLACES IN THE PARK: BLUMHOUSE, THIS S-IT SCAREZONE, AND THE PURGE SZ JUST TEN STEPS AWAY LOL I love yelling into the floor. It accomplishes as much as the tons of complaints.
  8. Okay now I've seen All The Things except the Shows. I want to see Bill and Ted, but only because it's the last one. My brother and my best man from my wedding have both given it positive reviews with no spoilers. I figure it's probably a Greatest Hits and they may've pulled a half hour of successful jokes out of the 20+ years of shows. And then, like, added Pennywise, probably. Did I mention that I think Bill and Ted is ridiculous and bad? I haven't seen the Dancing show either because I couldn't possibly care less. Sorrynotsorry. I didn't buy a FFP + Express to see #*$(#&$(* dancing. I never did, not the past too-many-to-make-me-not-feel-old years. Have you ever noticed how there are tons of conflicting and stupidly-worded (sometimes) ways to say you are apathetic? "I could care less" "I couldnt care less" etc. etc. etc. Yeah, I care more about that grammatical mix of idioms than I do about Dancing. Sorry, weird white mask Jabberwocks or weird... idk, anything else. Are they even different people? It's like they just change clothes and do the same show every year. That said, this seemed to be a theme this year. What's new? I don't know. It's only been ten years or so that I've been Frequenting HHN... But I haven't seen the severed head gag from Ash and .... No wait I'll think of something else that's new. Let's go through! I'll go through in the way that I go through the park. If you come in at 6:00 (on the clock face, that is), then go counter-clockwise, AHS is a tolerable line. That's how I've done it every night. Almost every night. And almost like that. Either way we definitely always skip the first scare zone, even if we walk right the hell through it. The front-facing scarezone - the literal FIRST THING people see from the gate - is full of Stuff From Elsewhere In The Park??? This is clearly a legal-nonsense scarezone to me. It's like they had something planned, then had to cancel that morning. It looks to me like when those characters come off shift in the house, they have to go out to that SZ. They're tired, they're beat up, they're running on fumes, and ... You know what? Since I always go right instead of straight, I am too when I see them. It makes for great Awful Pictures! As I type this, it is almost Legit Cold (aka, anything below 55F) . . . And one of the main reasons we do HHN is because it's fun to walk through The World as the environment (aka "outside") moves from "Completely Intolerable" to "Okay." I have mostly been soaked in sweat and had actively-forming blisters on my feet this year at HHN. It's been miserable. I feel like the people in that first scarezone feel the same way, and thats more horrifying than anything in the world. So, That Scarezone (I refuse to learn any of the names of the SZs this year) : D---- ......... Just above an F because at least the scareactors are as miserable as I am with the whole thing by that point. But that's not how we roll. You don't do ten years of FFP and start with the house labelled A on the map. No, you start with SAW!! Unless you're me, who has gone through SAW one time. I give that house a 78.69234% ....... because I've been through it once and it was ok. But one time isn't enough to rate. The GATs, I'm told, actually DO in fact do things . . . . . I went through in the middle of a group of However Many . . . . And they didn't. But who cares? SAW UGAIZ! Grade: 91.8732% Really though, most nights . . . . . Most nights, my friends . . . . They started with the one thing I will miss from this year, and that is . . . . A Journey To Jacksonville. It's paradise. Everybody else in the world besides Bruce Campbell (maybe) disagrees with me about that being the funniest #(%*&#% thing in the universe. There's DEFINITELY another Me on the writing staff for Ash vs Evil Dead, because Ash thinking Jacksonville is paradise is . . . . . Perfect. And I friggin' love this house. I'm an Adult. I've been to HHN a zillion times with my FFP. So much so that I'm concealing my identity here. And this is perhaps my favorite house ever. Why? Because nobody is trying to "Scare" me. I'm sorry, but if you're on these forums and you still get scared by people who jump out in masks - be they scarecrows, vampires, or my butt - you are a self-flagellating wuss. The rest of us who go to HHN frequently ... We go to appreciate other things. And Ash is the most Fun house I've ever been in. Heckskin (or whatever you Christian Americans say) . . . Just the Jacksonville scene at the end. . . . I'd willingly buy the wife and I the FFP+Express again just for that. HE MADE IT, YOU GUYS! Yeah there's stuff in the house from the second season... And yeah, every single person who isn't either me or married to me didn't "get" this house AT ALL ... And yeah the house is corny as hell, but that's by design! All of it! All of it is by design! And ... having been the only person in ANY party I've visited with (believe it or not, some people think it's cool to hang out with me) . .... to think this house was even "good". ..... I care naught. And the less I care the better it gets. You'd understand if you watched the show. But you don't. Well maybe YOU do since you're into that stuff . . . but . . . Nobody else is watching friggin Ash Vs Evil Dead on the friggin Starz network. I didn't either - did you? I don't even think I get Starz. I've checked more than once. There's an answer to this question, and I could get it by pushing a few buttons right now on a remote control but, see, the thing is.. I don't care. AvED . . . Is a perfect representation of the spirit of the show, and in ten years of Seriously Going to HHN . . . This may be my favorite house ever. It's definitely my favorite house this year. I recognize that I may be alone in this. . . . I've got a Crew of Four! . . . . Only my wife gets it . . . . Even all the people we've brought with us . . . they don't get it. Of COURSE they don't. I swear there's no mention of Jacksonville but my dumb self, I get to the end where Ash is FINALLY in Jacksonville and I want to cheer!!!! It brings a tear to my eye. Because I realized that the story is out of order for a reason. You think Ash can put any of those rooms in the correct chronological order? You think he cares enough to try??? So, my official review of Ash vs Evil Dead? 100%. The best HHN house I've ever been through. The only drawback is the stupid startlescare where the one guy jumps out in the bathroom ranting about AshySlashy. But Eff that guy (sorry that guy - I think you're on these forums.... it's nothing personal). This house is FUN. NONE OF THE OTHER ONES ARE. EVER. I always say there's one joke house a year (meetz?) and one "for real this could be scary" house (dead exposure?). The joke house is usually kinda fun but - much like the show - the Ash house is ............................ Heck (lol at writing clean) ................ Just ......... Cool. And even though they try to avoid it, maybe subvert it (the show certainly does), there's a story to this house. 'Cept, thing is, Ash isn't the protagonist. You are. And you're just going through this stuff, trying to get to Jacksonville. Nobody but the other three people who watch the show and have lived in FL and been to Jacksonville get that fully. Take it from a Floridonian, people from Better Places (aka, not Florida) - Jacksonville SUCKS!!!!!! Thinking of Jville as paradise is like imagining the best parcel delivery system as Pigeon! I friggin' love this house. ............. Did I already review the Saw house? It took a couple visits to see it, since for some reason it doesn't factor into the pre-ordained "go counterclockwise, IDIOT" plan . . . JK. My full Saw review is above. ------- Stripper SZ Look, here's the thing . . . . All of you (insert dehumanizing word for girls) are (insert something else horrible, as much as you want). But I don't take my wife to strip clubs. I've actually never been in one myself, and I'm closer to "40" than to "carded" I ................. They play "Orion" there sometimes. Or they used to. I don't know. But I'm old enough to know that song......................... bawwwww (ts ts ts ts ts) baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (ts ts ts ts ts ts) .......... etc. You get it. Or you friggin don't and you just hear it as another set of noises to rub your Junk on things to. Grade? LOL are we still doin' that? -------- Next set! Next set is the scarecrow house and the ..... "vampire?" house Scarecrows.................. they eff people right the eff up .......... who have never been to HHN. OMG its amazing! Hive................................they eff people right the eff up...........who have never been to HHN. OMG its amazing! What, are those too similar? Okay, person who DEFINITELY isnt on HHN's ............... team. Yes. Yes they are too similar It's a little upsetting that they take their loyals for granted. The "punters" as they are called in the uk... they come in and......whatever. Everything is terrifying and new. The locals??? LOL!! Screw us! Here's a secret - HHN is literally the only reason I'm living in Orlando. My first wedding anniversary is next Tuesday. To rephrase, Someone agreed to marry me on Halloween. HHN plays deep into our relationship. And my life! I'm wearing a HHN shirt right now by kinda-coincidence. I say kinda because .. Like..... Most of our clothes are HHN. They ........ they....... in the past, see......... they...........c....car....................nevermind. Back to the review. Scarecrows? House gets a B because I was bored but I convinced my brother to look up for crows and he got Pooped on. Hive? LoL it woulda sucked even if the Conjuring didn't drop out. So here's the thing . . . . I'm not a casual viewer .. . I haven't been, for a long time.. But .... The other thing is. . . I've been watching the event descend in quality. Not a bit - A LOT! SSssoo......... no icons anymore and no Real Drinks at the bar.....and........ see, thing is, that.. They............. you know, like, "They" ?........ dgaf about you. It's all money. Soooooooooooooooooooooo you do the walking dead 100 years in a row util ppl cry out like Mugatu, saying they're the SAME HOUSE. Okay, well, what about the Purge? THE FRIGGIN PURGE OMG WHO CARESSSSSSSSs The Purge is in THREE places this year: Blumhouse, the Purge "scare" zone, and the stupid I-know-the-name-but-its-terrible scarezone at the front of the park. AND SCREW THAT That............................. Is where I land on the Blumhouse house. It's clear to me that things got messed up with the contract. Again. Contracts with that studio got Effed at the last minute last year, and "the purge" is just like... people........in masks..with knives.......................... And the Blumhouse house? it's terrible. Seriously, you say what movie it is on the wall? Well...... Dear Blumhouse - 1- Everybody pronounces it "bloom" - stfu with "blum, rhymes with plum" 2- a corner hallway isnt allowed to be advertised as a....................... anything 3- every single thing youve done has been better than this house What the F was next........ I guess it must've been the other two "original" houses that used the voodoo queen and .......... idk, all of hhn xx? or, ykknow, "Dead Water" and "Fallen" or ........ whatever........ Does the first scareactor in Dead Water get constantly hit? I've been through several times in several states of drunkenness . . . . Luckily I was sober the first time through, so I knew to hold myself up against the crooked floor . . . Else that SOB wouldve gotten hit in the face by accident. Because of COURSE if youre right handed you put your hand to the right................................. RIGHT into that persons face. And then, what, AHS and The Shining? idk. They were ok. That's my entire review of both. Collectively. Overall? Wifey says that they fired somebody who cared and hired someone who sucks. I agree. That's how this year looks to me. We have the FFP but I think overall we'll only go 6 times this year. Because it's garbage. Last year I'm pretty sure we went more than 15 times. It was harder to count .. . . For 25? We basically lived there. I'm wearing a shirt from it. My wife's asleep and she's wearing a shirt from it. Both obviously complete coincidence as I write my review of this year. Summary of my review of this year? 61% You didn't fail, but you came REEEEEEEEEEEally close............... Only because stupid loyalists like me will still go. All the people I've taken with me.... And talked into getting express passes (this event is useless nonsense without it) ....................... give it an F. Not one of them will go again. Just like last year. Except a different group of people. Uni couldn't give two S or an F about any of this. Yet they still try to grab me to survey me. LOL........................ People ask me about HHN and i ask if theyve seen ash vs evil dead. If they have, I tell them it's worth visiting... on a Wednesday. If they haven't ......... I tell them to wait until next year (hopefully) when they (hopefully) have an icon or something or (hopefully) have some kind of cohesion to the event. But this year? My takeaway is a bunch of forgettable houses, a square commemorative cup that is split in half so it can't be stacked, a sh---y straw in that cup, and a complete waste of money. But that's okay, right? Right?? I mean . . . .even Metallica had a Poo album, right? So HHNs allowed to have an off year, right? Well........ This is the only place I can say this and be understood........ But wifey and I only live in Orlando because of HHN. And we're now actively looking to move. Because we're over it. There's five more days or whatever that our FFP works . . . .. . But neither of us want to go, any of those days. It commits the Cardinal Sin of Horror. It's boring. Maybe we've just been too many times. But we know where every single one of the scareactors are, and there is no more "scare" - there is only "startle" ...... Possible responses to this, if any .......... "So stop going" .......... Answer ....... "uh, we will"........... "Youre really negative" ......... "no." "ash v evil dead was nonsense" "RIGHT?? Jacksonville rules!!!!!!" "---" (that's the typed out sound of nobody reading or responding) .................. "-----" Man. Jacksonville awaits. Also, the alien scarezone sounded AWESOME but its the second worst scarezone i've seen in too-many-years.........The first being the effing scarezone THiS YEAR that is just..... people on C shift dinner break. I'd complain to Uni but....... nah. Overall, I give the event 4/5 stars.
  9. I saw James Franco playing Jack on bloody-disgusting.com (because I'm the type of guy likes to know who's buying his drinks I have a pinned BD tab I refresh all day next to the "other" news). That was completely ludicrous. BUT! It has made my HHN Experience better. Now I just think that all the people jumping out of whatever boo holes or whatnot are like... If not Franco, some other ridiculous human being who is clearly an alien life form of the same variety. That scarecrow? That was Neil DeGrasse Tyson. That vampire? That was Albert Brooks. Etc., on and on, and if HHN sucked, just doing that would sharpen my brain. Just think that all the scareactors that you see jump out - regardless if whether you saw them coming from a mile away or if they come out of Outer Space - are someone famous but not A-List (can we agree James Franco is A-List? If you don't, replace that with your own ranking and reconsider your priorities) actors, just moonlighting their moon faces for no reason. I mean... He .. Like, didn't make it known? And he also got makeup before putting ... on .. a.... mask? MAN The Shining is crazy.
  10. Wait, isn't it supposed to be two sets of three houses? My brother is considering the tour but he'd only be able to do the afternoon tour and ... Frankly this whole line of discussion makes it sounds like that'd be a waste of money. Also it's sounding like the people who have taken the tour didn't have a good time. What say ye, do youse guys recommend it or was it a frustrating waste of money? Also also, it sounds like everybody's describing a different set of houses and a different set of photography rules . . . What's the deal? Each tour guide gets to choose their own arbitrary set of policies? And possibly their own list of houses? I'm not sure I trust tour guides with that much power to ruin my day!! Finally . . . What are the times of the tour? Sorry if that information is elsewhere; I couldn't find it.
  11. Wifey and I boycotted this last year because of the "NO PICTURES YOU SCUM" policy. Sounds like it's been lifted. Do I get to see the inside of the houses again!?!
  12. Thanks for the input! I suppose the question is ... Did it help?
  13. Arguable - Danny wasn't there for a lot of the stuff we saw. Including my favorite thing in the mirror maze and possibly the greatest thing I've ever seen. If you saw it you know what I'm talking about! But if Danny was in the house I would say the same thing about how it's off Incidentally, we're supposed to identify with Jack in the book. Speaks to what I was saying about different angles of the same story.
  14. For nonsense reasons I won't go into, this was the only #*(&#(%*& house we saw last night. I thought it was awesome. I've had long-standing theories in my head that they should do a Shining house, even though... well... It's not owned by Uni. I've been thinking for years about like...What they would do, how they would do it, etc. I thought they pulled it off awesomely. Wifey thought they did the tricycle-on-the-wall room "to save space" and otherwise didn't really represent the movie well. I disagree. We'll need to go through probably 300 more times or so With the release of IT (which I love that I know for sure I'm not the only person here who has been following and waiting for this movie since 09 - In fact, I'd probably be in the minority here if I wasn't), I've been reflecting on how awesome Stephen King is. The book, the miniseries, and the new movie all tell three different stories with the same characters, but they're different in tone, mood, style, prose, timeline, and just about everything else. Not to mention that while watching IT, I was almost jaw-agape at how closely the locations matched what I pictured in my head. I finished (re-re-re-re-re)reading the book earlier last week, and realized that he just ... Describes those places so well. Yet his stories can be adapted - STRONGLY - in many ways. Which brings us back to The Shining. We Ridiculous Horror People here probably all know that King HHHHHHHHH----AAAATES Kubrick's movie. It's almost the opposite story as what's in the book, quite literally in some parts. And I feel like the house at HHN is just another expression of that. Now, me, I immensely dislike mirror maze rooms with timed strobe lights that occasionally go off, because of exactly what happened last night - I walk into the #)*(&% walls. Like, all of them. For medical reasons, I don't do well with strobe lights and have to put my hands on wifey's shoulders in strobelight rooms and she audibly heard me curse when I walked into a wall. More than once. But isn't that kind of on point for the movie? My only criticism is that I don't think Wendy should be in the house, because I think we are supposed to be the Wendy in the house. Wifey doesn't agree. But that happens, right? GIVE ME THE BAT, WIFEY!
  15. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Yeah this is my second post, but I'm as hardcore as HHN fans get, and I've been lurking on this forum from.... Well, when it wasn't this forum This is the worst scarezone I've ever seen. The community seems to all agree that the website is meh this year, but the rollout was TERRIBLE. Wifey and I go with another couple, and we refused to buy tix until we knew exactly what was going to be there. They didn't tell us. For a long time. I think this SZ is the result of whatever legal nonsense probably tied that up. I mean, seriously, this is just "Here's stuff from other places in HHN" and it's FRONT AND CENTER? All the HHN Pro's I know (including a lot of scareactors) know to go right from the gate and start at 2:00 and move counterclockwise to beat the lines. But most of the GP will walk forward. So it's like a preview of what they're going to see? But last night I saw the Purge girl with the glowy mask there ....... And then again like 3 minutes later in the Purge scarezone. What is this!? Here's hoping that it'll improve over time. . . .
  16. Hi everyone I'm sitting here looking at my FFP+Express pass and being sad about two things. One, I can't go tonight....Because: Two, my feet got all messed up yesterday and we actually even had to leave early. We only saw one house!!! That hasn't happened since HHN 20. And that was an outlier - wifey and I usually see every house on opening night. Especially for the past 3 years when we get the Express passes (omg FFP+Express is NEXT LEVEL). I'll back up a bit. I'm a big dude. Tall heavy whatever. And I try to walk around as much as I can when the weather's right but, as any FL resident knows, by the time September 15th rolls around, there's not been appropriate "Go Wander Outside" weather for months. Especially for a big guy like me. . . I was drenched in sweat before we even got in the park last night. My blood's too thick for FL. After some hassle with the tickets I won't go into, and our immediate need to eat something or we'd fall down, we finally got out into the streets of HHN last night at around 8:30. We saw the Shining - I've been waiting for EVER for HHN to do that - and then, after a brief wait in the line for one of the other houses, we just .. left. I was starting to get nasty blisters ("hot spots" at that point), and we were both otherwise......... Not Feeling It. So here's where we get to my question here. I wear compression socks now when I know I'm going to be on my feet for a while so my HUGE BULK!!!!!!! doesn't cause shin splints. They help. Last night that was all I had. We're going to do the Full Run tomorrow. I'm going to tape my feet up and wear the socks I was using before - athletic socks with thick padding on the bottom I used to wear on long walks. But I also want to wear my compression socks. Question is . . . . What order do I wear them in? My logic says compression socks first, athletic socks after. But, as anyone who's worn or seen compression socks knows, they're by nature really thin. I'm afraid they'd shear that way. Then again, I think if I put the thicker socks on first, it would result in less compression and thus defeat the purpose. The Super-short tl;dr version: how do youse guys get around getting debilitated from the huge amount of walking involved in a night at HHN? Last year my brother's step counter clocked the distance from when we left the garage to when we got back at just under 11 miles (?!?!?!!). I never had this problem the first day. It's lame. I do end up getting foot problems a few weeks in (our plan with the FFP is to go every night, unless we don't wanna )..... I imagine the same stuff people do for long hikes would work here. Can anyone help?
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