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Everything posted by LV-426

  1. so, the FFP plus will be 89.99, I guess is not that bad, I might get it, but I'm not sure yet... what do you guys think?
  2. LMAO your suicide comment really made me laugh
  3. I definitely want to check out HHNH, I want to go one day, I have seen pictures and the scarezones look pretty cool, besides you guys have pretty girls in the event, I remember seeing some girls dressed with freddy Krueger stuff, and the houses seemed to have nicer details, oh and I really want to see the Terror tram!
  4. wow, this is really interesting and cool, and the lantern would fit right in with the legend, wow, I was also thinking, Sirens are not the same as mermaids, I think sirens had wings, I don't think this has been discussed http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siren
  5. yeah, seeing your answer and the link about the lady in Disney makes me think, I guess I'm just naive lol I just couldn't believe they would bring something like that, but I guess it happens...
  6. no, I really doubt they will add any nights for the normal FFP, you're totally right, this makes me think, they always ask in the surveys "how many days do you think the FFP should have?" I guess they decided charging a little more for extra nights was the way to go, I am so happy about this , I really hope I can get one, and the express pass for the FFP, i really don't see the need, if you are going to keep coming back, is nice they added it, but I wouldn't get one
  7. mmmmm I don't know, I don't see a problem if they had chainsaws in more than one scarezone, HHN always has them, The only thing I kinda wish sometimes is that they gave the scareactors with chainsaws a mask or something, I don't know, kinda like Eddie, but for all of them, sometimes the red blood paint alone just doesn't do it for me, I also kinda wish they used the stuff that was used for the movie Hostel, the mask and the leather gloves, it would look really cool.
  8. wow, they added Fridays to FFP, I'm just speechless this is going to change a lot of things, will the park be full all the time now? I wonder why did they make this decision, I wonder how much they would be, I hope is not too expensive, I would love to be able to get a FFPP, wow... ( I wonder if there is a limited amount, or if they'll sold out, just thinking)
  9. Oh finally something else to see, I like it a lot, it is definitely interesting, I liked the pictures they chose too, I also thought of Medusa when i saw the lantern, or tentacles, but it looks more like roots for some reason i could not see the videos, any of them, I would press play and nothing happened,
  10. No , thank you for clearing that for me, I always like your and JWFearman's input, I'm really sorry for the rant, is just that it seemed like movie houses would always be there, but i get what you're saying, I wonder why the movie houses didn't pull in the numbers it was supposed to? and about bloody mary and the queen of Hearts comment, well it is going to be the 20th anniversary for HHN Orlando, but, maybe UH would just do the bloody mary theme for this year?
  11. you guys are so sure about this, you're getting my hopes up, is there something you guys know that you won't tell us?? if this is really true then im going to be the happiest HHN fan ever!!!
  12. I wish what you said was true, that sounds great, but, the past 4 years I've been to the event had movies, Hell 2007 and 2009 was ALL about movies, Uni will always make movie houses, because Uni is a Movie based park, while i wish they made new houses, (and maybe this year there will be no movie houses) i doubt they'll stop that And as for using splice, if the wanted to they would do it in a heartbeat, you say 5 people saw it, They did an entire scarezone on a movie that wasn't even out, (and a movie that sucked by the way, Cirque du freak wasn't even a horror movie, it was like a halloween Disney movie) also they made the Wolfman, I was just simply giving my opinion, I wasn't trying to put anyone down with my comment, to me that movie didn't look good, but Who knows it might be a great movie, I was simply saying that i would like to see a house based on something else besides splice, that was all
  13. oh, im kinda curious now, i just didnt like that it kinda remind me of Species and i though the girl looked really bad, but i might see it when it comes to dvd So people cut their hair for Scream house? mmm... interesting
  14. Rob Zombie made that house in Hollywood some years ago, I always wonder how was it, i would have loved to been there
  15. a blue Mohawk??? interesting... very interesting, i wonder why would they need that shaved-head girls, I really hope is not a Splice house, I know some people might have liked the movie, but to me that movie looked so dumb, well specially the girl, i just can't stand her
  16. Ohhhh I hope no one gets any cute ideas from your post about your friend... I agree about the parks that barely check and the way you look, at Disney and Sea World they barely checked my backpack, and they didnt have metal detectors, HHN actually has more than all the other parks, and as for how you look, you reminded me, last year there was this guy with a long coat, i don't know if it was trench coat, but the security took him to the side and made him empty all the pockets, the park opened and i still could see the security checking him, i dont know if they let him in or not,
  17. Orlando is bigger, we get around 7-8 houses Hollywood does 3 mazes I think, i think Hollywood mazes are longer,
  18. Yep that movie is so messed up, i love it, the sequel was so-so, but the first one is so good, the creeper is definitely one of the scariest and most interesting monsters of horror, i would kill for a creepers house, the movie has so many epic moments,it would definitely scare me, just thinking about it gives me chills, lol at the end of the house the jeepers creepers song could be playing ( did you know the first movie was filmed in Florida? interesting fact, when i saw it i always thought those backgrounds looked familiar, and very creepy, specially with the church. Also they are making jeepers creepers 3, with the girl from the 1st one, im exited about it) Stephen King, yeah a lot of people agree, i think they should do a house with all his movies, each room for each movie.
  19. ok I just saw the movie Pandorum and I have to say, this movie is Perfect for a house at HHN, if you haven't seen the movie, is like event horizon or Alien but with the Descent monsters instead of aliens, The sets looked just like that awful interstellar terror house of 08, and this movie is 10 times better than Event Horizon, also the creatures are right up HHN's alley sort of speak, i don't know if much people didn't like the movie or not, but i think it could be a good house, I was expecting something like this when i heard of interstellar terror, if that house had monsters like in Pandorum it would have been easily the scariest house of 08,
  20. there was a Jason scareactor in a second floor in 07, that one of the highlights of that house that year, my favorite part of the house
  21. yep, in 2008 in wizard of oz the scarecrow and another scareactor had stilts, the scarecrow would jump around or walk fast in them, i remember thinking, "Wow how does he do that?" the "20 years of fear" also works for me, i like it, i keep thinking about this thread and about the reunion and reusing houses, and i'm thinking, it's not even a good idea if they bring back a bunch of houses and scarezones from the past because i could see people going "didn't they do this in 06?" or "this is old" I could see the general public making a fuzz about it, i dont know maybe I'm wrong, but just a thought
  22. Really! I would anyone fight in the Mummy queue?? makes no sense, I mean if people jump in line, is that enough for a fight? i can't believe what you wrote, i would really love to go to each person that fights and ask them why would they fight there, i just cant see it
  23. eh, I bet the security people has some wild stories about people coming to the park or the stuff they bring? I wonder if anyone has been stupid enough to bring something like a gun, it sounds dumb but you never know
  24. wow, that must have been quite a sight, i kinda wish i saw that, I wonder why was the guy so angry, Why on Earth would someone do this, I remember in Cirque du freak there was a woman and her daughter, and a vampire scareactor girl kept trying to scare them, and the woman got So angry at her and started to yell at the girl, i was like ???
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