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Everything posted by OhHaiInternet95

  1. The GSATs for AoV were great, I thought? Even without a show, I have no idea how they're going to scrape together the budget for 12 houses. I could see them completely importing Hollywood's HoB.
  2. Haunting of Hill House has been mentioned, and I think it would fit, but might they wait until 30, since it took two years for Stranger Things to arrive? It would give them a good second headliner: https://www.businessinsider.com/netflixs-haunting-of-hill-house-surging-in-popularity-with-viewers-2018-10
  3. Sixth Sense would DEFINITELY re-use the vomit bedsheet hallway from Exorcist. I think Poltergeist was possible for them to pull off. Sixth Sense, not so much--even if the video tape scene is one of the most horrifying things I've seen from a movie. Betting Killer Klowns will be the comedy house next year (with which I am a-ok). If for some reason it's not there (I was absolutely convinced AHS would happen this time last year), I'd be down with Zombieland. Of course, ideally, I'd love Leave It to Cleaver 2. How about "Just Die-sserts"?
  4. Alright, anyone have ideas for another "open floor" house? The only thing I can think of right now is a Nightingales sequel, but I'd rather them save that for 30. CGY wasn't anywhere near as "open" as I thought it would be--there were one, maybe two scenes that fit that description. I'm curious, does anyone know if they could've fit that ferris wheel from 17 in there? Anyways, I'm trying to think of possible new ideas for scares/houses, but to no avail. For the complaints some have about them needing "fresh blood," haven't they just about done it all (that's legal)? Maybe it's just because I don't go to other haunts, but I'm curious as to what types of scares could make their way (I did see the description of the swamp scare at Knott's, so that's one). One idea I had for a scare is to place a vehicle on one side of the guests and place a mirror on the other side, a good distance from guests, to give the impression that there's two identical vehicles on either side. An SA would then push the mirror toward guests to give the impression the vehicle is hurtling towards them. Of course, guests would still be in the mirror--so it's flawed. But I'm trying to come up with new ideas, soooo. Isn't that part of what spec should be for?
  5. Eh, they play those same trailers every year. Plus, Killer Klowns will likely be THE comedy house next year.
  6. Comcast is by far the most stable leadership Uni has ever had. I haven’t agreed with several decisions of theirs, but I’ll take it over Uni supposedly being on the verge of closing prior to Potter. Pretty strong parallels to Eisner’s tenure at Disney.
  7. As far back as last November, they had It. Then WB pulled the plug because of Horror Made Here. So I think we have about as good a chance of seeing all originals as we do of It.
  8. I WOULD give a sad face reaction to that, but Poltergeist was one of the three best this year and I really enjoyed my one run through Stranger Things. Even Trick 'r Treat, with which I was disappointed, was by no means a bad house. Does anyone know how the originals stacked up against the IPs in terms of guest satisfaction ratings? I feel like this year benefitted from having the most since 21.
  9. Key word: ORIGINAL version. All the scary aspects of FNAF minus the horrible fanbase it would draw.
  10. Believe me, I would adore an original version of FNAF.
  11. Seriously, if it weren't for that, I'd be all for it. Also wouldn't be anywhere near as hated a property. Stranger Things 2 is significantly more horror oriented than the first season.
  12. I remember with CGY they said that each character "had his or her own backstory." Do you know any of them? Seems like that house had a lot of lore that didn't see the light of day.
  13. Eh, I don't think the plants have a long term plan for survival. Could've easily been fixed by saying only a few humans remain. Still, I find the opening scroll quite scary, since it kind of relates to a very pertinent concern.
  14. I think if they try the barrel scare again in the future, they should place the barrels parallel to the guests, with a grate between the guests and barrels (like in the slamming panel hallway)--that way, you get the loud noise and thus the scare without the metal flakes getting in people's eyes.
  15. I was born the year of the Crypt Keeper. My closest cousin was born in October 1990. You can guess how I keep track of his age. Glad this was such a great year for you. Seemed like a very divisive year overall.
  16. Can they take any steps to prevent this next year? This was a pretty good event IMO, but I can only imagine how awesome it would've been if so many actors hadn't quit.
  17. Huh. I had heard last night was well staffed. Your report is about what I thought it would be.
  18. They moved her. Like I said I would be disappointed but since I didn't expect that angle it was a great scare.
  19. Did you catch the (fake) mirror scare in Graveyard? Glad you came back.
  20. Yeah, I guess I should’ve worded it a bit differently.
  21. Nah it was a roadside tourist trap, but it had a very similar feel to it--a lost amusement attraction, angry carny-types converting the pieces of the attraction to torture devices. Looking at the POV to Knott's Dark Ride, which CGY is arguably based off of, DoT was very similar from what I remember. CGY didn't feel as "open" as I hoped it would. There was one scene where I would've noticed the "openness" if they hadn't advertised it. Like I said, it does have some very creative scares, even if the plastic barrels didn't do much for me. INCREDIBLE use of the mirror trick. And some nice gore (the tunnel of love)--strangly, I felt like this year was gorier than the last two years (disclaimer: I missed both AHSs). Oh, and boy would it be nice if HoB didn't exist.
  22. I think if they bring back B&T, they should take the house level back down to nine. And no mega-houses, please.
  23. I generally agree with him on CGY. A somewhat stronger version of Dungeon of Terror: Retold, IMO. Biggest disagreement with the OP, as of right now, is Seeds.
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