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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. The only problem about having the cornfield outside would be the risk of growing the corn stalks. Like you said, in 2004 they had the scarezone Field of Screams but most of the crops got destroyed due to all the hurricanes that year. From what the design team said about the scarezone it was going to be amazing. But unfortunately was ruined. So I could definitely see them trying to redo this zone and have the full effect! I could definitely see them doing a cornfield house similar to The Hallow. Great idea. Will it happen this year? Probably not :/... But I'm thinking we might get another TCM house this year because the new movie just came out. So you will get your chainsaws! And they have used gas chainsaws in past houses like Saws n Steam, RUN: Hostile Territory, and TCM. I'm thinking thats because they were in a semi outdoor space.
  2. Traveller said they should have a burlesque show which is pretty much what you are saying. Would UNI actually have this? Who knows. I keep saying they need to bring back the Arrival show like Dr. D said! but it creates so much congestion in front of Mells, But if they moved it to the Rockit stage and had the queue run past Rockits queue and go behind the stage it could work. But sadly that probably won't happen
  3. I like hearing when and why everyone started going to HHN, so I created a topic for it . My first year of HHN was 2006. In 2004 I saw "The Art Of The Scare" which is the Travel Channel special about the HHN if you didn't know what it was lol. But after I saw it I asked my parents to go but they thought I would get too scared... So then 2005 came around and I asked again. They said they would take me to HOS because we had an Annual Pass there. So I settled for that.... Finally 2006 came around and I finally got to go... I was hooked from the very first moment I set foot in the park!
  4. I know a few years ago at HOS they had "sliders" with metal knee pads and ran around the whole park. I believe that was the only roaming group that year and I saw them a few times. All they did was walk around and just run up and slide at you. It was good for one group....But I don't think HHN will have all the zones roaming. There would be too much confusion and they would run into each other all the time, unless they just alternated spots throughout the night but then the street construction would have to be very general or else you would see the Prisoner CDT running around in the Vampire set area and you would be like wtf?? that doesn't make sense lol
  5. 1. Welcome to Silent Hill (Love the games...never seen the movie. But the games are creepy and addicting) 2. Universal's House of Horrors (Classic monsters? Sign me up.....Been waiting for this house since 2007) 3. Penn & Teller: New(kd) Las Vegas in 3D (Not a big fan of 3D but In-Between was awesome last year and I have always liked P&T....Can't wait to see this one) 4. Dead End (This house had the picture with the "Dead Silence/Mary Shaw" victim/person...Love the mansion style theme as well) 5. Alice Cooper: Welcome to My Nightmare (Heard great things from the house in Hollywood last year...Hopeful for this one) 6. The Walking Dead: Dead Inside (Loved the first season...never watched the second. Don't really like zombies anyway so I'm not too excited about it.) 7. Gothic (The reason I scored this one so low is because it just doesn't sound good. Gargoyles coming to life doesn't sound scary... Just weird. Although I won't be surprised if this ends up being my favorite house because thats what happened in 2009 with Dracula: Legacy in Blood) Actually.... My top 2 are tied and 3-5 are tied as well. While 6 & 7 remain in their spots...
  6. My Theory: Lollipop was a hit in the 50's by the Chordettes....their biggest hit was Mr. Sandman.....also Drive in movies theaters became very popular in the 50's. Maybe another Drive in scarezone?? its a stretch but possible
  7. I couldn't have said it better myself The 2 places I eat are Richter and Monster Cafe...Best food in the park! Plus they are part of my HHN "Game Plan" of going through the houses! And with the SZ possibility where Jaws was...I think I was the first to bring it up way way way back in the first pages of the thread...didn't really get much hype but I'm glad you brought it back up. Definitely a good place for a SZ. Small place, could be used for a great simple zone. Kinda like Nightmaze. Very simple scarezone...although it was done in a bigger space. They could do some sort of zombie walk going with the rumors of TWD theme that supposedly going to happen. Or maybe something like Canyon of Dark Souls, that space wasn't that big. Really the space could be used with anything...Chainsaws , Stilts, Zombies , Maze , really anything!!!
  8. Have you ever played the Silent Hill games?? If you haven't then you have no room to talk. The games are great and creepy. I think its going to make a great house. It will most likely be my favorite house! I second this!
  9. Playing Silent Hill: Homecoming

  10. That would be cool. I remember the first Dead Exposure house, it was a really good house. And adding Silent Hill to it. I would really like to see what they would come up with linking these 2 houses.
  11. Looks awesome! I wish I could go. Now I'm really hoping they have a Silent Hill house this year.
  12. They have had scarezones in front of the Animal Actors stadium in the past so it would be possible.
  13. No, because they will still have the same general theme so the teaser site will be the same. So they will update it on the schedule they have set themselves....or whoever sets it.
  14. If they have a scarezone between Despicable Me and Shrek I don't think they will have DM open. There would be way too much traffic in that area. Plus with the SS queue's starting there. It would be Mayhem!! No pun intended
  15. Watching "The Art of the Scare" for the 94982687346826987th time. Such a great way to spend a relaxing Saturday!

  16. What if they demolish it and have an outside maze? Like put a top over it like the Disaster queue. It may be a stretch, but none the less a possibility.
  17. Maybe the house will extend outside like they did in 2007 with Vampyr: Blood Bath in Nazarman's
  18. Very exciting!!! But the Annual Passholder Offers link isn't working D: It keeps sending me back to the home page where you choose "Hollywood" or "Orlando"
  19. Woah, where did the update come from? That was kinda random lol. I don't think the website will update until late June. Back on topic, Another werewolf house would be cool. Although I didn't very much like "The Wolfman" house, I would want to see "An American Werewolf in London" house!
  20. I searched "Vincent Horror" and found a page about Larry Vincent who was a Horror Host that made fun of low budget horror films on "Fright Night". That could be a reference to H.R. Bloodengutz. So, will we see a sequel to that? I hope so EDIT: I also searched 19th Century Horror like HORRORLANDO did and along with Dr Jekyll/Mr. Hyde, Frankenstein, and Dracula it had a quick thing about Edgar Allan Poe, Could we see another Poe house as well?? Most likely not... but I'm just throwing it out there!
  21. If you look at the top of the website, the lettering looks a little weird. Idk if they did this on purpose or thats just how it turned out. But it looks like "IT'S NEVER T00 S0ON TO START PANICKING". So the both the "O's" in "too" are different and same thing with the first "O" in "soon".
  22. That's what I'm saying, the least they could do is put up a small scarezone!
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