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Everything posted by AaronPaHHNFan

  1. As long as it's under 200 per pass I will be ok.
  2. Does anyone have any idea's what the Frequent fear pass with express might cost? It's just on the website as coming soon. I had one last year and know it will go up but I'm doing this year on a budget and am seriously pinching pennies to be able to come. I'm looking for a ballpark figure I'm thinking in the 180 range. Am I close? Thanks in advance and sorry if it's the wrong place to ask but I didn't want to start a whole thread just to ask that. Also someone said earlier about playing different casino games to open up the info of the houses and I really like this idea. It's perfect in my opinion. Although each game should have a gory twist of some sort.
  3. I think there will be a female icon but like you I'm not sure it will actually be the queen of spades. More so I think the queen of spades is just a representation of there being a female icon. I'm also not sold on there being 2 icons although I do like that idea and may actually be a bit disappointed if there is only 1 at this point.
  4. I wouldn't mind seeing Catacombs continue but other than that I would like a clean slate.
  5. I hope so because B&T is one of my favorite parts of HHN. I always look forward to it.
  6. If you meet her at HHN you know she's a good catch right off the bat. Good for you man. Oh and Awwww.
  7. As crazy as it sounds regarding the auditions is it possible there is no Bill and Ted this year? If Bill and Ted auditions are traditionally announced with all of the rest of the auditions and there is no mention of any lookalikes being casted I can't help but come to that conclusion. I would hate for there to not be a Bill and Ted show. I hope I'm wrong.
  8. That's your opinion and I have mine. Obviously they are different but that's what makes this forum good.
  9. Mine would have to be from HHN 13 at the Psycho scarapy house. It was the bathroom scene where all you could smell was human feces that freaked my wife out really bad. Then to make it that much better a scareactor followed her outside the house because she was so scared. It was the first year I went and was one of the first houses I went through. I will never forget it. Of course now my wife is just like me and basically laughs when the other people get scared.
  10. I don't see why they wouldn't go back to that time period. It's not like there going back to the Universal palace. Unless it's the Universal Palace Casino. I agree with Dante a few posts above me I would love to see another Leave it to Cleaver house. That house ended up being my favorite that year..... then again I always tend to like the comic houses.
  11. Cody I like yours and it is now my wallpaper. Thanks. Gambit I like yours too but I wanted the calendar that was on Cody's.
  12. I don't want to see Cindy or any of the old icons or storylines touched on. IF Uni is true to what was the main selling point of last year we won't see any of the old characters. I don't see how Cindy fits into what we know of the event at all. The only clue to her is the smoke which in a speakeasy or old time casino would be there from the cigarettes and cigars. I think we see an all new icon. I also think the icon will be female. Using the Amity area for a scarezone based on a haunted boardwalk of some sort would be awesome and is something I hope we see.
  13. I honestly don't know how they could do a casino theme and not have the Dead Man's hand be apart of the event in some way. I would almost feel cheated if there wasn't some small mention at least.
  14. Speaking of the VIP lounge do you guys think that will be back in some form or another?
  15. How much was a FFP last year? 69.99? I don't even remember what i paid for my FFP with express. I'm gonna go with the FFP with express again this year no matter the price because it's worth it when you go 5 nights. Well if it's under 200 anyway. As for the icon I would like to see the Fate character as the icon. All the hints do seem to be hinting towards a female icon so I guess it's possible. I really do like the theme the more I think of it. It seems to be a 30's or 40's casino based on the music. I will be happy with that but I don't want the whole Vegas casino theme.
  16. I will be there on the 13th, 16th, 19th, 20th and 23rd. I'm willing to meet up for drinks before the event and if you have express to hang out in the event. It's just me and my wife in my group.
  17. It's more than I expected too. I do think that nobody beats the house will be a tagline used in ads this year. Although I'm not sure it will be the main one. Only time will tell I guess.
  18. I'm happy that while on my 2 week vacation I get to go 5 times. It looks like it's another FFP+ for me this year. As for the theme I kinda like it. If done correctly it could be a good theme and honestly it was a no brainer considering it's the 21st year.
  19. The site is up and it's a gambling theme.
  20. Site is up everyone. It looks like a gambling theme to me.
  21. Yea me too I always thought Cigarz was just a cigar bar. I'm gonna stop in for a flaming Dr. pepper.
  22. I will get a 190 octane at fat tuesdays before I go in though. I always make a point of getting there early so I can just chill out in citywalk.
  23. I chose fat tuesdays for the 190 octane. It's good and does the trick. Then once I get inside the gate I will always take a shot so I can get the shot glass and then I will get a beer in the blinky cup. That's all I ever drink when I'm at HHN. I always go for a straight shot and beer because neither is watered down.
  24. Had to be drunk. As for my wishful thinking I wish we would finally get that dang hoodie. I live in Pa where it's cold so I would like to come home and be able to wear my HHN hoodie instead of having to wait until summer to wear my t-shirt.
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