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Everything posted by Grime

  1. Great day at Uni today. Got another Uni day on Friday. AFO next weekend!

  2. Fog machines primarily. The smell is what gets me.
  3. Universal today :D

  4. just got back from a convention. Long weekend, but hella fun times. Got another coming up in 11 days :)

  5. Head to Universal with Dreamstalker, Amber and Offaim.

  6. updated the wallpaper on his profile. Check it out and let me know what you think :P

  7. Can't sleep...

  8. I'm 20, so I voted no just because if I voted yes I would have been lying because I have never had an alcoholic beverage at the event before. And you can't have a poll with two separate questions. If I was 21, my answer would be yes to the first part, and no to the second part.
  9. I was there yesterday with Luke125 and they've started running a ton of wires through the Disaster house as well as added a light above the garage door.
  10. Headache. Tylenol PM and sleep should do the trick.

  11. New update is the bees knees man!

  12. No, it's not necessary. I'm 20 so I can't *legally* drink yet, and I still have a ton of fun at the event. But next year, I'll probably have a few drinks during the event. I don't like the assholes who get shitfaced, but a nice buzz can make you unaware of your surroundings and make the event even scarier. I wouldn't drink to the point to where I couldn't walk straight, but just a couple of drinks to get myself tipsy and feeling good. I can understand why people drink. It does make things more "fun". As long as you don't go overboard with it. I hate the obnoxious drunks. And Universal puts so many carts out to satisfy the demand. Have you seen the lines at the carts? Could you imagine if they cut the number of carts in half? Holy hell I couldn't imagine waiting in that line. They do it to satisfy consumer demand and to make as much money as possible.
  13. It's usually quieter towards the beginning of the event on non-peak nights. By the 3rd week, every night is pretty packed. And as far as the conga-line goes, you really have to get lucky. Sometimes there will be very few people and it will be spaced out because everyone is moving at a good pace, where most of the time there's always that one person who is terrified and barely refuses to move forward which causes everybody to bunch up. It's really just based on luck.
  14. Forgot about that. I'm stupid. Ignore anything I post from this point on
  15. Just got a text from a team member that I worked with who has been there for a few years (who is also in a position to know gritty details about the attractions come HHN), that there's a rumor going around that no attractions will be open. I seriously doubt it, but I'm just posting it here to say "told you so" if it does happen I'll update as I hear more.
  16. What Really Happened To Abe Lincoln.

  17. I love TWKUK. The Abe Lincoln sketch is the best.

  18. I don't have a reason to purchase the FFP w/ Express, seeing as most of my friends will not get it which means I'll be waiting in regular lines with them regardless. Unless I want to wait in the express line and go through the house by myself :\
  19. Anyone know when (if not already) tickets will be on sale at Publix?
  20. In the Leave it to Cleaver house last year, someone (or some people) stuck fish hooks and razor blades in places like the dangling plastic mats that you have to walk through and in places that guests have to touch or are likely to touch. There was a huge discussion about it last year. It still worries me that there are people out there who get a kick out of doing stuff like that. *shudders*
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