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Everything posted by dante

  1. How about a house based on 1000 ways to die lololol

  2. But if you do you know and dnt want to give us a hint then that is total trolling
  4. So who is it??? Sindy? Terra Queen?....well its fire so im betting Sindy cause of the The Orfanage: Ashes to Ashes....but dressed as a showgirl?....Bloody Mary...nahhh...and the Storryteller's chances are low cause they are shelving the original Icons
  5. Now for enviorment,After carefully analyzing the writting and music im thinking along the lines of an Abandoned Vegas casino where this icon probably died but refuses to leave much like the usher.... if anyone has played New Vegas then you will be familliar with the Sierra Madre Casino(not the villa).. something like that or if anyone has played Red Dead Redemption then you will be familliar with the Wreck of the Serndipity and steamboat gambling parlor that is another possible choice...wat do you think??
  6. For the Icon "The Dealer" if it is our icon i could imagine him wearing a long sleeved white shirt with red vest and black tie and hell walk around with playing cards but these playing cards will have the ability to come to life and preform his bidding... oh and on his clothes blood spatter you know common feature amoung the icons
  7. Not to sound mean or anything but what i love about living in Florida is how better our version HHN is and how much effort is put into the website

  8. Not to sound mean or anything but what i love about living in Florida is how better our version HHN is and how much effort is put into the website

  9. How better to mix death into the equation then with gambling...the ultimate gamble that determines if you live or die
  10. Well the music and cards sound and look vintage so think 1930 maybe 1940s dealer look... that table that hangs around the neck..
  11. I see an abandoned casino on the outskirts of Vegas,like the Sierra Madre in Fallout New Vegas, or a casino on an old steam boat ship thats been left to rot in the swamp anyone whos played red dead redemption should be familiar with the wreck of the serendipity
  12. I know but the dealer hes dealing cards not fortunes they could make it a bit more like a run down casino and that one dealer who just dosent want to leave
  13. A mad Dealer?????....i can see it now a close up on a roulette weel spinning and when it stops we see a bloddy eye ball.......and a black jack scenario imagine a run down casino and theres just one tabel lit up with lights and we see a guy strapped to a seat and a mysterious dealer and we get a close up of the cards theyre drenched in blood buy you can read the value an even 20 then the dealer asks hit or stay but the guy thats strapped down has his lips sewn shut and hes trying to scream stay but the dealer says laughing evily "hit???? are you sure...lets play!!" then we hear a bang and the whole universal hhn 2011 things are said then before it ends it goes back to the dealer asking" do you feel luck" and we get another evil laugh..the end
  14. 1 hour!!!!!!

    1. Legacy


      You shouldn't have gotten your hopes up for a midnight launch...

    2. dante


      true....giant let down

    3. dante


      true....giant let down

  15. Well i was reading a Tweet and it says "Employing reverse, reverse, reverse Psychology...with a twist" what about a Psycologist besides Maryof course...an Icon that can reach into your mind and twist your hopes and dreams and turn them into nightmares and failures
  16. But wouldnt a Librarian be too much like the Storyteller??
  17. Reading the Brothers Grimm will change your lives...it makes you see the REAL endings to all the classic disney tales....its pretty scary i used to love Disney now i cant even watch a disney movie without thinking about how they are really supposed to end.
  18. You need a bit of.....Shock Treatment!!!!..Gets you jumping like a real live wire!

  19. A little light reading to calm the nerves

  20. A little light reading to calm the nerves

  21. After going back and reviewing the thread one thing stuck out to me "Situations in which the living pity the dead" and i have a theory to this.....How may a person envy someone thats dead?? SUFFERING.......one thing that no matter which religion is the concept that the living suffer and the dead depending on which route they took in life are at peace...any thoughts....sorry if this is random...
  22. so....any talk about the teaser site yet....??!?!? sorry if this has been mentioned...
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