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Everything posted by Katz

  1. My only question about the ABC mission, would The Walking Dead count as T or W? I feel for the purpose of being alphabetically correct in lists would be to count the house as a W.
  2. Cabin in the Woods: Im unsure as to what cast she was in but it was in the scene of the "rape room" and the first spot to the right, the girl, came out and just screamed her most horrifying horror movie scream. I about lost my bowels on the dance floor. Thanks for the first scare in years! I couldnt even look up for the rest of the house because of how terrifying you were to me. Hah, kudos.
  3. Quick question y'all. A merch man was talking about a certain sequence at Cabin in the Woods in the room of the Merman that shows video footage of our past icons. Does anybody know said sequences? I figured this might be Collective based.... maybe. Luck to all on this years endeavor!
  4. very much figured. I just noticed the amount of "kid" sections, as in the Skoolhouse and various other "kids-gone-sour" areas with the relation to all this hub bub.
  5. Doesnt everyone. We can do without Jack for a bit longer. Less fights to break up. Speaking on a different manner, could there be a specific reason as to why certain pictures were chosen for the website? Anything couldve been picked seeing as they/ we all take spectacular photos. Could there be some significance, or once again, going in too deep.
  6. I know i'm rather late to put in my 2 cents and even worse, trudge myself surely off the path for houses, but the speculation of balloons and children makes me wonder for the possibility of but another Scary Tales house. Possible, maybe. Probable, not at all. Carry on.
  7. yea, i figured thats what i need to do. is there a sense of signing up once you get there or is it more along the lines of grabbing a card and continuing on with the said puzzle or such
  8. slight question. my computer wont let me play the games, only sign in. Will i still be able to partake in said events. im there almost every night anyways
  9. There's really no training for the scareactors. Just one hour extra for all can rack up some serious money. At least with less training it adds to the imagination of most scare actors. If anything, its like a rush through your area, show you your buttons (assuming you have any), and maybe, just maybe have a mock trial with the other cast before employee preview. The employee preview is training enough especially when you have the A&D and other higher ups voicing their opinions on your acting that night and most nights to come. Wasting money on the scare actors would do nothing is basically what I'm trying to say in a less wordy procession.
  10. I'm super stoked about SH but hopefully it will be strictly video game based, like they said, rather thran movie. The movie does the game absolutely no justice. Upon speculation of Pyramid Head, I doubt he's going to "jump" out at you like everybody else. Probably just a light or two on him with minimal movements, stilts or just a walk forward type of thing. We dont need anybody poking peoples eyes out like Cats and Combs.
  11. I have noticed that when it comes to Orlando updates, they throw us around like a little ball on a chain. Hollywood generally is never a precursor for Orlando so they are just playing around with us at this point and even trying to stall some time for what they are going to do with this (possible) ruining of their (possible) original plans to SS44.
  12. Ok, just putting my little opinion out there. First off, these alleged houses could kick some serious ass. How are you supposed to know if its to suck or not based on the names? Last year we had conquistadors, man-eating nurses, and a cemetery. All were said to be lame and 1 out of those 3 won House of the Year along with another high rates of injury due to scaring the shizz out of people. All in all, dont put a house down unless you have lived it. Second off, to add to this Silent Hill hooplah, they did use the eerie music last year for the Grown Evil scarezone. Just super saiyan.
  13. this might be me looking a little too much into the website, which it most likely is, but it looks like writing within the top banner. Once again, this most likely is me getting too excited and looking to far into it, but who can ever resist the urge
  14. That building was never in the best shape, believe me. This could be just as it says, demolition and remodel. Whether it will be read for Horror Nights, who knows. Maybe they'll utilize their construction job (if not done by HHN) and idealize a house around it.
  15. One thing that bothers me is the immense amount of construction going on in Universal. Lines tend to go behind the scenes and those who are creating a new Universal experience probably wouldnt want anybody to see anything. Im just pointing out another damper in the houses. I doubt they'll put it at Islands but then again I could be wrong. Tickets would be outrageous for Islands and the intense details to fill in the houses and scare zones seems rather skew. Theres more areas to utilize in Universal rather Islands due to all of the trademarking out there that has a absolutely no HHN stipulation on them. The Zena bldg like everyone is saying is being used by employees so that area is off limits. My guess, more sprung tents.
  16. But they are supposed to watch over them in case anything happens they would be there to grab them. Nobody can ever protect the scare actors but its common courtesy that if you're going to stand there, you might as well watch over the girls just to make sure nobody gets hurt.
  17. The deer piss was the stink bomb. Hence why on the last day there was a guy in the hammock. His spot was smelling of kitty litter and was rather powerful even for that 40ish minutes we were down. Plus the injuries in that house is absolutely crazy. Every spot is a danger spot for EVERYBODY. We kick our asses for that spot and in return we get amazing bruises, sprains, and even so much as tear ligaments.
  18. For that person who came in on Halloween and was taking pictures. I would love you FOREVER if you put them up. Just ssaayyiinnggg
  19. The ripped away scene is rather hard to catch considering the amount of pain they go through frequently. I can vouch for both men when i say this. There is a ramp that they constantly get bangs and bruises from and even with knee pads, doing it a whole month in 45 minute shifts still kicks your ass. The work out is pretty killer. I'm just backing up the men just to clarify why this is so hard. Also, if not answered, its an all girls house except for the 4 men acting as the soldiers. Other then that clarification. I absolutely LOVE this house. These girls kill it and i love walking through and hearing those men suffer. Thats when it gets good.
  20. Glad to know i can assist in the great times . Its great to be mentioned in here!! - "final nurse in the house"
  21. they probably produced a generic hoodie just to see how it will do in the first place. Pending on sales, maybe next year we will get more detailed hoodies!
  22. question, has anyone seen that humongous stage where Blues Brothers is at... is that their new stage... or is it for something else. I saw it today and it caught my eye
  23. I was one of the girls working there at the VIP lounge and they asked us again if we would do it but its looking like a no because we have yet to hear any word from it. Its safe to say it will NOT be returning this year.
  24. i like the locks on the bottom of the door. not everybody is meant to go in or even leave out
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