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Everything posted by Johnnyawesomev1

  1. maybe they can change the name like bloody queen or something but I would love to see her back
  2. I was gonna ask how does that work? Do they audition the employees that work there when HHN is not there? Or do they hire a whole new crew?
  3. lucky, you an actor? you wouldn't wanna see a Rob Zombie Halloween house? The only bad thing I see with a Rob Zombie themed horror nights is that then we gotta count Rob Zombie as an icon and he just doesn't fit in
  4. how in the blue hell do you go in a house 29 times!?!??! Doesn't express pass only grant you to skip lines only once per house?
  5. Another idea i have is a Rob Zombie themed horror nights these can be the houses Halloween House of 1000 corpses the Devils rejects a rob zombie themed house and some HHN original houses some people might not like that but I would like to see a Halloween maze inspired by the rob zombie films. The first half could be the first movie and the second half is H2. And yes I know they've done rob zombie themed mazes but they've all been in Hollywood another horror icon they can bring in is Hannibal Lecter that would be pretty dope
  6. You don't understand I wanted that Jack mask so bad I begged my parents but it was way too expensive
  7. I went the 10th and he was nowhere to be found. Only a zombie with a chainsaw (might have been Eddie I didn't get a good look at him) I don't even think the butcher shop scene was there
  8. Wishing Halloween was longer but happy to get back to YouTube and streaming 

  9. Idk why but when I went to jacks 25 years, Meaty Meatz wasn't there I was so bummed out. Anyone see Meaty Meatz at that house?
  10. we've already got a zombie dictator his name is Fidel Castro instead of taking over Orlando he takes over an island and not island of adventure lol and for a doctor he kinda be a cross between the caretaker and the reanimator
  11. I made another thread where we can discuss ideas for a new icon. The only thing that comes to mind for me is a barber. that's an idea or hell lets throw it way back, Cryptkeeper returns????
  12. i wanna hear what ideas for an icon you guys have. I was thinking a doctor or a barber.
  13. at least it's not a big company that owns the rights. I feel like horror nights has done everything. Yes there's more places to go but you've done almost everything. I'm gonna talk reckless for a moment and say I think they should make a new icon.
  14. who owns the rights to Bloody Mary???? It's an urban legend.
  15. Scream TV? I would love to see Leave it to Cleaver return. Maybe Bloody Mary return??
  16. Conjuring anyone? Although I don't see how they will top this years HHN? Except The Usher's return!?!?! Nah I still take Jack over Usher
  17. My mom got mad cause the actors in the scarezone kept getting too close to her she had to tell one actor don't to that cause they were getting right in her face. I honestly don't mind as long as they don't touch me. If they get too close I put my hand up and tell them woah way too close there buddy.
  18. Can anybody sell me a Jack mask for a reasonable price?
  19. I figured they would do something like that. What's in there tho? Just a small black room?
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