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Everything posted by Futurephotographer

  1. Houses: 1. Psychoscareapy 2. The Legendary Truth 3. Hallow'd Past 4. Havoc 5. Catacombs 6. The Orfanage 7. Hades I didn't have a chance to go through Zombiegeddon. Scarezones: 1. Saws n' Steam 2. Zombie Gras 3. Twenty Years of Fear 4. Escueleto Muerte 5. Fear Revealed 6. The Coven
  2. http://www.flickr.com/photos/kristin-b/sets/72157625103312485/
  3. Thanks Sarah! I had a great birthday. =D

  4. Disney More can be seen on my Flickr page, facebook, and DA. Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kristin-b/ DA: http://silentshortninja.deviantart.com/ facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001064028319
  5. You're welcome, Kip! =3

  6. My first year was 2006, second year was 2007, third year was 2009. Looking forward to this year, hopefully I'll go on opening night!
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