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Paulo Ravinski

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    Orlando, FL

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  1. Come on guys, nobody HERE likes these videos?! THIS IS PRACTICALLY MADE FOR ALL YOU GUYS! haha
  2. Attempting to cover up his activities, Universal used Paulo as a character in their Halloween Horror Nights event. During the event, a news crew spotted one of the actors playing him lingering around the studio and asked him for an interview… Paulo's Interview for TV (3) Shortly after the incident with the news crew, a message was sent directly to the office of Bob Ferguson, as well as broadcast on the internet. At the same time, the previous tapes, which the Police had not allowed to be released were also put up on the internet, ruining the cover-up of Paulo’s activities. “The Director’s Warning” (4) With the LAPD scrambling to find Paulo, he throws down the gauntlet, and intends to make good on his threats to Bob Ferguson… The Director Meets The Producer” (5) Series Two Synopsis: After the ending of Paulo’s last film, he vanished completely into obscurity. No more tapes arrived, no more threats were made, no trace of him was ever found, save for the bodies he’d left behind during the making of his films. The LAPD recovered all those dead, but never found the killer. Years passed. Hollywood began to develop a disturbing trend though, they began to put out an endless slew of remakes, reboots, and horrible mindless schlock. This angered Paulo, and forced him to come out of hiding to punish us, and the film industry for disrespecting his craft. “The Director: Second Cut” (6) A time passed between Paulo’s films, and the public wasn’t sure of what his move was going to be, or even why he’d returned. The internet ran rampant with rumors, and eventually, an answer came. Paulo put up a new film explaining his intentions, and reminding us of what he was capable of. “The Director’s Cut” (7) As Halloween approached, naturally Paulo couldn’t let it pass without celebration, and he obviously felt he owed an especially good piece of work to his public for the holiday… “The Director: Establishing Shots” (8) “The Director: Karen’s Lament” (9) (Coming Oct. 30th)
  3. Hey guys, I dunno if anyone here remembers or not, but some time ago I used to post at the old vault forum and had a webseries running based on The Director which had a bit of a cult following. There were lots of imitators and rip-off artists, but this friends is the one and only! I did Series 1, and now I'm working on Series 2, which will be the finale of the character. Since Horror Nights is going on, I figured I'd post the old episodes so people can catch up, and then see the new one I'll be posting on Oct. 30th for Halloween! (Note: I dont know why the site wont allow the videos to be displayed down there at the bottom, but I cannot for the life of me figure out a way to fix it, so the links will have to suffice, sorry!) Synopsis: Paulo Ravinski was an up-and-coming filmmaker overseas in his native country of Bratislava. At an early age he fell in love with the old Hollywood films of the 30's and 40's, even learning english by watching films like Psycho, The Birds, and Vertigo, which inspired him to become a filmmaker. At age 19 he got his big break, when a film Producer named Bob Ferguson from Universal Studios saw one of his films at a festival, in which a woman's eye was slashed with a razor. Believing Paulo to be a true master of his craft, he enlisted the young man to come back to America and make the ultimate horror film... Soon though, they realized their mistake. Paulo's cast and crew slowly began to dwindle down, and as filming went on, the crew either refused to go back, or simply didnt show up at all. Upon investigation, the studio saw the dailies from Paulo's film, and were highly disturbed. They couldnt prove it, but suspected that he had been torturing his cast to get true reactions out of them. Needless to say he was fired, but before he could be thrown out, Paulo vanished into the Backlot of the studio. Soon after, rumors began to abound about a creepy man lingering around the backlot with a camera, hiding among the feux houses and buildings... It was soon after that, that the first two actors disappeared. Following that, tapes began to arrive... “The Director: First Cut” (1) Later, footage from a "behind the scenes" featurette that Paulo had also been shooting for the film was sent in. “An Interview With a Director” (2)
  4. Well I was a scareactor in the Silver Screams house, and in the Winchester Pub from the Shaun of the Dead scene, the box from Mary's backstory was one of the items sitting on the bar, so obviously the creative team was leaving little nods to things all over the place at last year's event.
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