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Dead Inside

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Everything posted by Dead Inside

  1. So with 15 scenes, that would mean: Jack Dracula Frankenstein Wolfman Mummy Creature Gothic Forsaken Bloodengutz Nightingales Scary Tales 4 other scenes
  2. The press saw TWD and Insidious without scareactors the other night. From what I found that night on Twitter, one person said TWD had good sets and Insidious had a creepy vibe.
  3. First off, RIP Wes Craven Thankfully there's still FVJ to have as a tribute. On the topic of waits: 1. FVJ 2. Insidious 3. TWD 4. M&M 5. AWIL 6. The Purge 7. Body Collectors 8. Asylum in Wonderland 9. Run The first four are pretty much set in stone. FVJ will have the longest lines as it's in a soundstage and features two icons return to the event. Insidious and TWD will be close but the former will benefit from Bill and Ted. M&M will have the largest house and anniversary push. Things get trickier from there. AWIL will be the first house guests see but since it's a repeat I wouldn't be surprised if it's lower. The Purge will be next to TWD and the scarezone last year was very popular. Body Collectors is in a soundstage next to FVJ and word of mouth will spread over the event. AIL and Run are a toss up for last but since Asylum is closer to the front I think that'll get longer waits at first.
  4. Dracula is either 2nd or 3rd worst tied with Roanoke from last year. Roanoke had great sets but despite the cast's effort it just wasn't scary, while Dracula was able to catch me off guard a couple of times with great sets but lack of coherency.
  5. Spec, these seem like the only possible scenes.
  6. Maybe all the Scary Tales is a test to do ST4 next year?
  7. Terminus (2 scenes) The Church Food Bank Hospital Underground Fire Truck The Barn Corn Fields Construction Site Alexandria This year's house won't be anywhere near as good as last year's but they might be able to make it work.
  8. G&G was my least favorite house last year. The cast I had wasn't really into their roles, the sets weren't noteworthy, and the hallways before the finale were lame. You missed out on Halloween though.
  9. Scarezones: 1. All Nite Die-In 2. Psychoscareapy 3. Scary Tales 4. Evil Roots 5. Icons
  10. The Hellgate involvement makes me much more excited.
  11. That AIice concept art isn't looking good....
  12. Tomorrow is going to be a big day for Uni assuming they add in the full reveal with Fast and Furious' "official" reveal.
  13. Those tickets look awesome, sucks I have the premier pass ticket.
  14. Jimmy said that it was tried again in 2014 but they didn't meet Fox's demands. Disneyhead on OU said towards the start of speculation season he has reason to believe it was coming this year, but no such luck.
  15. Like I said a couple of days ago, AHS probably won't be attempted for a long time after the whole Scream debacle.
  16. Universal has more than justified raising prices with all the new additions coming, but whatever floats your boat.
  17. My guess for UTH: TWD Anniversary FVJ AWIL Insidious Blizzard
  18. Hard to believe we're only a month away from HHN25!

  19. 25 Years of Horror Scary Tales: Asylum in Wonderland 3D Shady Collectors Can't think of one for Run.
  20. 1. Blizzard 2. Freddy vs Jason 3. Anniversary 4. AWIL 5. Run 6. Insidious 7. Alice 8. TWD 9. Purge (solely because of how late in the game it is)
  21. It wasn't bogus until Scream got scrapped on Friday.
  22. They've tried to get the IP for 3 years now. It's not happening, especially after what happened with Scream. Ryan Murphy is probably the holdup so it'd likely be the same with Scream Queens. One of Hollywood's leakers already said TWD is secured for next year.
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