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About BabyFirefly

  • Birthday 12/04/1980

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  • Location
    Atlanta, GA

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  1. Anyone have an update to a solid route for those only attending once (me) on a Friday night. We will have S&S and Express but I would love to experience as many as I can before having to use the EP pass. Thoughts? Suggestions?
  2. Wow, it's been awhile.... So glad to be back!

  3. I swear I've been playing for two hours straight and still can't get more than 66 points on Baccanoid. I thought I was a patient person until these games!
  4. Does anyone who is going to the event want to pick up a card for me? I can't come to HHN until late October and I'm afraid all the cards will be long gone by then? You will be rewarded for your generosity
  5. I need everyone's help. I'm on a deadline to create 20 custom tombstones and 20 custom jewelry pieces. Please visit our Kickstarter for more details. Any amount is greatly appreciated :)http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/785693893/frightstone-fx

  6. Needs everyone's help in getting my home page some likes on FB. https://www.facebook.com/SpiritHalloweenAtlanta Spread the word if you can. I get free VIP passes to a convention if I get us to 1,000 likes :)

  7. Just received my very first painting from Sinister! SUPER EXCITED!!

  8. Great wallpapers!! Thanks everyone for your awesome talents
  9. Please dreamers!! We're only 5 "likes" away on Facebook! My boss will owe me a fancy cup of coffee if we get there plus a free giveaway that you definitely want your hands on!! Help me win :)https://www.facebook.com/pages/Spirit-Halloween-Superstores-of-Atlanta/7634948767

  10. Per Facebook a few hours ago....we will get our big reveal in 16 days! "We know you’re all counting down the days, hours, minutes and seconds to opening night…but we’re counting down to something else. Only 16 days and 14 hours left…" **NOTE: Subtract 4 hours from this time clock****
  11. Please, please all of my fellow Dreamers...."like" my page on FB so my boss will be happpy http://www.facebook.com/pages/Spirit-Halloween-Superstores-of-Atlanta/7634948767

  12. Agreed. The Horizons game was my life saver! It finally allowed me to see the rotating house of cards for longer than 10 minutes. Still can't get the idea of the Rune game or the Key game. For those reading who are involved in the making process....well done! This has me hooked!
  13. Anyone notice any pattern with the cards at the beginning? Trying to understand color changes and positions but they all seem to constantly change.....thoughts?
  14. That's the house that has "floating head" cast name. There was also speculation that there will be a demonic/cult house....maybe this is our insight.
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