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Everything posted by AbeLinkedIn

  1. I'm in the camp of I don't care if it's original or an IP, as long as it's well done, an IP house could easily take away the gold. My thing is the IPs have to be open to a casual audience, which is why I don't fancy TWD houses, since they're always based on that current season and I've never followed the series too closely. For fans of the show, of course that's great, but think of something like Freddy Vs. Jason from last year, where they had some of both franchise's most iconic kills instead of something more niche. You want to go for the biggest bracket, and I suppose if that bigger bracket are people who follow the show, more power to them. Like I said, as long as there's effort put in these houses and they're not just done as a cash grab, I'm totally fine with them. Universal usually knocks an equal part of original/IP houses out of the park (Body Collectors and F Vs. J were two big hits from last year) and I go with this motto: HHN houses are like a pizza, even if they're not the best, they're still pretty damn good.
  2. I wanted to try and recreate some IRL HHN props, not just photoshops, stuff like Mary's case files from HHN 18 or even Fear's lantern from HHN XX. I've done some Friday the 13th stuff in the past, but I'm not sure if that counts since while 13th had a few houses, it's not HHN exclusive.
  3. Exactly the point I was getting at. Stuff like Rear Window and Vertigo were what I had in mind. Birds, while iconic, I can't really think of many scenes that would work. The scene in the attic always frightened me even now. The claustrophobia and the huge flock waiting in the darkness to strike, while hard to execute, could be the scariest part of the film. And like you said, he had a huge filmography and a TV show to boot, so surely there would be something in there that could adapt to the HHN style. Same with Twilight Zone, so many stories or classic episodes but the hard part could be a wraparound and how to adapt the subtle creepiness of the show into the HHN style of haunting.
  4. A Hitchcock house similar to the Poe house from 21 sounds promising. Have some recreations of his most famous movies, but does he have a somewhat real world tragic backstory to tie the scenes together like the Poe house did? Have a scene or two be Hitchcock's office or a piece of studio or say his films have come back to haunt him? Maybe RUN inspired me, but watching stuff like Kung Fury and Hotline Miami makes me wish for a complete cheeseball 80s house. Throw in as many tropes as you can that were popular for the era with regards to horror (Slashers, street punks, someone mentioned roller disco/rollerderby assassins or zombies, plenty of florescent colors and fog, etc.) and if done right, it could be a hilarious yet horrifying experience. In keeping with the theme, a Ghostbusters house would work with the dark humor aspect. Recreate some of the scenes like the Sedgewick, the courthouse from the second film, river of slime, etc. Just a couple of ideas that popped in my head.
  5. As a matter of fact I do. It was incredibly simple, as most 70s TV station IDs are. Here you are, for your viewing pleasure. Not a 100% replica, since the colors may be off (I have to go off of YouTube footage of the queue video) but I like it for what it is.
  6. The closest I've done was try my hand at movie posters for the movies in H.R. Bloodengutz as well as recreate the WKNB 21 card for a desktop background. Of course those were Photoshops and the only one I posted here was Undead Presidents Day 2 which I consider one of my magnum opuses.
  7. That could cause a problem, so it could be tweaked to generic games, but then the underlying story and meaning of the rooms would change drastically.
  8. I thought of a house idea that keys into a fascination I have with the juxtaposition of childhood memories and horror. Now mind you, this is my first ever idea for a house, and I would love any feedback you guys may have to further craft this idea. Backstory: Everyone loved board games back when they were kids. Whether it was Monopoly, Mouse Trap, Operation, Candy Land, you name it, you probably played it (Or in the case of Mouse Trap, set up the trap without playing the game). However as with every interest there's obsession, where they grow like a cancer and become the one thing you care about most in life. Enter Charlie Henderson, a child who sees board games as the key to life. They're social tools, they teach lessons on the economy and life itself, they help expand your mind. However not everyone sees life through his eyes and ridicule him for his mindset, to the point where he has no friends except the board games he collects. His parents are concerned and take him to a psych ward in the hopes they'll help him out of this obsesson. All young Charlie can imagine are the ways he can use these board games as a way to get revenge on those who doubt him. A way to force them to see life through his lenses by making them play these games on a grander scale in a matter of life and death. The facade: I thought that a psych ward would work here, since this is where the story of the haunt begins, but it's a children's psych ward so distressed images of shattered childhoods display on the walls. The name is placed over the entrance way as you pass by a rusty playground and leafless trees. First room: The first room is the registration room of the psych ward, where we see Charlie for the first time, sitting and looking odd at the passersby. He will occasionally say the tag line of a board game or work the name of one in a sentence (Hope you don't get caught in the Crossfire!). The room itself has a desk where the nurse's dead body lies bloody on a checkers board with the words "King me" written in blood behind her on the wall, presumably with her blood, giving a taste of what's to come in the house later. Transition rooms: The transition rooms are all either children's bedrooms (Charlie's) or the rec room of the psych ward with a TV playing commercials for the game being represented in the next room. With each passing room the quality on the TV gets worse as you get to the fuzzier, grimmer side of Charlie's brain. Hangman: The first game room is rather simple. We're in the gallows where several body parts and blood line the floor and letters and words are written on the walls. This version of Hangman is the inverse of the usual game, as a body part is removed from the hanging body when a letter is wrong until the player's decapitated or bleeds out. The scares of the room include the executioner and his victim(s) Operation: The setting is an operating theater where there are several doctors watching a skilled surgeon (Or butcher) take out the many ailments that plague the subject, in this case, Charlie's principal Mrs. Banks, who recommended that he get psychiatric help. The scares of the room include Mrs. Banks, the surgeon, and some live actors sitting with the dummies of doctors observing the procedure. Candy Land: The setting is a darker, twisted version of the kingdom from the game, where many kids (Presumably Charlie's classmates) have died in various candy related ways, like having sharpened candy canes pierce their heart or an axe in the peppermint forest or drowning in the chocolate river (It could be a fatter kid as a Willy Wonka reference to Augustus Gloop). The scares could come from the different characters from the game. Battleship: You're on board an aircraft carrier as the final missile to sink the ship has been deployed. Alarms are going off, everyone is trying to escape and will stop at nothing to get off the ship before they're blown to pieces, you included. The men on board are not wearing the usual uniforms but are instead the guards at the psych ward who are panicking over the sinking ship. Monopoly: You're entering a seedy looking apartment where a cutthroat loan shark is fed up with waiting for a payment from one of his debtees. This debtee is Charlie's dad, who could not pay to put him in the psych ward and had to take out a loan to make it happen. The loan shark is counting his money over the dead body as his cronies look on, telling passersby not to snitch or else they'll be next. Mouse Trap: This room kind of correlates to the past one, as this one has Charlie's mom trapped after telling the police about her missing husband. The mob found out about this and have her the victim of a Rube Goldberg deathtrap in an abandoned warehouse. She's screaming and crying to get out, begging passersby to let her go. Perfection: We're in a twisted version of the psychiatric office where Charlie is evaluated before being admitted in the ward. The doctor's body has been sliced into various shapes and another associate has to put them back in the spot while under the gun. If time runs out, he gets shot. The doctor is screaming for help and urging his secretary to put the pieces back in before her time runs out. Don't Wake Daddy: The warden of the psychiatric hospital has been charged with child endangerment and several counts of abuse and has been sentenced to execution by the electric chair. To prolong the agony, a system has been put in place to shock the victim at random presses of a button, increasing in intensity with every burst. The smell of burnt flesh and hair fill the room with every shock. Finale room: The final room of the house is another transition room, with stacks of board games in place in a child's bedroom, with the TV showing only a test signal, signifying the end of Charlie's suffering and reign of terror. The TV also flashes clips of the commercials to startle passersby as Charlie looks at the guests asking is they want to play as he sits on his bed playing with his blood stained Lite Brite which says the same thing. So what do you guys think? Is it a good idea? I wanted to make it kind of tongue-in-cheek but ended up making it dark in the end.
  9. I guess it's because they already had the Icons scarezone? I mean it would have been nice if they dipped into even the very early HHN houses. Then it would have been a true blast from the past.
  10. Looking back, this one could have been more at least with the 80s theme. Aside from the music and maybe the queue video and logo, you couldn't really tell otherwise. I mean it was a good sendoff for Disaster but again, they could have done a bit more with this. Knowing Universal is all about immersion, I expected a little more, but I have a theory: They were focusing their attention on other houses like Jack's or Body Collectors, maybe even some of the IPs (Purge was pretty good once I got more of an idea of the franchise in question, and of course Freddy Vs. Jason) so this one became the runt of the litter when it comes to execution. I know they sometimes revisit older houses and improve them (Like AWIL this year) so maybe we could see this version of RUN, with the same backstory, but add more of a psychotic American Gladiator/WWF vibe and change some of the songs, like Pour some Sugar on Me in the CSA room or this for the intro room instead of Run Like Hell: Or Run to the Hills like we were discussing before HHN began. IDK, it was a fun one, but they could have done a little more here.
  11. Just in time for Halloween, I have something finished here for my little RUN intro. It's not 100% how I would have liked it, but I think it turned out alright all things considered.
  12. I think there were a few clips of the costume contest nurse on some Psychoscareapy Unleashed videos I saw, unless they had different nurses. All the clips I saw had the same one
  13. I was referring to who's in the house, yes. I've yet to see the queue video since I last went, and I mainly remember jamming to the music (I'm a big 80s music nut). You're a lifesaver!
  14. That's what I expected at first, especially since foreign characters were huge in 80s WWF (Iron Shiek, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Tito Santana, British Bulldog, Bushwackers, etc.) and since this house was supposed to take place in the late 80s, a huge opportunity was missed. Here's hoping if they do a house like this again they'll keep this idea in consideration. It doesn't have to be wrestling, but the theatrics and cheesiness. I know Universal can do cheesy when they want. Leave It to Cleaver and Bloodengutz were perfect in that regard, maybe even Zombiegeddon, and I understand RUN as a series of houses isn't known for cheese, but with the 80s, that's kind of a requirement. You can be corny and funny and still be frightening, and the idea of a psychotic WWF would have been a perfect fit for this house, but have the championship be with which Reaper has the most kills, goriest kills, most creative kill, etc. And like I said, have a transition room where there's a TV playing that Reaper cutting a promo wanting the RUN Championship, letting Hellgate be the Madison Square Garden of the CSA. Now what if they redid the house but set it in Shadybrook?
  15. That was my disappointment too. They could have expanded on the 80s setting aside from the queue and backstory, and maybe give Eddie more presence. They could have maybe used American Gladiators or again, like I mentioned, 80s WWF as an inspiration, very over the top. Could you imagine something like a psychotic Macho Man or Ultimate Warrior cutting a promo before you enter their room or in the queue video. I kind of feel like this house could have been more, but I still had fun. Compared to the other original houses, this one was in the middle.
  16. Sorry for not being as active here, I've been getting some things ready for my local haunt, as well as midterms and such. I'm working on some motion graphics this time! I got inspired watching the first Wrestlemania the other night to do an intro similar to it surrounding RUN, since the two are roughly from the same era. However, I need to know one thing: Does anyone know the official names of the Reapers and where they hail from? I didn't get to see 100% during my runs through the house, and if anyone could help me out here, that'd be great and I'll give you credit somehow. In other words, an intro similar to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mlYpAAxAHc
  17. I like the Running Man-like vibe of Run and it even made me think of, again, the entrance stage to a WWF show, but I have to hand it to Body Collectors. The snow, the atmosphere, it sends shivers down your spine. Jack Presents is also pretty badass, but Body Collectors is my pick.
  18. A few more haunt preview pieces. The first is a hatchet with some scalp still attached and an 80s boombox in the background, setting the scene for my haunt. Next is a little flyer for the event that will be crashed in this haunt. A cheap little Halloween campout party
  19. I know I gave my kudos to everyone, but when I went through RUN, I have to give credit to one of the guys in the black apron with a lightning bolt on it. He got me good and I'd later find out it's Andrew from the video someone posted in the thread. I reached out to him on YouTube and he said I fit in rather well with the theme of the house (Long 80s metal hair FTW) Also, props to the Psychoscareapy guys once again. You psychotic bastards rock and I love you all. \m/
  20. My guess is they're not too obvious. Some might be part of the set like in Bloodengutz's President's Day room, but I'd suspect they'd be hidden like in Echoes of Shadybrook. RUN seems like it'd be the most likely to have some GATs in it given the idea of the house, but I don't remember any discernible ones through my runthrough.
  21. Ahh, I see. Still, the resemblance is uncanny. Thanks for pointing it out though
  22. Best house: Toss up between Body Collectors or Freddy Vs. Jason. The former because it was easily the most frightening of the event and the sets were amazing, and the latter because I love both franchises. RUN and M&M were 4th and 3rd Worst: Walking Dead. Never was big on the series, and I would have greatly prefered Scream instead, but it's what's popular, so meh. Best scarezone: Psychoscareapy Unleashed. Everything about it is killer, from the props to the scareactors (Both the Shadybrook inmates and traumatized kids) and the burning gazebo is the icing on the cake. Worst: Die-in. It's not a bad scarezone, it's just not scary. It's more akin do a horror meetup at a convention. I'd include Icons here on the grounds of being a fanservice zone, but the kills are fun to watch from Usher beating someone with his flashlight to Caretaker's signature live autopsy, it edges itself to 4th. Rankings: 1. Body Collectors 2. F Vs. J 3. Monsters and Mayhem 4. RUN (It'd be higher if the house had more energy) 5. AWIL 6. Asylum 7. Insideous 8. Purge 9. Walking Dead Scarezones: 1. Psychoscareapy 2. Evil's Roots 3. Scary Tales 4. Icons 5. Die-in
  23. Pardon the mess, but this is an experiment with Perma Blood from Pale Night Productions. Needs more legwarmer though. You might want to do what the shoe says.
  24. Reminds me of what I'm doing for my local haunt, or rather a section of it. There's no set theme, aside from we're in the woods and there's different themed areas (Zombies, clowns, etc.) and I wanted to make my area like the aftermath of a Halloween college camping trip gone wrong.....in 1987. Most of the stuff I need was just eBay/Goodwill/flea market fodder and set dressing (Radio, coolers, etc) or Photoshop work, but some things I need to make like a body where I can rip out some fake guts (I'm going to modify some tutorials from Indy Mogul on YouTube for the body and intestines) and generally have kind of a Psychoscareapy-inspired vibe with genuine horror mixed with comedy.
  25. ^ The Batman freak in me sees this scareactor as Manbat. I love that shot
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