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Everything posted by ferox

  1. Judging by the years they are making visual reference to, there's the mythology aspect. Manifestations of fear. Unleashed evil. Truman: They're like something from a nightmare. Lin: No, they're something nightmares are from. Everything in our stable is from another world. Courtesy of, you know who. Truman: Monsters, magic, Gods.
  2. If the theme of this year is what people are expecting it to be...Cabin in the Woods would be a good fit.
  3. Those seem a bit on the nose. Then again, so does Vincent. Anyway, there's also Kevin Spacey. Spacey could mean Alien...or it could refer to Shrink=AHS.
  4. So I thought of a possible Kevin. Certainly related to horror, plenty of song titles that could be hints for IPs or maze concepts. I don't know how big he is on the east coast, which could make him good fodder for a cryptic statement. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brotha_Lynch_Hung
  5. I think the "Shakespeare!" clue seems like more of a clue. I mean Shakespeare could just mean that it's a literary house (like the Lovecraft house I'd fly over to see) or that it has something to do with one of his plays. Which could be suicide/witches/revenge/poisoning etc.etc. he wrote about a lot of stuff. Maybe Shakespeare relates to "The Scottish Play"=Cursed production=Exorcist/Poltergeist/The Omen? Having a pretty direct reference to Cooper is a bit on the nose. Also, Skinner wasn't yelling. It was a pretty casual singing tone.
  6. Skinner sings a version of "Schools Out" by Alice Cooper.
  7. You jerk I wanted to see that video without him laughing.
  8. Back to the Home Alone theory... Roberts Blossom played Marley in Home Alone, but also had a notable role in a 1974 horror movie called Deranged. He played a character very closely based on Ed Gein...so there's the movies he inspired (TCM, Psycho, Silence of the Lambs) and his own personal story which could inspire a lot of concepts.
  9. Didn't stop Hollywood. But the concern that the myth isn't as popular in Florida could certainly hurt La Llorona's chances.
  10. Also, Nazi zombies and a K:KK maze would get a lot of negative attention from the press.
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