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Everything posted by Perse

  1. Gothic - 12 Dead End - 11 Silent Hill - Infinity Penn and Teller - 2 The Walking Dead - 2 Alice Cooper - 1 House of Horror - 1 B&T - 1 20 Penny - 1
  2. I got to watch the Warriors for a few minutes last night. I agree with what everyone has said about how it seemed they needed more scareactors in the street. When I walked over I only knew there were people over there because I saw an Iniquitus (which looked super cool). I think the up-side to this is that they blended so well into the crowd, from my few minutes of watching them they basically had a 100% success rate in their scares. They did a really good job of not letting their target see them until just the right moment.
  3. There is indeed one, it may be a little harder for streets though. I would look for an ASM or a coordinator in the area, they wear all black and have walkie talkies with ear pieces. Just let them know who you thought did a great job.
  4. I would like to say F*#K YOU to people that hit scareactors! Also while walking into the park I gave some people in NIghtmares shirts thumbs ups..so yea if you saw some random girl in all black with dark hair being a weirdo and giving you a thumbs up that was me
  5. I just googled SIlent Hill messenger bag and found it on a bunch of sites for around $30-35.
  6. I would just like to say that after last night I have a newly formed immense respect for scareactors. They were going hard despite all the challenges they faced!
  7. Good luck to everyone tonight!!

  8. It seems they change the focus of their Facebook page weekly to hype all the houses, but I'm speaking from a marketing and advertising stand point. Everything you see or hear about HHN 22 outside of their Facebook page is pretty much all TWD (commercials, promo material, merchandise, etc) I also find it lame that when it's a certain houses turn to be the focal point of that week, they release "exclusive updates", but it's all pictures that have been released days or weeks earlier, almost never anything actually new except walkthrough videos that IMO actually ruin certain aspects of the event.
  9. So I have pretty much avoided anything and everything TWD, but I have still become so sick of seeing it everywhere. I get that it's their big IP (people are going to come solely because TWD is there) and they paid lots of money for it so they're going to use it but I think it's a little overkill. I am a big fan of the show, and all of this stuff is kind of ruining it for me. This makes me sad I also feel like they're leaving all the other houses and their street experience in the dust. Sorry to post something negative especially since I think this year is going to be AMAZING..it's just something I'm seeing more and more of and it is starting to annoy me.
  10. So close...time..dragging...hurry up Wednesday!

  11. I will be attempting to make it tonight! I haven't been feeling very good but this will be the only time I will be able to meet any of you this year!
  12. Candy Corn Oreos?! What wizardry is this?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Perse


      YES I AM SERIOUS! They sell them at target now! Probably can only eat like one at a time though lol

    3. Dr. D

      Dr. D

      Dammit I said Candy Cane. Idk Minty Oreos dont sound any better.

    4. Hush


      We saw those today and I was like WTF is that? I'm not a fan of candy corn, but for those folks who are...those things must be like crack.

  13. Bobble Head Nurses from the Hollywood media event
  14. Yes that is ONE character...she's called the Red Nurse. (Or Lisa Garland in the game, except in the game she looks normal, this look with the bleeding eyes is unique to the movie) The bobble head nurses are different. I have to admit I am disappointed in this look. The wig and the hat look terrible, and she needs more blood. I am hoping that they will try to change it after seeing how people react to it.
  15. Where is the light, wonder if it's weeping somewhere?

  16. I will be there in spirit..be sure to have some spirits in my name because I'm sure I will be extremely nervous whilst this is happening!
  17. Making peanut butter cookies :) Fall is not coming fast enough

  18. Going to re-do my list...things have changed 1. SIlent Hill 2. House of Horrors 3. Alice Cooper: Welcome To My Nightmare 4. Gothic 5. The Walking Dead 6. Penn & Teller 7. Dead End (my 100th post..woohoo!)
  19. Just wondering if/when we will get to find out where all of you who were cast will be working, I think there's usually a thread up around this time?
  20. I would just like to say I think this year is going to amazing and the majority of you will be pleasantly surprised. I can't wait to read all of your reviews once the event starts!
  21. I am the luckiest HHN fan ever, I am so excited!!

  22. Just watched the commercial, someone care to elaborate on the characters/creatures on the other side of them??
  23. 1. Warriors 2. Beasts 3. Inquitous 4. Traditionals 5. Walkers 6. Vampires 7. Prisoners
  24. 1. Welcome to Silent Hill 2. Universal's House of Horrors 3. Dead End 4. The Walking Dead: Dead Inside 5. Gothic 6. Penn and Teller: Newk'd Las Vegas in 3D 7. Alice Cooper: Welcome to My Nightmare
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