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Everything posted by Coast

  1. Not even the Magi can save you now!

  2. Not gonna lie, my first impression of the facade was "Well, that's disappointing" because I was expecting something on the level of Hollywood's kick ass facade from last year. It also looked a little plain to me until I noticed the speakers. I think this has potential to be really, really cool looking.
  3. I'm excited! Not my first house choice to bring from Hollywood (La Lllorona, but Orlando already had Bloody Mary..). The house last year at Hollywood looked really awesome, so I'm glad to see it come to Orlando with a few new twists. Hope Orlando gets a similar facade!
  4. HHN XX was my first year. Instantly hooked the second I walked in the gates.
  5. From the Orlando Facebook: Murdy said the same thing last night when a follower asked if there would be an announcement this weekend.
  6. "There is to be no photography or videotaping. Ignoring this rule is grounds for ejection from the theater as well as a serious beat down from Chris Brown."

  7. It'll probably be another IP announcement next. I think it's going to be Alice Cooper because if the rumors of Penn and Teller being the main focus of the event are true, they'll probably hold off on announcing that. This is pretty interesting. Another obstacle? I think we all need to shake the hands of the entire Horror Nights staff for being able to pull of an event this year. A "location thought to be unavailable for use at HHN ever again..."? Hmmm... Nazerman's/Sting Alley?
  8. Written with the room permits in mind! And I believe that the store was after rooftop when they go looking for Merle after seeing he escaped. Also, IF the house enters into a prison-style scarezone, what are the chances we see the barn on fire? Technically it would make sense...
  9. John Murdy and Greg Nicontero, co producer of the TV show, talk about how Universal and AMC came together and confirm a few scenes that will be in the house: http://www.huffingto...&comm_ref=false Looks like the house will start in the hospital and we'll see the well walker, bicycle girl, the campsite and the swamp.
  10. From the HHN Orlando Facebook: Walking Dead announcement tomorrow?
  11. Did not know about that scene in the Friday the 13th house. I also forgot about that prop in the Saw house... I remember seeing a picture of that somewhere and thinking "Holy crap, how'd they allow that to fly?". Like I said Hollywood from what I've seen is definitely more pushy, I was just trying to dismiss the idea that Orlando is a PG event because they push it in some ways too. Come on now, some of the complaining around the internet is getting a little silly. There's been plenty of cleavage in just my two years of visiting HHN. Grown Evil bats? The ice queen character? 7? I mean, I'm a guy who enjoys cleavage as much as the next, but it won't make or break either Silent Hill house so it really shouldn't be that huge of an issue. I'm very unfamiliar with the Silent Hill franchise, but I've been checking out some of the stuff on YouTube and a mannequin monster would be terrifying.
  12. Hollywood vs Orlando. Breasts vs Legs.

  13. I find both ads to be pretty risque if you ask me. While from videos I've seen of Hollywood, other than the Freddy or Zombie dancers of year's past, it seems like the sexuality is on the same level at both. I've never been to Hollywood though, so I can only go off of what I see online. Between the Death Drums show last year, Bill & Ted, and the blood shot girls, I wouldn't say Orlando is PG at all. Oh, by the way, if the nurses are wearing either costume, I'll be pretty happy about them scaring me.
  14. About the use of the characters in the Walking Dead: I was under the assumption that they weren't going to appear in the first place except for maybe a queue video. I kinda figured the way they would present the whole story would be that you are in the group following along or having to meet up with them or something along those lines. It's probably more for marketing and advertising than actual house use.
  15. From the Hollywood Twitter (HorrorNights): Be careful, Mr. Murdy! Don't open, dead inside!
  16. Quick question... with the code names for the scarezones, do any of them indicate Sting Alley? Seems kinda odd that it would be left out, especially when you figure they could easily create a scarezone based on P&T by reusing the Saws n' Steam traps and most pf the decor/props from last year...
  17. Would like to clarify that my post wasn't being negative towards the event, just the "take what you get" attitude. Not trying to start trouble at all, just trying to voice the other point of view. I think it's impossible to be negative about a year that they haven't even announced yet and that nobody has experienced. And regarding the walls being extended, I imagine that that is just for construction purposes. They would need the lagoon side for a facade/entrance/queue. Definitely does once again complicate crowd flow for HHN.
  18. You hit this so beautifully right on the head. This is exactly how I am thinking about the event this year as I read various boards and I cannot agree more. "It's a chance to go to a single event that features 8 haunted houses and six scare zones married with the best rides a theme park can offer. They play spooky music throughout the park, and build an atmosphere that I simply can't get anywhere else." 100% quoted again for the truth. I am not only a roller coaster enthusiast but a haunt enthusiast as well. I come from NY to experience the event because like you said, the atmosphere alone just cannot be duplicated anywhere else, forget about the incredible attention to detail and immersion. That is why the rumors of just one elaborate scarezone is seriously starting to worry me. I'm afraid that the atmosphere may not be there. It's also started to bother me as well that many have said that "year so and so only had x number of scarezones and x number of houses, be happy you get what you get" because of the cost of a trip to HHN. I'm allowed to be skeptical and start to worry. Universal is charging by far top dollar, so I expect their best efforts. "Some years aren't as good as others" isn't acceptable in this case. This is not Fright Fest or Halloween Haunt at a regional Cedar Fair park. This is an $89 ticket event put on by Universal Studios. I'm sorry but the notion that "next year will be better" just isn't a fair thing to say, and I agree 100% with boogeyman when I say that it is insulting to one who spends easily a grand to attend. Now, I of course will not judge the event until the reveal because doing so beforehand is not fair and would be way too premature. I still trust Universal and the creative team because they've already blown me away enough times in the past two years of attending to show me what they can do. They're incredibly talented individuals who love creating the event as much as we all love attending and hopefully the higher ups don't interfere too much.
  19. I don't get how anyone can really say that the houses will suck when a.) With all due respect to Dr. Jimmy, they aren't officially confirmed by Universal (it's been mentioned before about how things can always change) and b.) nobody has seen any concept art of any kind. This is the equivalent of saying that a roller coaster is going to suck just by looking at it when you haven't even ridden it yet. I will say that the rumors of only one scarezone and roaming hordes scares the hell out of me because what makes HHN so special for me is the atmosphere that no other event has in my opinion. Now this sounds awesome! One can hope!
  20. I think everybody's blowing this up a little too much... It could be that they started constructing the house, ran into some serious trouble that they didn't expect with the structure, and had to get rid of it quickly. I think we'll see some sort of house on the former lot of SS44 and some new attraction in its place, possibly Transformers which wouldn't be a surprise. Also gotta consider that business-wise, a new attraction that can be open all year and bring in even more revenue will always win against a house that operates for 20 nights. My two cents.
  21. I do not post here very often, but I have been very closely following this just as you all have been. I'm really excited that the event is staying Studios side, I just love the atmosphere (which to me is what makes the event so special). Now with all of this discussion about a possible Walking Dead house, at first I was completely lost as I had never even heard of the show. How I did not even know about this show being a huge horror/Halloween fan, I don't know, but I'm glad all this HHN speculation introduced me to it. I started watching and catching up on the series and like many of you would love for it to be a house. Seeing Rooftop and Hospital hallway leak and then seeing the barn and RV, I just can't see how it won't be making an appearance. Obviously would love to be able see the iconic scenes such as the "Don't Open.." door, the tank and horse (they already even have those props from last year), and the barn and the well from season two. It seems like it would be pretty easy for them to pull off considering how they can reuse a majority of the props from Nightingales. Oh, and in case you didn't notice, Shane wears a chain with "22" on it in season two. Just kinda ironic, don't ya think? Now about this 8th permit... Is it really that far fetched to think that just maybe they were able to keep it from leaking? I know that we live in a time where thanks to the internet, we can get any info about any new attraction fairly easily, but maybe Universal was able to keep one under wraps. Just throwing that out there.
  22. Winter's Night... I'd kill to walk through just one more time. Also would love to see the famous Leave it Cleaver house. But that's just more of my "wishful thinking" than it is actually even possible. As for the elements we've seen, I agree that it's a very safe bet to see projections and evolving scare zones. The projections I'm a bit iffy with. They were very impressive, but I'm not sure how you could create something that scale again... Yet, this is the Universal creative team we're talking about, so no doubt they could do it. Evolving scare zones I'm all for, the whole concept behind 7 can be done with so many different themes, I think the possibilities are endless.
  23. Not sure why there's a lot of negativity surrounding this year's show. I REALLY enjoyed it, I thought it definitely was funnier than last year although the dancing I will admit felt weaker. Popular rips on the show I've seen are the villain and Twilight. The villain I can see, as it was WAY out there and I really didn't get it either too much, but he really wasn't that important to be honest with you. Twilight though, I think was probably the best "true" parody of the past two years in terms of how they portrayed them. "YOU DON'T EVEN SPARKLE ANYMORE!" I think the video intro was almost the highlight of the show, if it wasn't for Osama and Conan. Not everyday you get a Smurfette in a 69, dudes. Great job by the actors once again and congratulations on a really awesome job in my book to the new writer. P.S. Universal, please have more hot, half naked chicks. B&T kinda lacked a little on that this year.. Love, Every man in attendance.
  24. This one is REALLY tough. It was between the Courtyard in the Forsaken, Winter's Night distant cemetery, Winter's Night facade or the Body Room in Nightingales for my vote. I'm going to go with the distant cemetery, though, in a really tight one. When considering scare consistency, set design, actors, and intensity this one won for me. Just going on "WOW!" factor, Courtyard and Winter's Night would win just because of how blown away I was. Honorable mention to the Red Masque of Death room for still giving me nightmares.
  25. To be honest, the only house I regret missing is in fact Saws n' Steam. Just hearing the saws and screams from outside made me want to get in line, but with waits at 75-100 minutes, I just for whatever reason skipped it. The only mistake I think I made both nights was in fact skipping Saws now that I hear how awesome the cast was. As for Winter's Night, I can't put my finger on exactly why I loved it so much. Anytime somebody has asked me why it was my favorite, I tell them "I don't really know". It was just a great house to experience, and one I took pleasure in repeating.
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