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Everything posted by Goo

  1. I wonder how they'll pull off a cemetery. It's such an open space. Or maybe we'll go into some tombs or something?
  2. I think this zone will surprise people. The sets look awesome, and with the 3D projection, I think it'll all come together perfectly.
  3. I'm so excited for this zone. I'm glad an official zone is back this area.
  4. I too hope it's as loud as they possibly can. I'm hoping this house will be great. But the lack of real chainsaw... Idk. It could kill it. Maybe they could put a few guys outside with chainsaws.
  5. I'm wondering how dark it will be and what kind of characters will be in it.. Someone said that it might be people who blend in.. but that seems a little bland.
  6. I wonder what the scaracters will be in the Nightmaze. It seems to be the most anticipated zone of this year.
  7. Well the reveal IS at 12. "Six hours left…are you in?" just making it clear!
  8. You're right. They'll probably do it later in the day, or closer to early in the morning. One thing I found interesting though.. "and you’ll get to see who you’ll really be facing at this year’s event." More to miss Luck than what the commercial has show, it seems?
  9. Isn't the official reveal tomorrow night though? (12am)
  10. Where exactly is Ritcher's? It's hard to picture some of these places since i don't got to the parks but once a year.
  11. The commercial is pretty bad. There is not pay off in the end like past commercials. Like the clown and the directer, you had the bell and the bell i believe. Bloody Mary you had her coming out of the mirror. This, you have.... nothing. No close. As for Lady Luck.... I know there MIGHT be more... But why is she so old? I was expecting a sexy icon in a very sleek green dress, with maybe another "side" to her. I don't know.. Just a little disappoinred. Even FEAR had more appeal than her in my opinion.
  12. Are you kidding me? I mean, I don't get more then startles usually in scarezones, but I've gotten some good scares in the zones. It depends on how the zones is laid out. Some zones have better hiding spots and such that create great scares.
  13. "We see you’ve been begging to learn all about HHN 21. So we’ve decided to reveal ALL of the horrifying details a day earlier – Aug. 31. Only one week left…tick tock…remember, you asked for it…"
  14. It doesn't look like the storm is going to hit us. I'm sure they are holding back a little bit, but I doubt they will stop all construction.
  15. I disagree. That doesn't fit in with the Holiday theme. I think it's for Saws & Steam. Seems more steam punk without the aging and paint on it.
  16. Well, there's an Alien-like creature in the works. Look at the facebook page. What do you guys thing? I don't think it's for The Thing..
  17. That's possible.. I don't think it'd be as effective as actual sets, though. Behind the screen are fences. I figured they just didn't want people climbing on them. Also, some of them are as smoothed out as others.. But who knows!
  18. This picture is interesting. The shape of it reminds me of a television screen. The edges are rounded, there's grain, and it's pretty much black and white. Obviously this has come from the Disaster queue, probably from the same scene that our fake"leaked' picture was taken.
  19. I'm not sure if this belongs here or in the site thread, but there are fake "sneak in" pictures on the HHN21 facebook. One is from disaster and one is from Jaws. Really ins't much, but hey, it's something!
  20. Pretty sure it's a pirate ship! There seaweed lookin stuff on the ropes. It's pretty wild looking! I think the face is a prop because of the eyes. The houses this year look incredibly unique.
  21. Damn, 55 dollars for unmasking. I don't think I'm gonna be able to do it this year with all the people I'm going with... Oh well. And 225 for Arcane? Really? I doubt that many people are gonna pay for that one.
  22. So, this might be a bit of a stretch, but wasn't the original RUN a "game show"? And the original concept had a ton of random scenes, I believe. I don't know much about what the Disaster house is, but the TVs and such kind of made me think of the idea of a game show.
  23. "Lady Elizabeth Hawthorn". It's seen when you click the right tombstone in the site game. Could this be our Icon's name?
  24. I don't think it will be 3-D with glasses... I think it might be something more along the lines of Dead Exposure, with the black lights playing a big role in scenes.
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