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Everything posted by ThomasHHN

  1. I don't know about the whole pirate house..this picture really dosent show much..
  2. Ah ok. Thank you all for the response, I will give them a call today to book the date I will be going
  3. This may sound a bit stupid, but..can I buy the unmasking ticket online? or do I have to actually call them to get my spot on a certain date?
  4. I honestly couldn't see the Raven at first when i played it, but since seeing this image I clearly see it! Amazing stuff It also looks like a smiley face before " The Doctor" signs at the bottom..
  5. I've also tried figure that out to, its hard to read.
  6. I'm not sure if this belongs here..but does anyone know if there having those tours before the event?
  7. Awesome backgrounds gambit & Jumboshrmp
  8. These new wall papers are just amazing..it's so hard to chose which wall paper I want! I can't wait to see what you guys do when the site is all done
  9. wait where's the parade building?
  10. Probably not till the week of the event. I think that's how they did it last year
  11. Hellgate que was my all time fav as was Scream House and The Nightmare On Elm Street one.
  12. Awesome wallpaper JW! It is now my background
  13. Ahh I see, that could be it, I was just wondering..that is all
  14. These all look really amazing!! Well done Gambit!
  15. Just curious Cavalry, but when i was looking through your construction photos what was the one of the man in the boat by Jaws doing? o_0
  16. Sorry about that Reaper. I cannot wait till these facades are complete, going to look awesome
  17. I was inline for Hades right when it started down pouring, I was soaked going into that house!
  18. Yeah,he waves his arms around stops the fire..gets it really quiet then..he speaks! haha then more arm waving from Fear
  19. This house was amazing on the 2nd day (25th) went through it twice, first time during the AP time and towards the end everyone was chanting for Jack he just clapped and yelled thank you. The second time at night when we encountered Jack we started chanting again and he was jumping around doing the robot. So great!
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